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Math.ceil(d) : Math.floor(d); for (0 > d && (d += c); d < c; d++) if (d in this && this[d] === a) return d; return -1 } function P(a) { return null === a || "undefined" === typeof a } function ea(a, b, c) { c = c || "normal"; var d = a + "_" + b + "_" + c, e = wa[d]; if (isNaN(e)) { try { a = "position:absolute; left:0px; top:-20000px; padding:0px;margin:0px;border:none;white-space:pre;line-height:normal;font-family:" + a + "; font-size:" + b + "px; font-weight:" + c + ";"; if (!U) { var f = document.body; U = document.createElement("span"); U.innerHTML = ""; var g = document.createTextNode("Mpgyi"); U.appendChild(g); f.appendChild(U) } U.style.display = ""; U.setAttribute("style", a); e = Math.round(U.offsetHeight); U.style.display = "none" } catch (k) { e = Math.ceil(1.1 * b) } e = Math.max(e, b); wa[d] = e } return e } function M(a, b) { var c = []; lineDashTypeMap = { solid: [], shortDash: [3, 1], shortDot: [1, 1], shortDashDot: [3, 1, 1, 1], shortDashDotDot: [3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dot: [1, 2], dash: [4, 2], dashDot: [4, 2, 1, 2], longDash: [8, 2], longDashDot: [8, 2, 1, 2], longDashDotDot: [8, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2] }; if (c = lineDashTypeMap[a || "solid"]) for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) c[d] *= b; else c = []; return c } function F(a, b, c, d) { if (a.addEventListener) a.addEventListener(b, c, d || !1); else if (a.attachEvent) a.attachEvent("on" + b, function(b) { b = b || window.event; b.preventDefault = b.preventDefault || function() { b.returnValue = !1 }; b.stopPropagation = b.stopPropagation || function() { b.cancelBubble = !0 }; c.call(a, b) }); else return !1 } function xa(a, b, c) { a *= J; b *= J; a = c.getImageData(a, b, 2, 2).data; b = !0; for (c = 0; 4 > c; c++) if (a[c] !== a[c + 4] | a[c] !== a[c + 8] | a[c] !== a[c + 12]) { b = !1; break } return b ? a[0] << 16 | a[1] << 8 | a[2] : 0 } function N(a, b, c) { return a in b ? b[a] : c[a] } function fa(a, b, c) { if (t && ya) { var d = a.getContext("2d"); ga = d.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || d.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || d.msBackingStorePixelRatio || d.oBackingStorePixelRatio || d.backingStorePixelRatio || 1; J = oa / ga; a.width = b * J; a.height = c * J; oa !== ga && (a.style.width = b + "px", a.style.height = c + "px", d.scale(J, J)) } else a.width = b, a.height = c } function V(a, b) { var c = document.createElement("canvas"); c.setAttribute("class", "canvasjs-chart-canvas"); fa(c, a, b); t || "undefined" === typeof G_vmlCanvasManager || G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(c); return c } function za(a, b, c) { if (a && b && c) { c = c + "." + b; var d = "image/" + b; a = a.toDataURL(d); var e = !1, f = document.createElement("a"); f.download = c; f.href = a; f.target = "_blank"; if ("undefined" !== typeof Blob && new Blob) { for (var g = a.replace(/^data:[a-z/]*;base64,/, ""), g = atob(g), k = new ArrayBuffer(g.length), k = new Uint8Array(k), p = 0; p < g.length; p++) k[p] = g.charCodeAt(p); b = new Blob([k.buffer], { type: "image/" + b }); try { window.navigator.msSaveBlob(b, c), e = !0 } catch (h) { f.dataset.downloadurl = [d, f.download, f.href ].join(":"), f.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(b) } } if (!e) try { event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"), event.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !1, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null), f.dispatchEvent ? f.dispatchEvent(event) : f.fireEvent && f.fireEvent("onclick") } catch (l) { b = window.open(), b.document.write("
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"), b.document.close() } } } function Q(a, b, c) { b.getAttribute("state") !== c && (b.setAttribute("state", c), b.setAttribute("type", "button"), b.style.position = "relative", b.style.margin = "0px 0px 0px 0px", b.style.padding = "3px 4px 0px 4px", b.style.cssFloat = "left", b.setAttribute("title", a._cultureInfo[c + "Text"]), b.innerHTML = "" + a._cultureInfo[c + "Text"] + "") } function ha() { for (var a = null, b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) a = arguments[b], a.style && (a.style.display = "inline") } function S() { for (var a = null, b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++)(a = arguments[b]) && a.style && (a.style.display = "none") } function G(a, b, c, d) { this._defaultsKey = a; this.parent = d; this._eventListeners = []; d = {}; c && (Y[c] && Y[c][a]) && (d = Y[c][a]); this._options = b ? b : {}; this.setOptions(this._options, d) } function u(a, b, c) { this._publicChartReference = c; b = b || {}; u.base.constructor.call(this, "Chart", b, b.theme ? b.theme : "theme1"); var d = this; this._containerId = a; this._objectsInitialized = !1; this.overlaidCanvasCtx = this.ctx = null; this._indexLabels = []; this._panTimerId = 0; this._lastTouchEventType = ""; this._lastTouchData = null; this.isAnimating = !1; this.renderCount = 0; this.panEnabled = this.disableToolTip = this.animatedRender = !1; this._defaultCursor = "default"; this.plotArea = { canvas: null, ctx: null, x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; this._dataInRenderedOrder = []; (this._container = "string" === typeof this._containerId ? document.getElementById(this._containerId) : this._containerId) ? (this._container.innerHTML = "", b = a = 0, a = this._options.width ? this.width : 0 < this._container.clientWidth ? this._container.clientWidth : this.width, b = this._options.height ? this.height : 0 < this._container.clientHeight ? this._container.clientHeight : this.height, this.width = a, this.height = b, this.x1 = this.y1 = 0, this.x2 = this.width, this.y2 = this.height, this._selectedColorSet = "undefined" !== typeof W[this.colorSet] ? W[this.colorSet] : W.colorSet1, this._canvasJSContainer = document.createElement("div"), this._canvasJSContainer.setAttribute("class", "canvasjs-chart-container"), this._canvasJSContainer.style.position = "relative", this._canvasJSContainer.style.textAlign = "left", this._canvasJSContainer.style.cursor = "auto", t || (this._canvasJSContainer.style.height = "0px"), this._container.appendChild(this._canvasJSContainer), this.canvas = V(a, b), this.canvas.style.position = "absolute", this.canvas.getContext && (this._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this.canvas), this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), this.ctx.textBaseline = "top", Da(this.ctx), t ? this.plotArea.ctx = this.ctx : (this.plotArea.canvas = V(a, b), this.plotArea.canvas.style.position = "absolute", this.plotArea.canvas.setAttribute("class", "plotAreaCanvas"), this._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this.plotArea.canvas), this.plotArea.ctx = this.plotArea.canvas.getContext("2d")), this.overlaidCanvas = V(a, b), this.overlaidCanvas.style.position = "absolute", this._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this.overlaidCanvas), this.overlaidCanvasCtx = this.overlaidCanvas.getContext("2d"), this.overlaidCanvasCtx.textBaseline = "top", this._eventManager = new aa(this), F(window, "resize", function() { d._updateSize() && d.render() }), this._toolBar = document.createElement("div"), this._toolBar.setAttribute("class", "canvasjs-chart-toolbar"), this._toolBar.style.cssText = "position: absolute; right: 1px; top: 1px;", this._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this._toolBar), this.bounds = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: this.width, y2: this.height }, F(this.overlaidCanvas, "click", function(a) { d._mouseEventHandler(a) }), F(this.overlaidCanvas, "mousemove", function(a) { d._mouseEventHandler(a) }), F(this.overlaidCanvas, "mouseup", function(a) { d._mouseEventHandler(a) }), F(this.overlaidCanvas, "mousedown", function(a) { d._mouseEventHandler(a); S(d._dropdownMenu) }), F(this.overlaidCanvas, "mouseout", function(a) { d._mouseEventHandler(a) }), F(this.overlaidCanvas, window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerDown" : "touchstart", function(a) { d._touchEventHandler(a) }), F(this.overlaidCanvas, window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerMove" : "touchmove", function(a) { d._touchEventHandler(a) }), F(this.overlaidCanvas, window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerUp" : "touchend", function(a) { d._touchEventHandler(a) }), F(this.overlaidCanvas, window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerCancel" : "touchcancel", function(a) { d._touchEventHandler(a) }), this._creditLink || (this._creditLink = document.createElement("a"), this._creditLink.setAttribute("class", ""), this._creditLink.setAttribute("style", "outline:none;margin:0px;position:absolute;right:3px;top:" + (this.height - 14) + "px;color:dimgrey;text-decoration:none;font-size:10px;font-family:Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial, sans-serif"), this._creditLink.setAttribute("tabIndex", -1), this._creditLink.setAttribute("target", "_blank")), this._toolTip = new R(this, this._options.toolTip, this.theme), this.axisY2 = this.axisY = this.axisX = this.data = null, this.sessionVariables = { axisX: {}, axisY: {}, axisY2: {} })) : window.console && window.console.log('CanvasJS Error: Chart Container with id "' + this._containerId + '" was not found') } function ia(a, b) { for (var c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) if (0 == d) c.push(a[0]); else { var e, f, g; g = d - 1; e = 0 === g ? 0 : g - 1; f = g === a.length - 1 ? g : g + 1; c[c.length] = { x: a[g].x + (a[f].x - a[e].x) / b / 3, y: a[g].y + (a[f].y - a[e].y) / b / 3 }; g = d; e = 0 === g ? 0 : g - 1; f = g === a.length - 1 ? g : g + 1; c[c.length] = { x: a[g].x - (a[f].x - a[e].x) / b / 3, y: a[g].y - (a[f].y - a[e].y) / b / 3 }; c[c.length] = a[d] } return c } function Aa(a, b) { if (null === a || "undefined" === typeof a) return b; var c = parseFloat(a.toString()) * (0 <= a.toString().indexOf("%") ? b / 100 : 1); return !isNaN(c) && c <= b && 0 <= c ? c : b } function Z(a, b, c, d, e) { "undefined" === typeof e && (e = 0); this._padding = e; this._x1 = a; this._y1 = b; this._x2 = c; this._y2 = d; this._rightOccupied = this._leftOccupied = this._bottomOccupied = this._topOccupied = this._padding } function H(a, b) { H.base.constructor.call(this, "TextBlock", b); this.ctx = a; this._isDirty = !0; this._wrappedText = null; this._lineHeight = ea(this.fontFamily, this.fontSize, this.fontWeight) } function ba(a, b) { ba.base.constructor.call(this, "Title", b, a.theme); this.chart = a; this.canvas = a.canvas; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx; "undefined" === typeof this._options.fontSize && (this.fontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.fontSize)); this.height = this.width = null; this.bounds = { x1: null, y1: null, x2: null, y2: null } } function ja(a, b) { ja.base.constructor.call(this, "Subtitle", b, a.theme); this.chart = a; this.canvas = a.canvas; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx; "undefined" === typeof this._options.fontSize && (this.fontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.fontSize)); this.height = this.width = null; this.bounds = { x1: null, y1: null, x2: null, y2: null } } function ka(a, b, c) { ka.base.constructor.call(this, "Legend", b, c); this.chart = a; this.canvas = a.canvas; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx; this.ghostCtx = this.chart._eventManager.ghostCtx; this.items = []; this.height = this.width = 0; this.orientation = null; this.dataSeries = []; this.bounds = { x1: null, y1: null, x2: null, y2: null }; "undefined" === typeof this._options.fontSize && (this.fontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.fontSize)); this.lineHeight = ea(this.fontFamily, this.fontSize, this.fontWeight); this.horizontalSpacing = this.fontSize } function pa(a, b) { pa.base.constructor.call(this, b); this.chart = a; this.canvas = a.canvas; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx } function T(a, b, c, d, e) { T.base.constructor.call(this, "DataSeries", b, c); this.chart = a; this.canvas = a.canvas; this._ctx = a.canvas.ctx; this.index = d; this.noDataPointsInPlotArea = 0; this.id = e; this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[e] = { id: e, objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: d }; this.dataPointIds = []; this.plotUnit = []; this.axisY = this.axisX = null; null === this.fillOpacity && (this.type.match(/area/i) ? this.fillOpacity = 0.7 : this.fillOpacity = 1); this.axisPlacement = this.getDefaultAxisPlacement(); "undefined" === typeof this._options.indexLabelFontSize && (this.indexLabelFontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.indexLabelFontSize)) } function C(a, b, c, d) { C.base.constructor.call(this, "Axis", b, a.theme); this.chart = a; this.canvas = a.canvas; this.ctx = a.ctx; this.intervalStartPosition = this.maxHeight = this.maxWidth = 0; this.labels = []; this._labels = null; this.dataInfo = { min: Infinity, max: -Infinity, viewPortMin: Infinity, viewPortMax: -Infinity, minDiff: Infinity }; "axisX" === c ? (this.sessionVariables = this.chart.sessionVariables[c], this._options.interval || (this.intervalType = null)) : this.sessionVariables = "left" === d || "top" === d ? this.chart.sessionVariables.axisY : this.chart.sessionVariables.axisY2; "undefined" === typeof this._options.titleFontSize && (this.titleFontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.titleFontSize)); "undefined" === typeof this._options.labelFontSize && (this.labelFontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.labelFontSize)); this.type = c; "axisX" !== c || b && "undefined" !== typeof b.gridThickness || (this.gridThickness = 0); this._position = d; this.lineCoordinates = { x1: null, y1: null, x2: null, y2: null, width: null }; this.labelAngle = (this.labelAngle % 360 + 360) % 360; 90 < this.labelAngle && 270 >= this.labelAngle ? this.labelAngle -= 180 : 180 < this.labelAngle && 270 >= this.labelAngle ? this.labelAngle -= 180 : 270 < this.labelAngle && 360 >= this.labelAngle && (this.labelAngle -= 360); if (this._options.stripLines && 0 < this._options.stripLines.length) for (this.stripLines = [], b = 0; b < this._options.stripLines.length; b++) this.stripLines.push(new la(this.chart, this._options.stripLines[b], a.theme, ++this.chart._eventManager.lastObjectId, this)); this._titleTextBlock = null; this.hasOptionChanged("viewportMinimum") && null === this.viewportMinimum && (this._options.viewportMinimum = void 0, this.sessionVariables.viewportMinimum = null); this.hasOptionChanged("viewportMinimum") || isNaN(this.sessionVariables.newViewportMinimum) || null === this.sessionVariables.newViewportMinimum ? this.sessionVariables.newViewportMinimum = null : this.viewportMinimum = this.sessionVariables.newViewportMinimum; this.hasOptionChanged("viewportMaximum") && null === this.viewportMaximum && (this._options.viewportMaximum = void 0, this.sessionVariables.viewportMaximum = null); this.hasOptionChanged("viewportMaximum") || isNaN(this.sessionVariables.newViewportMaximum) || null === this.sessionVariables.newViewportMaximum ? this.sessionVariables.newViewportMaximum = null : this.viewportMaximum = this.sessionVariables.newViewportMaximum; null !== this.minimum && null !== this.viewportMinimum && (this.viewportMinimum = Math.max(this.viewportMinimum, this.minimum)); null !== this.maximum && null !== this.viewportMaximum && (this.viewportMaximum = Math.min(this.viewportMaximum, this.maximum)); this.trackChanges("viewportMinimum"); this.trackChanges("viewportMaximum") } function la(a, b, c, d, e) { la.base.constructor.call(this, "StripLine", b, c, e); this.id = d; this.chart = a; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx; this.label = this.label; this._thicknessType = "pixel"; null !== this.startValue && null !== this.endValue && (this.value = ((this.startValue.getTime ? this.startValue.getTime() : this.startValue) + (this.endValue.getTime ? this.endValue.getTime() : this.endValue)) / 2, this.thickness = Math.max(this.endValue - this.startValue), this._thicknessType = "value") } function R(a, b, c) { R.base.constructor.call(this, "ToolTip", b, c); this.chart = a; this.canvas = a.canvas; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx; this.currentDataPointIndex = this.currentSeriesIndex = -1; this._timerId = 0; this._prevY = this._prevX = NaN; this._initialize() } function aa(a) { this.chart = a; this.lastObjectId = 0; this.objectMap = []; this.rectangularRegionEventSubscriptions = []; this.previousDataPointEventObject = null; this.ghostCanvas = V(this.chart.width, this.chart.height); this.ghostCtx = this.ghostCanvas.getContext("2d"); this.mouseoveredObjectMaps = [] } function ca(a) { var b; a && da[a] && (b = da[a]); ca.base.constructor.call(this, "CultureInfo", b) } function qa(a) { this.chart = a; this.ctx = this.chart.plotArea.ctx; this.animations = []; this.animationRequestId = null } var t = !!document.createElement("canvas").getContext, ma = { Chart: { width: 500, height: 400, zoomEnabled: !1, zoomType: "x", backgroundColor: "white", theme: "theme1", animationEnabled: !1, animationDuration: 1200, dataPointWidth: null, dataPointMinWidth: null, dataPointMaxWidth: null, colorSet: "colorSet1", culture: "en", creditText: "", interactivityEnabled: !0, exportEnabled: !1, exportFileName: "Chart", rangeChanging: null, rangeChanged: null }, Title: { padding: 0, text: null, verticalAlign: "top", horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: 20, fontFamily: "Calibri", fontWeight: "normal", fontColor: "black", fontStyle: "normal", borderThickness: 0, borderColor: "black", cornerRadius: 0, backgroundColor: null, margin: 5, wrap: !0, maxWidth: null, dockInsidePlotArea: !1 }, Subtitle: { padding: 0, text: null, verticalAlign: "top", horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: 14, fontFamily: "Calibri", fontWeight: "normal", fontColor: "black", fontStyle: "normal", borderThickness: 0, borderColor: "black", cornerRadius: 0, backgroundColor: null, margin: 2, wrap: !0, maxWidth: null, dockInsidePlotArea: !1 }, Legend: { name: null, verticalAlign: "center", horizontalAlign: "right", 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12, indexLabelFontStyle: "normal", indexLabelFontFamily: "Arial", indexLabelFontWeight: "normal", indexLabelBackgroundColor: null, indexLabelLineColor: null, indexLabelLineThickness: 1, indexLabelLineDashType: "solid", indexLabelMaxWidth: null, indexLabelWrap: !0, indexLabelFormatter: null, lineThickness: 2, lineDashType: "solid", color: null, risingColor: "white", fillOpacity: null, startAngle: 0, radius: null, innerRadius: null, type: "column", xValueType: "number", axisYType: "primary", xValueFormatString: null, yValueFormatString: null, zValueFormatString: null, percentFormatString: null, showInLegend: null, legendMarkerType: null, legendMarkerColor: null, legendText: null, legendMarkerBorderColor: null, legendMarkerBorderThickness: null, markerType: "circle", markerColor: null, markerSize: null, markerBorderColor: null, markerBorderThickness: null, mouseover: null, mouseout: null, mousemove: null, click: null, toolTipContent: null, visible: !0 }, TextBlock: { x: 0, y: 0, width: null, height: null, maxWidth: null, maxHeight: null, padding: 0, angle: 0, text: "", horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: 12, fontFamily: "calibri", fontWeight: "normal", fontColor: "black", fontStyle: "normal", borderThickness: 0, borderColor: "black", cornerRadius: 0, backgroundColor: null, textBaseline: "top" }, CultureInfo: { decimalSeparator: ".", digitGroupSeparator: ",", zoomText: "Zoom", panText: "Pan", resetText: "Reset", menuText: "More Options", saveJPGText: "Save as JPEG", savePNGText: "Save as PNG", days: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "), shortDays: "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" "), months: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "), shortMonths: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" ") } }, da = { en: {} }, W = { colorSet1: "#f54d5e #84a84e #ffbf65 #86B402 #A2D1CF #C8B631 #6DBCEB #52514E #4F81BC #A064A1 #F79647".split(" "), colorSet2: "#4F81BC #C0504E #9BBB58 #23BFAA #8064A1 #4AACC5 #F79647 #33558B".split(" "), colorSet3: "#8CA1BC #36845C #017E82 #8CB9D0 #708C98 #94838D #F08891 #0366A7 #008276 #EE7757 #E5BA3A #F2990B #03557B #782970".split(" ") }, Y = { theme1: { Chart: { colorSet: "colorSet1" }, Title: { fontFamily: t ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", fontSize: 33, fontColor: "#3A3A3A", fontWeight: "bold", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Subtitle: { fontFamily: t ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", fontSize: 16, fontColor: "#3A3A3A", fontWeight: "bold", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Axis: { titleFontSize: 26, titleFontColor: "#666666", titleFontFamily: t ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", labelFontFamily: t ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", labelFontSize: 18, labelFontColor: "grey", tickColor: "#BBBBBB", tickThickness: 2, gridThickness: 2, gridColor: "#BBBBBB", lineThickness: 2, lineColor: "#BBBBBB" }, Legend: { verticalAlign: "bottom", horizontalAlign: "center", fontFamily: t ? "monospace, sans-serif,arial black" : "calibri" }, DataSeries: { indexLabelFontColor: "grey", indexLabelFontFamily: t ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", indexLabelFontSize: 18, indexLabelLineThickness: 1 } }, theme2: { Chart: { colorSet: "colorSet2" }, Title: { fontFamily: "impact, charcoal, arial black, sans-serif", fontSize: 32, fontColor: "#333333", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Subtitle: { fontFamily: "impact, charcoal, arial black, sans-serif", fontSize: 14, fontColor: "#333333", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Axis: { titleFontSize: 22, titleFontColor: "rgb(98,98,98)", titleFontFamily: t ? "monospace, sans-serif,arial black" : "arial", titleFontWeight: "bold", labelFontFamily: t ? "monospace, Courier New, Courier" : "arial", labelFontSize: 16, labelFontColor: "grey", labelFontWeight: "bold", tickColor: "grey", tickThickness: 2, gridThickness: 2, gridColor: "grey", lineColor: "grey", lineThickness: 0 }, Legend: { verticalAlign: "bottom", horizontalAlign: "center", fontFamily: t ? "monospace, sans-serif,arial black" : "arial" }, DataSeries: { indexLabelFontColor: "grey", indexLabelFontFamily: t ? "Courier New, Courier, monospace" : "arial", indexLabelFontWeight: "bold", indexLabelFontSize: 18, indexLabelLineThickness: 1 } }, theme3: { Chart: { colorSet: "colorSet1" }, Title: { fontFamily: t ? "Candara, Optima, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Trebuchet MS, serif" : "calibri", fontSize: 32, fontColor: "#3A3A3A", fontWeight: "bold", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Subtitle: { fontFamily: t ? "Candara, Optima, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Trebuchet MS, serif" : "calibri", fontSize: 16, fontColor: "#3A3A3A", fontWeight: "bold", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Axis: { titleFontSize: 22, titleFontColor: "rgb(98,98,98)", titleFontFamily: t ? "Verdana, Geneva, Calibri, sans-serif" : "calibri", labelFontFamily: t ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", labelFontSize: 18, labelFontColor: "grey", tickColor: "grey", tickThickness: 2, gridThickness: 2, gridColor: "grey", lineThickness: 2, lineColor: "grey" }, Legend: { verticalAlign: "bottom", horizontalAlign: "center", fontFamily: t ? "monospace, sans-serif,arial black" : "calibri" }, DataSeries: { bevelEnabled: !0, indexLabelFontColor: "grey", indexLabelFontFamily: t ? "Candara, Optima, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", indexLabelFontSize: 18, indexLabelLineColor: "lightgrey", indexLabelLineThickness: 2 } } }, D = { numberDuration: 1, yearDuration: 314496E5, monthDuration: 2592E6, weekDuration: 6048E5, dayDuration: 864E5, hourDuration: 36E5, minuteDuration: 6E4, secondDuration: 1E3, millisecondDuration: 1, dayOfWeekFromInt: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" ") }, wa = {}, U = null, ra = function() { var a = /D{1,4}|M{1,4}|Y{1,4}|h{1,2}|H{1,2}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|f{1,3}|t{1,2}|T{1,2}|K|z{1,3}|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, b = "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "), c = "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" "), d = "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "), e = "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "), f = /\b(?:[PMCEA][SDP]T|(?:Pacific|Mountain|Central|Eastern|Atlantic) (?:Standard|Daylight|Prevailing) Time|(?:GMT|UTC)(?:[-+]\d{4})?)\b/g, g = /[^-+\dA-Z]/g; return function(k, p, h) { var l = h ? h.days : b, m = h ? h.months : d, n = h ? h.shortDays : c, q = h ? h.shortMonths : e; h = ""; var r = !1; k = k && k.getTime ? k : k ? new Date(k) : new Date; if (isNaN(k)) throw SyntaxError("invalid date"); "UTC:" === p.slice(0, 4) && (p = p.slice(4), r = !0); h = r ? "getUTC" : "get"; var s = k[h + "Date"](), w = k[h + "Day"](), v = k[h + "Month"](), x = k[h + "FullYear"](), t = k[h + "Hours"](), y = k[h + "Minutes"](), z = k[h + "Seconds"](), u = k[h + "Milliseconds"](), A = r ? 0 : k.getTimezoneOffset(); return h = p.replace(a, function(a) { switch (a) { case "D": return s; case "DD": return L(s, 2); case "DDD": return n[w]; case "DDDD": return l[w]; case "M": return v + 1; case "MM": return L(v + 1, 2); case "MMM": return q[v]; case "MMMM": return m[v]; case "Y": return parseInt(String(x).slice(-2)); case "YY": return L(String(x).slice(-2), 2); case "YYY": return L(String(x).slice(-3), 3); case "YYYY": return L(x, 4); case "h": return t % 12 || 12; case "hh": return L(t % 12 || 12, 2); case "H": return t; case "HH": return L(t, 2); case "m": return y; case "mm": return L(y, 2); case "s": return z; case "ss": return L(z, 2); case "f": return String(u).slice(0, 1); case "ff": return L(String(u).slice(0, 2), 2); case "fff": return L(String(u).slice(0, 3), 3); case "t": return 12 > t ? "a" : "p"; case "tt": return 12 > t ? "am" : "pm"; case "T": return 12 > t ? "A" : "P"; case "TT": return 12 > t ? "AM" : "PM"; case "K": return r ? "UTC" : (String(k).match(f) || [""]).pop().replace(g, ""); case "z": return (0 < A ? "-" : "+") + Math.floor(Math.abs(A) / 60); case "zz": return (0 < A ? "-" : "+") + L(Math.floor(Math.abs(A) / 60), 2); case "zzz": return (0 < A ? "-" : "+") + L(Math.floor(Math.abs(A) / 60), 2) + L(Math.abs(A) % 60, 2); default: return a.slice(1, a.length - 1) } }) } }(), X = function(a, b, c) { if (null === a) return ""; a = Number(a); var d = 0 > a ? !0 : !1; d && (a *= -1); var e = c ? c.decimalSeparator : ".", f = c ? c.digitGroupSeparator : ",", g = ""; b = String(b); var g = 1, k = c = "", p = -1, h = [], l = [], m = 0, n = 0, q = 0, r = !1, s = 0, k = b.match(/"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[eE][+-]*[0]+|[,]+[.]|\u2030|./g); b = null; for (var w = 0; k && w < k.length; w++) if (b = k[w], "." === b && 0 > p) p = w; else { if ("%" === b) g *= 100; else if ("\u2030" === b) { g *= 1E3; continue } else if ("," === b[0] && "." === b[b.length - 1]) { g /= Math.pow(1E3, b.length - 1); p = w + b.length - 1; continue } else "E" !== b[0] && "e" !== b[0] || "0" !== b[b.length - 1] || (r = !0); 0 > p ? (h.push(b), "#" === b || "0" === b ? m++ : "," === b && q++) : (l.push(b), "#" !== b && "0" !== b || n++) } r && (b = Math.floor(a), s = (0 === b ? "" : String(b)).length - m, g /= Math.pow(10, s)); 0 > p && (p = w); g = (a * g).toFixed(n); b = g.split("."); g = (b[0] + "").split(""); a = (b[1] + "").split(""); g && "0" === g[0] && g.shift(); for (w = r = k = n = p = 0; 0 < h.length;) if (b = h.pop(), "#" === b || "0" === b) if (p++, p === m) { var v = g, g = []; if ("0" === b) for (b = m - n - (v ? v.length : 0); 0 < b;) v.unshift("0"), b--; for (; 0 < v.length;) c = v.pop() + c, w++, 0 === w % r && (k === q && 0 < v.length) && (c = f + c); d && (c = "-" + c) } else 0 < g.length ? (c = g.pop() + c, n++, w++) : "0" === b && (c = "0" + c, n++, w++), 0 === w % r && (k === q && 0 < g.length) && (c = f + c); else "E" !== b[0] && "e" !== b[0] || "0" !== b[b.length - 1] || !/[eE][+-]*[0]+/.test(b) ? "," === b ? (k++, r = w, w = 0, 0 < g.length && (c = f + c)) : c = 1 < b.length && ('"' === b[0] && '"' === b[b.length - 1] || "'" === b[0] && "'" === b[b.length - 1]) ? b.slice(1, b.length - 1) + c : b + c : (b = 0 > s ? b.replace("+", "").replace("-", "") : b.replace("-", ""), c += b.replace(/[0]+/, function(a) { return L(s, a.length) })); d = ""; for (f = !1; 0 < l.length;) b = l.shift(), "#" === b || "0" === b ? 0 < a.length && 0 !== Number(a.join("")) ? (d += a.shift(), f = !0) : "0" === b && (d += "0", f = !0) : 1 < b.length && ('"' === b[0] && '"' === b[b.length - 1] || "'" === b[0] && "'" === b[b.length - 1]) ? d += b.slice(1, b.length - 1) : "E" !== b[0] && "e" !== b[0] || "0" !== b[b.length - 1] || !/[eE][+-]*[0]+/.test(b) ? d += b : (b = 0 > s ? b.replace("+", "").replace("-", "") : b.replace("-", ""), d += b.replace(/[0]+/, function(a) { return L(s, a.length) })); return c + ((f ? e : "") + d) }, na = function(a) { var b = 0, c = 0; a = a || window.event; a.offsetX || 0 === a.offsetX ? (b = a.offsetX, c = a.offsetY) : a.layerX || 0 == a.layerX ? (b = a.layerX, c = a.layerY) : (b = a.pageX - a.target.offsetLeft, c = a.pageY - a.target.offsetTop); return { x: b, y: c } }, ya = !0, oa = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, ga = 1, J = ya ? oa / ga : 1, Fa = { reset: { image: "" }, pan: { image: "" }, zoom: { image: "" }, menu: { image: "" } }; G.prototype.setOptions = function(a, b) { if (ma[this._defaultsKey]) { var c = ma[this._defaultsKey], d; for (d in c) c.hasOwnProperty(d) && (this[d] = a && d in a ? a[d] : b && d in b ? b[d] : c[d]) } }; G.prototype.updateOption = function(a) { var b = ma[this._defaultsKey], c = this._options.theme ? this._options.theme : this.chart && this.chart._options.theme ? this.chart._options.theme : "theme1", d = {}, e = this[a]; c && (Y[c] && Y[c][this._defaultsKey]) && (d = Y[c][this._defaultsKey]); a in b && (e = a in this._options ? this._options[a] : d && a in d ? d[a] : b[a]); if (e === this[a]) return !1; this[a] = e; return !0 }; G.prototype.trackChanges = function(a) { if (!this.sessionVariables) throw "Session Variable Store not set"; this.sessionVariables[a] = this._options[a] }; G.prototype.isBeingTracked = function(a) { this._options._oldOptions || (this._options._oldOptions = {}); return this._options._oldOptions[a] ? !0 : !1 }; G.prototype.hasOptionChanged = function(a) { if (!this.sessionVariables) throw "Session Variable Store not set"; return this.sessionVariables[a] !== this._options[a] }; G.prototype.addEventListener = function(a, b, c) { a && b && (this._eventListeners[a] = this._eventListeners[a] || [], this._eventListeners[a].push({ context: c || this, eventHandler: b })) }; G.prototype.removeEventListener = function(a, b) { if (a && b && this._eventListeners[a]) for (var c = this._eventListeners[a], d = 0; d < c.length; d++) if (c[d].eventHandler === b) { c[d].splice(d, 1); break } }; G.prototype.removeAllEventListeners = function() { this._eventListeners = [] }; G.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(a, b, c) { if (a && this._eventListeners[a]) { b = b || {}; for (var d = this._eventListeners[a], e = 0; e < d.length; e++) d[e].eventHandler.call(d[e].context, b) } "function" === typeof this[a] && this[a].call(c || this.chart._publicChartReference, b) }; O(u, G); u.prototype._updateOptions = function() { var a = this; this.updateOption("width"); this.updateOption("height"); this.updateOption("dataPointWidth"); this.updateOption("dataPointMinWidth"); this.updateOption("dataPointMaxWidth"); this.updateOption("interactivityEnabled"); this.updateOption("theme"); this.updateOption("colorSet") && (this._selectedColorSet = "undefined" !== typeof W[this.colorSet] ? W[this.colorSet] : W.colorSet1); this.updateOption("backgroundColor"); this.backgroundColor || (this.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"); this.updateOption("culture"); this._cultureInfo = new ca(this._options.culture); this.updateOption("animationEnabled"); this.animationEnabled = this.animationEnabled && t; this.updateOption("animationDuration"); this.updateOption("rangeChanging"); this.updateOption("rangeChanged"); this.updateOption("exportEnabled"); this.updateOption("exportFileName"); this.updateOption("zoomType"); this._options.zoomEnabled ? (this._zoomButton || (S(this._zoomButton = document.createElement("button")), Q(this, this._zoomButton, "pan"), this._toolBar.appendChild(this._zoomButton), F(this._zoomButton, "click", function() { a.zoomEnabled ? (a.zoomEnabled = !1, a.panEnabled = !0, Q(a, a._zoomButton, "zoom")) : (a.zoomEnabled = !0, a.panEnabled = !1, Q(a, a._zoomButton, "pan")); a.render() })), this._resetButton || (S(this._resetButton = document.createElement("button")), Q(this, this._resetButton, "reset"), this._toolBar.appendChild(this._resetButton), F(this._resetButton, "click", function() { a._toolTip.hide(); a.zoomEnabled || a.panEnabled ? (a.zoomEnabled = !0, a.panEnabled = !1, Q(a, a._zoomButton, "pan"), a._defaultCursor = "default", a.overlaidCanvas.style.cursor = a._defaultCursor) : (a.zoomEnabled = !1, a.panEnabled = !1); a.sessionVariables.axisX && (a.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMinimum = null, a.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMaximum = null); a.sessionVariables.axisY && (a.sessionVariables.axisY.newViewportMinimum = null, a.sessionVariables.axisY.newViewportMaximum = null); a.sessionVariables.axisY2 && (a.sessionVariables.axisY2.newViewportMinimum = null, a.sessionVariables.axisY2.newViewportMaximum = null); a.resetOverlayedCanvas(); S(a._zoomButton, a._resetButton); a._dispatchRangeEvent("rangeChanging", "reset"); a.render(); a._dispatchRangeEvent("rangeChanged", "reset") }), this.overlaidCanvas.style.cursor = a._defaultCursor), this.zoomEnabled || this.panEnabled || (this._zoomButton ? (a._zoomButton.getAttribute("state") === a._cultureInfo.zoomText ? (this.panEnabled = !0, this.zoomEnabled = !1) : (this.zoomEnabled = !0, this.panEnabled = !1), ha(a._zoomButton, a._resetButton)) : (this.zoomEnabled = !0, this.panEnabled = !1))) : this.panEnabled = this.zoomEnabled = !1; this._menuButton ? this.exportEnabled ? ha(this._menuButton) : S(this._menuButton) : this.exportEnabled && t && (this._menuButton = document.createElement("button"), Q(this, this._menuButton, "menu"), this._toolBar.appendChild(this._menuButton), F(this._menuButton, "click", function() { "none" !== a._dropdownMenu.style.display || a._dropDownCloseTime && 500 >= (new Date).getTime() - a._dropDownCloseTime.getTime() || (a._dropdownMenu.style.display = "block", a._menuButton.blur(), a._dropdownMenu.focus()) }, !0)); if (!this._dropdownMenu && this.exportEnabled && t) { this._dropdownMenu = document.createElement("div"); this._dropdownMenu.setAttribute("tabindex", -1); this._dropdownMenu.style.cssText = "position: absolute; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; cursor: pointer;right: 1px;top: 25px;min-width: 120px;outline: 0;border: 1px solid silver;font-size: 14px;font-family: Calibri, Verdana, sans-serif;padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;text-align: left;background-color: #000;line-height: 20px;box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px #888888;"; a._dropdownMenu.style.display = "none"; this._toolBar.appendChild(this._dropdownMenu); F(this._dropdownMenu, "blur", function() { S(a._dropdownMenu); a._dropDownCloseTime = new Date }, !0); var b = document.createElement("div"); b.style.cssText = "padding: 2px 15px 2px 10px"; b.innerHTML = this._cultureInfo.saveJPGText; this._dropdownMenu.appendChild(b); F(b, "mouseover", function() { this.style.backgroundColor = "#EEEEEE" }, !0); F(b, "mouseout", function() { this.style.backgroundColor = "transparent" }, !0); F(b, "click", function() { za(a.canvas, "jpeg", a.exportFileName); S(a._dropdownMenu) }, !0); b = document.createElement("div"); b.style.cssText = "padding: 2px 15px 2px 10px"; b.innerHTML = this._cultureInfo.savePNGText; this._dropdownMenu.appendChild(b); F(b, "mouseover", function() { this.style.backgroundColor = "#EEEEEE" }, !0); F(b, "mouseout", function() { this.style.backgroundColor = "transparent" }, !0); F(b, "click", function() { za(a.canvas, "png", a.exportFileName); S(a._dropdownMenu) }, !0) } "none" !== this._toolBar.style.display && this._zoomButton && (this.panEnabled ? Q(a, a._zoomButton, "zoom") : Q(a, a._zoomButton, "pan"), a._resetButton.getAttribute("state") !== a._cultureInfo.resetText && Q(a, a._resetButton, "reset")); if ("undefined" === typeof ma.Chart.creditHref) this.creditHref = "", this.creditText = ""; else var c = this.updateOption("creditText"), d = this.updateOption("creditHref"); if (0 === this.renderCount || c || d) this._creditLink.setAttribute("href", this.creditHref), this._creditLink.innerHTML = this.creditText; this.creditHref && this.creditText ? this._creditLink.parentElement || this._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this._creditLink) : this._creditLink.parentElement && this._canvasJSContainer.removeChild(this._creditLink); this._options.toolTip && this._toolTip._options !== this._options.toolTip && (this._toolTip._options = this._options.toolTip); for (var e in this._toolTip._options) this._toolTip._options.hasOwnProperty(e) && this._toolTip.updateOption(e) }; u.prototype._updateSize = function() { var a = 0, b = 0; this._options.width ? a = this.width : this.width = a = 0 < this._container.clientWidth ? this._container.clientWidth : this.width; this._options.height ? b = this.height : this.height = b = 0 < this._container.clientHeight ? this._container.clientHeight : this.height; return this.canvas.width !== a * J || this.canvas.height !== b * J ? (fa(this.canvas, a, b), fa(this.overlaidCanvas, a, b), fa(this._eventManager.ghostCanvas, a, b), !0) : !1 }; u.prototype._initialize = function() { this._animator ? this._animator.cancelAllAnimations() : this._animator = new qa(this); this.removeAllEventListeners(); this.disableToolTip = !1; this._axes = []; this.pieDoughnutClickHandler = null; this.animationRequestId && this.cancelRequestAnimFrame.call(window, this.animationRequestId); this._updateOptions(); this.animatedRender = t && this.animationEnabled && 0 === this.renderCount; this._updateSize(); this.clearCanvas(); this.ctx.beginPath(); this.axisY2 = this.axisY = this.axisX = null; this._indexLabels = []; this._dataInRenderedOrder = []; this._events = []; this._eventManager && this._eventManager.reset(); this.plotInfo = { axisPlacement: null, axisXValueType: null, plotTypes: [] }; this.layoutManager = new Z(0, 0, this.width, this.height, 2); this.plotArea.layoutManager && this.plotArea.layoutManager.reset(); this.data = []; for (var a = 0, b = 0; b < this._options.data.length; b++) if (a++, !this._options.data[b].type || 0 <= u._supportedChartTypes.indexOf(this._options.data[b].type)) { var c = new T(this, this._options.data[b], this.theme, a - 1, ++this._eventManager.lastObjectId); null === c.name && (c.name = "DataSeries " + a); null === c.color ? 1 < this._options.data.length ? (c._colorSet = [this._selectedColorSet[c.index % this._selectedColorSet.length]], c.color = this._selectedColorSet[c.index % this._selectedColorSet.length]) : c._colorSet = "line" === c.type || "stepLine" === c.type || "spline" === c.type || "area" === c.type || "stepArea" === c.type || "splineArea" === c.type || "stackedArea" === c.type || "stackedArea100" === c.type || "rangeArea" === c.type || "rangeSplineArea" === c.type || "candlestick" === c.type || "ohlc" === c.type ? [this._selectedColorSet[0]] : this._selectedColorSet : c._colorSet = [c.color]; null === c.markerSize && (("line" === c.type || "stepLine" === c.type || "spline" === c.type) && c.dataPoints && c.dataPoints.length < this.width / 16 || "scatter" === c.type) && (c.markerSize = 8); "bubble" !== c.type && "scatter" !== c.type || !c.dataPoints || (c.dataPoints.some ? c.dataPoints.some(function(a) { return a.x }) && c.dataPoints.sort(va) : c.dataPoints.sort(va)); this.data.push(c); var d = c.axisPlacement, e; "normal" === d ? "xySwapped" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement ? e = 'You cannot combine "' + c.type + '" with bar chart' : "none" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement ? e = 'You cannot combine "' + c.type + '" with pie chart' : null === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement && (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement = "normal") : "xySwapped" === d ? "normal" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement ? e = 'You cannot combine "' + c.type + '" with line, area, column or pie chart' : "none" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement ? e = 'You cannot combine "' + c.type + '" with pie chart' : null === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement && (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement = "xySwapped") : "none" == d && ("normal" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement ? e = 'You cannot combine "' + c.type + '" with line, area, column or bar chart' : "xySwapped" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement ? e = 'You cannot combine "' + c.type + '" with bar chart' : null === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement && (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement = "none")); if (e && window.console) { window.console.log(e); return } } this._objectsInitialized = !0 }; u._supportedChartTypes = function(a) { a.indexOf || (a.indexOf = Ea); return a }("line stepLine spline column area stepArea splineArea bar bubble scatter stackedColumn stackedColumn100 stackedBar stackedBar100 stackedArea stackedArea100 candlestick ohlc rangeColumn rangeBar rangeArea rangeSplineArea pie doughnut funnel".split(" ")); u.prototype.render = function(a) { a && (this._options = a); this._initialize(); var b = []; for (a = 0; a < this.data.length; a++) if ("normal" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement || "xySwapped" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement) this.data[a].axisYType && "primary" !== this.data[a].axisYType ? "secondary" === this.data[a].axisYType && (this.axisY2 || ("normal" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement ? this._axes.push(this.axisY2 = new C(this, this._options.axisY2, "axisY", "right")) : "xySwapped" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement && this._axes.push(this.axisY2 = new C(this, this._options.axisY2, "axisY", "top"))), this.data[a].axisY = this.axisY2) : (this.axisY || ("normal" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement ? this._axes.push(this.axisY = new C(this, this._options.axisY, "axisY", "left")) : "xySwapped" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement && this._axes.push(this.axisY = new C(this, this._options.axisY, "axisY", "bottom"))), this.data[a].axisY = this.axisY), this.axisX || ("normal" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement ? this._axes.push(this.axisX = new C(this, this._options.axisX, "axisX", "bottom")) : "xySwapped" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement && this._axes.push(this.axisX = new C(this, this._options.axisX, "axisX", "left"))), this.data[a].axisX = this.axisX; this.axisY && this.axisY2 && (0 < this.axisY.gridThickness && "undefined" === typeof this.axisY2._options.gridThickness ? this.axisY2.gridThickness = 0 : 0 < this.axisY2.gridThickness && "undefined" === typeof this.axisY._options.gridThickness && (this.axisY.gridThickness = 0)); var c = !1; if (0 < this._axes.length && (this.zoomEnabled || this.panEnabled)) for (a = 0; a < this._axes.length; a++) if (null !== this._axes[a].viewportMinimum || null !== this._axes[a].viewportMaximum) { c = !0; break } c ? ha(this._zoomButton, this._resetButton) : (S(this._zoomButton, this._resetButton), this._options.zoomEnabled && (this.zoomEnabled = !0, this.panEnabled = !1)); this._processData(); this._options.title && (this._title = new ba(this, this._options.title), this._title.dockInsidePlotArea ? b.push(this._title) : this._title.render()); if (this._options.subtitles) for (a = 0; a < this._options.subtitles.length; a++) this.subtitles = [], c = new ja(this, this._options.subtitles[a]), this.subtitles.push(c), c.dockInsidePlotArea ? b.push(c) : c.render(); this.legend = new ka(this, this._options.legend, this.theme); for (a = 0; a < this.data.length; a++)(this.data[a].showInLegend || "pie" === this.data[a].type || "doughnut" === this.data[a].type) && this.legend.dataSeries.push(this.data[a]); this.legend.dockInsidePlotArea ? b.push(this.legend) : this.legend.render(); if ("normal" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement || "xySwapped" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement) C.setLayoutAndRender(this.axisX, this.axisY, this.axisY2, this.plotInfo.axisPlacement, this.layoutManager.getFreeSpace()); else if ("none" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement) this.preparePlotArea(); else return; for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) b[a].render(); var d = []; if (this.animatedRender) { var e = V(this.width, this.height); e.getContext("2d").drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0, this.width, this.height) } for (a = 0; a < this.plotInfo.plotTypes.length; a++) for (b = this.plotInfo.plotTypes[a], c = 0; c < b.plotUnits.length; c++) { var f = b.plotUnits[c], g = null; f.targetCanvas = null; this.animatedRender && (f.targetCanvas = V(this.width, this.height), f.targetCanvasCtx = f.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")); "line" === f.type ? g = this.renderLine(f) : "stepLine" === f.type ? g = this.renderStepLine(f) : "spline" === f.type ? g = this.renderSpline(f) : "column" === f.type ? g = this.renderColumn(f) : "bar" === f.type ? g = this.renderBar(f) : "area" === f.type ? g = this.renderArea(f) : "stepArea" === f.type ? g = this.renderStepArea(f) : "splineArea" === f.type ? g = this.renderSplineArea(f) : "stackedColumn" === f.type ? g = this.renderStackedColumn(f) : "stackedColumn100" === f.type ? g = this.renderStackedColumn100(f) : "stackedBar" === f.type ? g = this.renderStackedBar(f) : "stackedBar100" === f.type ? g = this.renderStackedBar100(f) : "stackedArea" === f.type ? g = this.renderStackedArea(f) : "stackedArea100" === f.type ? g = this.renderStackedArea100(f) : "bubble" === f.type ? g = g = this.renderBubble(f) : "scatter" === f.type ? g = this.renderScatter(f) : "pie" === f.type ? this.renderPie(f) : "doughnut" === f.type ? this.renderPie(f) : "candlestick" === f.type ? g = this.renderCandlestick(f) : "ohlc" === f.type ? g = this.renderCandlestick(f) : "rangeColumn" === f.type ? g = this.renderRangeColumn(f) : "rangeBar" === f.type ? g = this.renderRangeBar(f) : "rangeArea" === f.type ? g = this.renderRangeArea(f) : "rangeSplineArea" === f.type && (g = this.renderRangeSplineArea(f)); for (var k = 0; k < f.dataSeriesIndexes.length; k++) this._dataInRenderedOrder.push(this.data[f.dataSeriesIndexes[k]]); this.animatedRender && g && d.push(g) } this.animatedRender && 0 < this._indexLabels.length && (a = V(this.width, this.height).getContext("2d"), d.push(this.renderIndexLabels(a))); var p = this; 0 < d.length ? (p.disableToolTip = !0, p._animator.animate(200, p.animationDuration, function(a) { p.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, p.width, p.height); p.ctx.drawImage(e, 0, 0, Math.floor(p.width * J), Math.floor(p.height * J), 0, 0, p.width, p.height); for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++) g = d[c], 1 > a && "undefined" !== typeof g.startTimePercent ? a >= g.startTimePercent && g.animationCallback(g.easingFunction(a - g.startTimePercent, 0, 1, 1 - g.startTimePercent), g) : g.animationCallback(g.easingFunction(a, 0, 1, 1), g); p.dispatchEvent("dataAnimationIterationEnd", { chart: p }) }, function() { d = []; for (var a = 0; a < p.plotInfo.plotTypes.length; a++) for (var c = p.plotInfo.plotTypes[a], b = 0; b < c.plotUnits.length; b++) c.plotUnits[b].targetCanvas = null; e = null; p.disableToolTip = !1 })) : (0 < p._indexLabels.length && p.renderIndexLabels(), p.dispatchEvent("dataAnimationIterationEnd", { chart: p })); this.attachPlotAreaEventHandlers(); this.zoomEnabled || (this.panEnabled || !this._zoomButton || "none" === this._zoomButton.style.display) || S(this._zoomButton, this._resetButton); this._toolTip._updateToolTip(); this.renderCount++ }; u.prototype.attachPlotAreaEventHandlers = function() { this.attachEvent({ context: this, chart: this, mousedown: this._plotAreaMouseDown, mouseup: this._plotAreaMouseUp, mousemove: this._plotAreaMouseMove, cursor: this.zoomEnabled ? "col-resize" : "move", cursor: this.panEnabled ? "move" : "default", capture: !0, bounds: this.plotArea }) }; u.prototype.categoriseDataSeries = function() { for (var a = "", b = 0; b < this.data.length; b++) if (a = this.data[b], a.dataPoints && (0 !== a.dataPoints.length && a.visible) && 0 <= u._supportedChartTypes.indexOf(a.type)) { for (var c = null, d = !1, e = null, f = !1, g = 0; g < this.plotInfo.plotTypes.length; g++) if (this.plotInfo.plotTypes[g].type === a.type) { d = !0; c = this.plotInfo.plotTypes[g]; break } d || (c = { type: a.type, totalDataSeries: 0, plotUnits: [] }, this.plotInfo.plotTypes.push(c)); for (g = 0; g < c.plotUnits.length; g++) if (c.plotUnits[g].axisYType === a.axisYType) { f = !0; e = c.plotUnits[g]; break } f || (e = { type: a.type, previousDataSeriesCount: 0, index: c.plotUnits.length, plotType: c, axisYType: a.axisYType, axisY: "primary" === a.axisYType ? this.axisY : this.axisY2, axisX: this.axisX, dataSeriesIndexes: [], yTotals: [] }, c.plotUnits.push(e)); c.totalDataSeries++; e.dataSeriesIndexes.push(b); a.plotUnit = e } for (b = 0; b < this.plotInfo.plotTypes.length; b++) for (c = this.plotInfo.plotTypes[b], g = a = 0; g < c.plotUnits.length; g++) c.plotUnits[g].previousDataSeriesCount = a, a += c.plotUnits[g].dataSeriesIndexes.length }; u.prototype.assignIdToDataPoints = function() { for (var a = 0; a < this.data.length; a++) { var b = this.data[a]; if (b.dataPoints) for (var c = b.dataPoints.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) b.dataPointIds[d] = ++this._eventManager.lastObjectId } }; u.prototype._processData = function() { this.assignIdToDataPoints(); this.categoriseDataSeries(); for (var a = 0; a < this.plotInfo.plotTypes.length; a++) for (var b = this.plotInfo.plotTypes[a], c = 0; c < b.plotUnits.length; c++) { var d = b.plotUnits[c]; "line" === d.type || "stepLine" === d.type || "spline" === d.type || "column" === d.type || "area" === d.type || "stepArea" === d.type || "splineArea" === d.type || "bar" === d.type || "bubble" === d.type || "scatter" === d.type ? this._processMultiseriesPlotUnit(d) : "stackedColumn" === d.type || "stackedBar" === d.type || "stackedArea" === d.type ? this._processStackedPlotUnit(d) : "stackedColumn100" === d.type || "stackedBar100" === d.type || "stackedArea100" === d.type ? this._processStacked100PlotUnit(d) : "candlestick" !== d.type && "ohlc" !== d.type && "rangeColumn" !== d.type && "rangeBar" !== d.type && "rangeArea" !== d.type && "rangeSplineArea" !== d.type || this._processMultiYPlotUnit(d) } }; u.prototype._processMultiseriesPlotUnit = function(a) { if (a.dataSeriesIndexes && !(1 > a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) for (var b = a.axisY.dataInfo, c = a.axisX.dataInfo, d, e, f = !1, g = 0; g < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; g++) { var k = this.data[a.dataSeriesIndexes[g]], p = 0, h = !1, l = !1; if ("normal" === k.axisPlacement || "xySwapped" === k.axisPlacement) var m = this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMinimum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.viewportMinimum ? this._options.axisX.viewportMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.minimum ? this._options.axisX.minimum : -Infinity, n = this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMaximum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.viewportMaximum ? this._options.axisX.viewportMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.maximum ? this._options.axisX.maximum : Infinity; if (k.dataPoints[p].x && k.dataPoints[p].x.getTime || "dateTime" === k.xValueType) f = !0; for (p = 0; p < k.dataPoints.length; p++) { "undefined" === typeof k.dataPoints[p].x && (k.dataPoints[p].x = p); k.dataPoints[p].x.getTime ? (f = !0, d = k.dataPoints[p].x.getTime()) : d = k.dataPoints[p].x; e = k.dataPoints[p].y; d < c.min && (c.min = d); d > c.max && (c.max = d); e < b.min && (b.min = e); e > b.max && (b.max = e); if (0 < p) { var q = d - k.dataPoints[p - 1].x; 0 > q && (q *= -1); c.minDiff > q && 0 !== q && (c.minDiff = q); null !== e && null !== k.dataPoints[p - 1].y && (q = e - k.dataPoints[p - 1].y, 0 > q && (q *= -1), b.minDiff > q && 0 !== q && (b.minDiff = q)) } if (!(d < m) || h) { if (!h && (h = !0, 0 < p)) { p -= 2; continue } if (d > n && !l) l = !0; else if (d > n && l) continue; k.dataPoints[p].label && (a.axisX.labels[d] = k.dataPoints[p].label); d < c.viewPortMin && (c.viewPortMin = d); d > c.viewPortMax && (c.viewPortMax = d); null !== e && (e < b.viewPortMin && (b.viewPortMin = e), e > b.viewPortMax && (b.viewPortMax = e)) } } this.plotInfo.axisXValueType = k.xValueType = f ? "dateTime" : "number" } }; u.prototype._processStackedPlotUnit = function(a) { if (a.dataSeriesIndexes && !(1 > a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { for (var b = a.axisY.dataInfo, c = a.axisX.dataInfo, d, e, f = !1, g = [], k = [], p = Infinity, h = 0; h < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; h++) { var l = this.data[a.dataSeriesIndexes[h]], m = 0, n = !1, q = !1; if ("normal" === l.axisPlacement || "xySwapped" === l.axisPlacement) var r = this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMinimum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.viewportMinimum ? this._options.axisX.viewportMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.minimum ? this._options.axisX.minimum : -Infinity, s = this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMaximum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.viewportMaximum ? this._options.axisX.viewportMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.maximum ? this._options.axisX.maximum : Infinity; if (l.dataPoints[m].x && l.dataPoints[m].x.getTime || "dateTime" === l.xValueType) f = !0; for (m = 0; m < l.dataPoints.length; m++) { "undefined" === typeof l.dataPoints[m].x && (l.dataPoints[m].x = m); l.dataPoints[m].x.getTime ? (f = !0, d = l.dataPoints[m].x.getTime()) : d = l.dataPoints[m].x; P(l.dataPoints[m].y) ? e = 0 : (e = l.dataPoints[m].y, 0 === h && (p = Math.min(e, p))); d < c.min && (c.min = d); d > c.max && (c.max = d); if (0 < m) { var w = d - l.dataPoints[m - 1].x; 0 > w && (w *= -1); c.minDiff > w && 0 !== w && (c.minDiff = w); null !== e && null !== l.dataPoints[m - 1].y && (w = e - l.dataPoints[m - 1].y, 0 > w && (w *= -1), b.minDiff > w && 0 !== w && (b.minDiff = w)) } if (!(d < r) || n) { if (!n && (n = !0, 0 < m)) { m -= 2; continue } if (d > s && !q) q = !0; else if (d > s && q) continue; l.dataPoints[m].label && (a.axisX.labels[d] = l.dataPoints[m].label); d < c.viewPortMin && (c.viewPortMin = d); d > c.viewPortMax && (c.viewPortMax = d); null !== e && (a.yTotals[d] = (a.yTotals[d] ? a.yTotals[d] : 0) + Math.abs(e), 0 <= e ? g[d] = g[d] ? g[d] + e : e : k[d] = k[d] ? k[d] + e : e) } } this.plotInfo.axisXValueType = l.xValueType = f ? "dateTime" : "number" } for (m in g) g.hasOwnProperty(m) && !isNaN(m) && (a = g[m], a < b.min && (b.min = Math.min(a, p)), a > b.max && (b.max = a), m < c.viewPortMin || m > c.viewPortMax || (a < b.viewPortMin && (b.viewPortMin = Math.min(a, p)), a > b.viewPortMax && (b.viewPortMax = a))); for (m in k) k.hasOwnProperty(m) && !isNaN(m) && (a = k[m], a < b.min && (b.min = Math.min(a, p)), a > b.max && (b.max = a), m < c.viewPortMin || m > c.viewPortMax || (a < b.viewPortMin && (b.viewPortMin = Math.min(a, p)), a > b.viewPortMax && (b.viewPortMax = a))) } }; u.prototype._processStacked100PlotUnit = function(a) { if (a.dataSeriesIndexes && !(1 > a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { for (var b = a.axisY.dataInfo, c = a.axisX.dataInfo, d, e, f = !1, g = !1, k = !1, p = [], h = 0; h < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; h++) { var l = this.data[a.dataSeriesIndexes[h]], m = 0, n = !1, q = !1; if ("normal" === l.axisPlacement || "xySwapped" === l.axisPlacement) var r = this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMinimum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.viewportMinimum ? this._options.axisX.viewportMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.minimum ? this._options.axisX.minimum : -Infinity, s = this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMaximum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.viewportMaximum ? this._options.axisX.viewportMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.maximum ? this._options.axisX.maximum : Infinity; if (l.dataPoints[m].x && l.dataPoints[m].x.getTime || "dateTime" === l.xValueType) f = !0; for (m = 0; m < l.dataPoints.length; m++) { "undefined" === typeof l.dataPoints[m].x && (l.dataPoints[m].x = m); l.dataPoints[m].x.getTime ? (f = !0, d = l.dataPoints[m].x.getTime()) : d = l.dataPoints[m].x; e = P(l.dataPoints[m].y) ? null : l.dataPoints[m].y; d < c.min && (c.min = d); d > c.max && (c.max = d); if (0 < m) { var w = d - l.dataPoints[m - 1].x; 0 > w && (w *= -1); c.minDiff > w && 0 !== w && (c.minDiff = w); P(e) || null === l.dataPoints[m - 1].y || (w = e - l.dataPoints[m - 1].y, 0 > w && (w *= -1), b.minDiff > w && 0 !== w && (b.minDiff = w)) } if (!(d < r) || n) { if (!n && (n = !0, 0 < m)) { m -= 2; continue } if (d > s && !q) q = !0; else if (d > s && q) continue; l.dataPoints[m].label && (a.axisX.labels[d] = l.dataPoints[m].label); d < c.viewPortMin && (c.viewPortMin = d); d > c.viewPortMax && (c.viewPortMax = d); null !== e && (a.yTotals[d] = (a.yTotals[d] ? a.yTotals[d] : 0) + Math.abs(e), 0 <= e ? g = !0 : 0 > e && (k = !0), p[d] = p[d] ? p[d] + Math.abs(e) : Math.abs(e)) } } this.plotInfo.axisXValueType = l.xValueType = f ? "dateTime" : "number" } g && !k ? (b.max = P(b.viewPortMax) ? 99 : Math.max(b.viewPortMax, 99), b.min = P(b.viewPortMin) ? 1 : Math.min(b.viewPortMin, 1)) : g && k ? (b.max = P(b.viewPortMax) ? 99 : Math.max(b.viewPortMax, 99), b.min = P(b.viewPortMin) ? -99 : Math.min(b.viewPortMin, -99)) : !g && k && (b.max = P(b.viewPortMax) ? -1 : Math.max(b.viewPortMax, -1), b.min = P(b.viewPortMin) ? -99 : Math.min(b.viewPortMin, -99)); b.viewPortMin = b.min; b.viewPortMax = b.max; a.dataPointYSums = p } }; u.prototype._processMultiYPlotUnit = function(a) { if (a.dataSeriesIndexes && !(1 > a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) for (var b = a.axisY.dataInfo, c = a.axisX.dataInfo, d, e, f, g, k = !1, p = 0; p < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; p++) { var h = this.data[a.dataSeriesIndexes[p]], l = 0, m = !1, n = !1; if ("normal" === h.axisPlacement || "xySwapped" === h.axisPlacement) var q = this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMinimum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.viewportMinimum ? this._options.axisX.viewportMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.minimum ? this._options.axisX.minimum : -Infinity, r = this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMaximum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.newViewportMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.viewportMaximum ? this._options.axisX.viewportMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.maximum ? this._options.axisX.maximum : Infinity; if (h.dataPoints[l].x && h.dataPoints[l].x.getTime || "dateTime" === h.xValueType) k = !0; for (l = 0; l < h.dataPoints.length; l++) { "undefined" === typeof h.dataPoints[l].x && (h.dataPoints[l].x = l); h.dataPoints[l].x.getTime ? (k = !0, d = h.dataPoints[l].x.getTime()) : d = h.dataPoints[l].x; (e = h.dataPoints[l].y) && e.length && (f = Math.min.apply(null, e), g = Math.max.apply(null, e)); d < c.min && (c.min = d); d > c.max && (c.max = d); f < b.min && (b.min = f); g > b.max && (b.max = g); if (0 < l) { var s = d - h.dataPoints[l - 1].x; 0 > s && (s *= -1); c.minDiff > s && 0 !== s && (c.minDiff = s); null !== e[0] && null !== h.dataPoints[l - 1].y[0] && (s = e[0] - h.dataPoints[l - 1].y[0], 0 > s && (s *= -1), b.minDiff > s && 0 !== s && (b.minDiff = s)) } if (!(d < q) || m) { if (!m && (m = !0, 0 < l)) { l -= 2; continue } if (d > r && !n) n = !0; else if (d > r && n) continue; h.dataPoints[l].label && (a.axisX.labels[d] = h.dataPoints[l].label); d < c.viewPortMin && (c.viewPortMin = d); d > c.viewPortMax && (c.viewPortMax = d); null !== e && (f < b.viewPortMin && (b.viewPortMin = f), g > b.viewPortMax && (b.viewPortMax = g)) } } this.plotInfo.axisXValueType = h.xValueType = k ? "dateTime" : "number" } }; u.prototype.getDataPointAtXY = function(a, b, c) { c = c || !1; for (var d = [], e = this._dataInRenderedOrder.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) { var f = null; (f = this._dataInRenderedOrder[e].getDataPointAtXY(a, b, c)) && d.push(f) } a = null; b = !1; for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) if ("line" === d[c].dataSeries.type || "stepLine" === d[c].dataSeries.type || "area" === d[c].dataSeries.type || "stepArea" === d[c].dataSeries.type) if (e = N("markerSize", d[c].dataPoint, d[c].dataSeries) || 8, d[c].distance <= e / 2) { b = !0; break } for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) b && "line" !== d[c].dataSeries.type && "stepLine" !== d[c].dataSeries.type && "area" !== d[c].dataSeries.type && "stepArea" !== d[c].dataSeries.type || (a ? d[c].distance <= a.distance && (a = d[c]) : a = d[c]); return a }; u.prototype.getObjectAtXY = function(a, b, c) { var d = null; if (c = this.getDataPointAtXY(a, b, c || !1)) d = c.dataSeries.dataPointIds[c.dataPointIndex]; else if (t) d = xa(a, b, this._eventManager.ghostCtx); else for (c = 0; c < this.legend.items.length; c++) { var e = this.legend.items[c]; a >= e.x1 && (a <= e.x2 && b >= e.y1 && b <= e.y2) && (d = e.id) } return d }; u.prototype.getAutoFontSize = function(a, b, c) { a /= 400; return Math.round(Math.min(this.width, this.height) * a) }; u.prototype.resetOverlayedCanvas = function() { this.overlaidCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height) }; u.prototype.clearCanvas = function() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.backgroundColor && (this.ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor, this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height)) }; u.prototype.attachEvent = function(a) { this._events.push(a) }; u.prototype._touchEventHandler = function(a) { if (a.changedTouches && this.interactivityEnabled) { var b = [], c = a.changedTouches, d = c ? c[0] : a, e = null; switch (a.type) { case "touchstart": case "MSPointerDown": b = ["mousemove", "mousedown"]; this._lastTouchData = na(d); this._lastTouchData.time = new Date; break; case "touchmove": case "MSPointerMove": b = ["mousemove"]; break; case "touchend": case "MSPointerUp": b = "touchstart" === this._lastTouchEventType || "MSPointerDown" === this._lastTouchEventType ? ["mouseup", "click" ] : ["mouseup"]; break; default: return } if (!(c && 1 < c.length)) { e = na(d); e.time = new Date; try { var f = e.y - this._lastTouchData.y, g = e.time - this._lastTouchData.time; if (15 < Math.abs(f) && (this._lastTouchData.scroll || 200 > g)) { this._lastTouchData.scroll = !0; var k = window.parent || window; k && k.scrollBy && k.scrollBy(0, -f) } } catch (p) {} this._lastTouchEventType = a.type; if (this._lastTouchData.scroll && this.zoomEnabled) this.isDrag && this.resetOverlayedCanvas(), this.isDrag = !1; else for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++) e = b[c], f = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"), f.initMouseEvent(e, !0, !0, window, 1, d.screenX, d.screenY, d.clientX, d.clientY, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null), d.target.dispatchEvent(f), a.preventManipulation && a.preventManipulation(), a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault() } } }; u.prototype._dispatchRangeEvent = function(a, b) { var c = {}; c.chart = this._publicChartReference; c.type = a; c.trigger = b; var d = []; this.axisX && d.push("axisX"); this.axisY && d.push("axisY"); this.axisY2 && d.push("axisY2"); for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) c[d[e]] = { viewportMinimum: this[d[e]].sessionVariables.newViewportMinimum, viewportMaximum: this[d[e]].sessionVariables.newViewportMaximum }; this.dispatchEvent(a, c, this._publicChartReference) }; u.prototype._mouseEventHandler = function(a) { if (this.interactivityEnabled) if (this._ignoreNextEvent) this._ignoreNextEvent = !1; else { a.preventManipulation && a.preventManipulation(); a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault(); "undefined" === typeof a.target && a.srcElement && (a.target = a.srcElement); var b = na(a), c = a.type, d, e; a.which ? e = 3 == a.which : a.button && (e = 2 == a.button); if (!e) { if (u.capturedEventParam) d = u.capturedEventParam, "mouseup" === c && (u.capturedEventParam = null, d.chart.overlaidCanvas.releaseCapture ? d.chart.overlaidCanvas.releaseCapture() : document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", d.chart._mouseEventHandler, !1)), d.hasOwnProperty(c) && d[c].call(d.context, b.x, b.y); else if (this._events) { for (e = 0; e < this._events.length; e++) if (this._events[e].hasOwnProperty(c)) { d = this._events[e]; var f = d.bounds; if (b.x >= f.x1 && b.x <= f.x2 && b.y >= f.y1 && b.y <= f.y2) { d[c].call(d.context, b.x, b.y); "mousedown" === c && !0 === d.capture ? (u.capturedEventParam = d, this.overlaidCanvas.setCapture ? this.overlaidCanvas.setCapture() : document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", this._mouseEventHandler, !1)) : "mouseup" === c && (d.chart.overlaidCanvas.releaseCapture ? d.chart.overlaidCanvas.releaseCapture() : document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._mouseEventHandler, !1)); break } else d = null } a.target.style.cursor = d && d.cursor ? d.cursor : this._defaultCursor } this._toolTip && this._toolTip.enabled && (c = this.plotArea, (b.x < c.x1 || b.x > c.x2 || b.y < c.y1 || b.y > c.y2) && this._toolTip.hide()); this.isDrag && this.zoomEnabled || !this._eventManager || this._eventManager.mouseEventHandler(a) } } }; u.prototype._plotAreaMouseDown = function(a, b) { this.isDrag = !0; this.dragStartPoint = { x: a, y: b } }; u.prototype._plotAreaMouseUp = function(a, b) { if (("normal" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement || "xySwapped" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement) && this.isDrag) { var c = b - this.dragStartPoint.y, d = a - this.dragStartPoint.x, e = 0 <= this.zoomType.indexOf("x"), f = 0 <= this.zoomType.indexOf("y"), g = !1; this.resetOverlayedCanvas(); if ("xySwapped" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement) var k = f, f = e, e = k; if (this.panEnabled || this.zoomEnabled) { if (this.panEnabled) for (e = f = 0; e < this._axes.length; e++) c = this._axes[e], c.viewportMinimum < c.minimum ? (f = c.minimum - c.viewportMinimum, c.sessionVariables.newViewportMinimum = c.viewportMinimum + f, c.sessionVariables.newViewportMaximum = c.viewportMaximum + f, g = !0) : c.viewportMaximum > c.maximum && (f = c.viewportMaximum - c.maximum, c.sessionVariables.newViewportMinimum = c.viewportMinimum - f, c.sessionVariables.newViewportMaximum = c.viewportMaximum - f, g = !0); else if ((!e || 2 < Math.abs(d)) && (!f || 2 < Math.abs(c)) && this.zoomEnabled) { if (!this.dragStartPoint) return; c = e ? this.dragStartPoint.x : this.plotArea.x1; d = f ? this.dragStartPoint.y : this.plotArea.y1; e = e ? a : this.plotArea.x2; f = f ? b : this.plotArea.y2; 2 < Math.abs(c - e) && 2 < Math.abs(d - f) && this._zoomPanToSelectedRegion(c, d, e, f) && (g = !0) } g && (this._ignoreNextEvent = !0, this._dispatchRangeEvent("rangeChanging", "zoom"), this.render(), this._dispatchRangeEvent("rangeChanged", "zoom"), g && (this.zoomEnabled && "none" === this._zoomButton.style.display) && (ha(this._zoomButton, this._resetButton), Q(this, this._zoomButton, "pan"), Q(this, this._resetButton, "reset"))) } } this.isDrag = !1 }; u.prototype._plotAreaMouseMove = function(a, b) { if (this.isDrag && "none" !== this.plotInfo.axisPlacement) { var c = 0, d = 0, e = c = null, e = 0 <= this.zoomType.indexOf("x"), f = 0 <= this.zoomType.indexOf("y"); "xySwapped" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement && (c = f, f = e, e = c); c = this.dragStartPoint.x - a; d = this.dragStartPoint.y - b; 2 < Math.abs(c) && 8 > Math.abs(c) && (this.panEnabled || this.zoomEnabled) ? this._toolTip.hide() : this.panEnabled || this.zoomEnabled || this._toolTip.mouseMoveHandler(a, b); (!e || 2 < Math.abs(c) || !f || 2 < Math.abs(d)) && (this.panEnabled || this.zoomEnabled) && (this.panEnabled ? (e = { x1: e ? this.plotArea.x1 + c : this.plotArea.x1, y1: f ? this.plotArea.y1 + d : this.plotArea.y1, x2: e ? this.plotArea.x2 + c : this.plotArea.x2, y2: f ? this.plotArea.y2 + d : this.plotArea.y2 }, this._zoomPanToSelectedRegion(e.x1, e.y1, e.x2, e.y2, !0) && (this._dispatchRangeEvent("rangeChanging", "pan"), this.render(), this._dispatchRangeEvent("rangeChanged", "pan"), this.dragStartPoint.x = a, this.dragStartPoint.y = b)) : this.zoomEnabled && (this.resetOverlayedCanvas(), c = this.overlaidCanvasCtx.globalAlpha, this.overlaidCanvasCtx.globalAlpha = 0.7, this.overlaidCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "#A0ABB8", this.overlaidCanvasCtx.fillRect(e ? this.dragStartPoint.x : this.plotArea.x1, f ? this.dragStartPoint.y : this.plotArea.y1, e ? a - this.dragStartPoint.x : this.plotArea.x2 - this.plotArea.x1, f ? b - this.dragStartPoint.y : this.plotArea.y2 - this.plotArea.y1), this.overlaidCanvasCtx.globalAlpha = c)) } else this._toolTip.mouseMoveHandler(a, b) }; u.prototype._zoomPanToSelectedRegion = function(a, b, c, d, e) { e = e || !1; var f = 0 <= this.zoomType.indexOf("x"), g = 0 <= this.zoomType.indexOf("y"), k = !1, p = [], h = []; this.axisX && f && p.push(this.axisX); this.axisY && g && p.push(this.axisY); this.axisY2 && g && p.push(this.axisY2); f = []; for (g = 0; g < p.length; g++) { var l = p[g], m = l.convertPixelToValue({ x: a, y: b }), n = l.convertPixelToValue({ x: c, y: d }); if (m > n) var q = n, n = m, m = q; if (isFinite(l.dataInfo.minDiff)) if (!(Math.abs(n - m) < 3 * Math.abs(l.dataInfo.minDiff) || m < l.minimum || n > l.maximum)) h.push(l), f.push({ val1: m, val2: n }), k = !0; else if (!e) { k = !1; break } } if (k) for (g = 0; g < h.length; g++) l = h[g], a = f[g], l.setViewPortRange(a.val1, a.val2); return k }; u.prototype.preparePlotArea = function() { var a = this.plotArea, b = this.axisY ? this.axisY : this.axisY2; !t && (0 < a.x1 || 0 < a.y1) && a.ctx.translate(a.x1, a.y1); this.axisX && b ? (a.x1 = this.axisX.lineCoordinates.x1 < this.axisX.lineCoordinates.x2 ? this.axisX.lineCoordinates.x1 : b.lineCoordinates.x1, a.y1 = this.axisX.lineCoordinates.y1 < b.lineCoordinates.y1 ? this.axisX.lineCoordinates.y1 : b.lineCoordinates.y1, a.x2 = this.axisX.lineCoordinates.x2 > b.lineCoordinates.x2 ? this.axisX.lineCoordinates.x2 : b.lineCoordinates.x2, a.y2 = this.axisX.lineCoordinates.y2 > this.axisX.lineCoordinates.y1 ? this.axisX.lineCoordinates.y2 : b.lineCoordinates.y2, a.width = a.x2 - a.x1, a.height = a.y2 - a.y1) : (b = this.layoutManager.getFreeSpace(), a.x1 = b.x1, a.x2 = b.x2, a.y1 = b.y1, a.y2 = b.y2, a.width = b.width, a.height = b.height); t || (a.canvas.width = a.width, a.canvas.height = a.height, a.canvas.style.left = a.x1 + "px", a.canvas.style.top = a.y1 + "px", (0 < a.x1 || 0 < a.y1) && a.ctx.translate(-a.x1, -a.y1)); a.layoutManager = new Z(a.x1, a.y1, a.x2, a.y2, 2) }; u.prototype.getPixelCoordinatesOnPlotArea = function(a, b) { return { x: this.axisX.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(a).x, y: this.axisY.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(b).y } }; u.prototype.renderIndexLabels = function(a) { a = a || this.plotArea.ctx; for (var b = this.plotArea, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, k = d = f = e = 0, p = 0; p < this._indexLabels.length; p++) { var h = this._indexLabels[p], g = h.chartType.toLowerCase(), l, m, n = N("indexLabelFontColor", h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries), k = N("indexLabelFontSize", h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries); l = N("indexLabelFontFamily", h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries); m = N("indexLabelFontStyle", h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries); var f = N("indexLabelFontWeight", h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries), d = N("indexLabelBackgroundColor", h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries), e = N("indexLabelMaxWidth", h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries), q = N("indexLabelWrap", h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries), r = { percent: null, total: null }, s = null; if (0 <= h.dataSeries.type.indexOf("stacked") || "pie" === h.dataSeries.type || "doughnut" === h.dataSeries.type) r = this.getPercentAndTotal(h.dataSeries, h.dataPoint); if (h.dataSeries.indexLabelFormatter || h.dataPoint.indexLabelFormatter) s = { chart: this._publicChartReference, dataSeries: h.dataSeries, dataPoint: h.dataPoint, index: h.indexKeyword, total: r.total, percent: r.percent }; var w = h.dataPoint.indexLabelFormatter ? h.dataPoint.indexLabelFormatter(s) : h.dataPoint.indexLabel ? this.replaceKeywordsWithValue(h.dataPoint.indexLabel, h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries, null, h.indexKeyword) : h.dataSeries.indexLabelFormatter ? h.dataSeries.indexLabelFormatter(s) : h.dataSeries.indexLabel ? this.replaceKeywordsWithValue(h.dataSeries.indexLabel, h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries, null, h.indexKeyword) : null; if (null !== w && "" !== w) { var c = N("indexLabelPlacement", h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries), r = N("indexLabelOrientation", h.dataPoint, h.dataSeries), s = h.direction, v = h.dataSeries.axisX, x = h.dataSeries.axisY, n = new H(a, { x: 0, y: 0, maxWidth: e ? e : 0.5 * this.width, maxHeight: q ? 5 * k : 1.5 * k, angle: "horizontal" === r ? 0 : -90, text: w, padding: 0, backgroundColor: d, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: k, fontFamily: l, fontWeight: f, fontColor: n, fontStyle: m, textBaseline: "top" }); n.measureText(); if (0 <= g.indexOf("line") || 0 <= g.indexOf("area") || 0 <= g.indexOf("bubble") || 0 <= g.indexOf("scatter")) { if (h.dataPoint.x < v.viewportMinimum || h.dataPoint.x > v.viewportMaximum || h.dataPoint.y < x.viewportMinimum || h.dataPoint.y > x.viewportMaximum) continue } else if (0 <= g.indexOf("column")) { if (h.dataPoint.x < v.viewportMinimum || h.dataPoint.x > v.viewportMaximum || h.bounds.y1 > b.y2 || h.bounds.y2 < b.y1) continue } else if (0 <= g.indexOf("bar")) { if (h.dataPoint.x < v.viewportMinimum || h.dataPoint.x > v.viewportMaximum || h.bounds.x1 > b.x2 || h.bounds.x2 < b.x1) continue } else if (h.dataPoint.x < v.viewportMinimum || h.dataPoint.x > v.viewportMaximum) continue; e = f = 2; "horizontal" === r ? (d = n.width, k = n.height) : (k = n.width, d = n.height); if ("normal" === this.plotInfo.axisPlacement) { if (0 <= g.indexOf("line") || 0 <= g.indexOf("area")) c = "auto", f = 4; else if (0 <= g.indexOf("stacked")) "auto" === c && (c = "inside"); else if ("bubble" === g || "scatter" === g) c = "inside"; l = h.point.x - d / 2; "inside" !== c ? (d = b.y1, e = b.y2, 0 < s ? (m = h.point.y - k - f, m < d && (m = "auto" === c ? Math.max(h.point.y, d) + f : d + f)) : (m = h.point.y + f, m > e - k - f && (m = "auto" === c ? Math.min(h.point.y, e) - k - f : e - k - f))) : (d = Math.max(h.bounds.y1, b.y1), e = Math.min(h.bounds.y2, b.y2), c = 0 <= g.indexOf("range") ? 0 < s ? Math.max(h.bounds.y1, b.y1) + k / 2 + f : Math.min(h.bounds.y2, b.y2) - k / 2 - f : (Math.max(h.bounds.y1, b.y1) + Math.min(h.bounds.y2, b.y2)) / 2, 0 < s ? (m = Math.max(h.point.y, c) - k / 2, m < d && ("bubble" === g || "scatter" === g) && (m = Math.max(h.point.y - k - f, b.y1 + f))) : (m = Math.min(h.point.y, c) - k / 2, m > e - k - f && ("bubble" === g || "scatter" === g) && (m = Math.min(h.point.y + f, b.y2 - k - f))), m = Math.min(m, e - k)) } else 0 <= g.indexOf("line") || 0 <= g.indexOf("area") || 0 <= g.indexOf("scatter") ? (c = "auto", e = 4) : 0 <= g.indexOf("stacked") ? "auto" === c && (c = "inside") : "bubble" === g && (c = "inside"), m = h.point.y - k / 2, "inside" !== c ? (f = b.x1, g = b.x2, 0 > s ? (l = h.point.x - d - e, l < f && (l = "auto" === c ? Math.max(h.point.x, f) + e : f + e)) : (l = h.point.x + e, l > g - d - e && (l = "auto" === c ? Math.min(h.point.x, g) - d - e : g - d - e))) : (f = Math.max(h.bounds.x1, b.x1), Math.min(h.bounds.x2, b.x2), c = 0 <= g.indexOf("range") ? 0 > s ? Math.max(h.bounds.x1, b.x1) + d / 2 + e : Math.min(h.bounds.x2, b.x2) - d / 2 - e : (Math.max(h.bounds.x1, b.x1) + Math.min(h.bounds.x2, b.x2)) / 2, l = 0 > s ? Math.max(h.point.x, c) - d / 2 : Math.min(h.point.x, c) - d / 2, l = Math.max(l, f)); "vertical" === r && (m += k); n.x = l; n.y = m; n.render(!0) } } return { source: a, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0, startTimePercent: 0.7 } }; u.prototype.renderLine = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = this._eventManager.ghostCtx; b.save(); var d = this.plotArea; b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); for (var d = [], e = 0; e < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; e++) { var f = a.dataSeriesIndexes[e], g = this.data[f]; b.lineWidth = g.lineThickness; var k = g.dataPoints; b.setLineDash && b.setLineDash(M(g.lineDashType, g.lineThickness)); var p = g.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[p] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: f }; p = B(p); c.strokeStyle = p; c.lineWidth = 0 < g.lineThickness ? Math.max(g.lineThickness, 4) : 0; p = g._colorSet[0]; b.strokeStyle = p; var h = !0, l = 0, m, n; b.beginPath(); if (0 < k.length) { for (var q = !1, l = 0; l < k.length; l++) if (m = k[l].x.getTime ? k[l].x.getTime() : k[l].x, !(m < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || m > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) if ("number" !== typeof k[l].y) 0 < l && (b.stroke(), t && c.stroke()), q = !0; else { m = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (m - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; n = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (k[l].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; var r = g.dataPointIds[l]; this._eventManager.objectMap[r] = { id: r, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: f, dataPointIndex: l, x1: m, y1: n }; h || q ? (b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(m, n), t && (c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(m, n)), q = h = !1) : (b.lineTo(m, n), t && c.lineTo(m, n), 0 == l % 500 && (b.stroke(), b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(m, n), t && (c.stroke(), c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(m, n)))); if (0 < k[l].markerSize || 0 < g.markerSize) { var s = g.getMarkerProperties(l, m, n, b); d.push(s); r = B(r); t && d.push({ x: m, y: n, ctx: c, type: s.type, size: s.size, color: r, borderColor: r, borderThickness: s.borderThickness }) }(k[l].indexLabel || g.indexLabel || k[l].indexLabelFormatter || g.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "line", dataPoint: k[l], dataSeries: g, point: { x: m, y: n }, direction: 0 <= k[l].y ? 1 : -1, color: p }) } b.stroke(); t && c.stroke() } } K.drawMarkers(d); b.restore(); b.beginPath(); t && c.beginPath(); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderStepLine = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = this._eventManager.ghostCtx; b.save(); var d = this.plotArea; b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); for (var d = [], e = 0; e < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; e++) { var f = a.dataSeriesIndexes[e], g = this.data[f]; b.lineWidth = g.lineThickness; var k = g.dataPoints; b.setLineDash && b.setLineDash(M(g.lineDashType, g.lineThickness)); var p = g.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[p] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: f }; p = B(p); c.strokeStyle = p; c.lineWidth = 0 < g.lineThickness ? Math.max(g.lineThickness, 4) : 0; p = g._colorSet[0]; b.strokeStyle = p; var h = !0, l = 0, m, n; b.beginPath(); if (0 < k.length) { for (var q = !1, l = 0; l < k.length; l++) if (m = k[l].getTime ? k[l].x.getTime() : k[l].x, !(m < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || m > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) if ("number" !== typeof k[l].y) 0 < l && (b.stroke(), t && c.stroke()), q = !0; else { var r = n; m = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (m - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; n = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (k[l].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; var s = g.dataPointIds[l]; this._eventManager.objectMap[s] = { id: s, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: f, dataPointIndex: l, x1: m, y1: n }; h || q ? (b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(m, n), t && (c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(m, n)), q = h = !1) : (b.lineTo(m, r), t && c.lineTo(m, r), b.lineTo(m, n), t && c.lineTo(m, n), 0 == l % 500 && (b.stroke(), b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(m, n), t && (c.stroke(), c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(m, n)))); if (0 < k[l].markerSize || 0 < g.markerSize) r = g.getMarkerProperties(l, m, n, b), d.push(r), s = B(s), t && d.push({ x: m, y: n, ctx: c, type: r.type, size: r.size, color: s, borderColor: s, borderThickness: r.borderThickness }); (k[l].indexLabel || g.indexLabel || k[l].indexLabelFormatter || g.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stepLine", dataPoint: k[l], dataSeries: g, point: { x: m, y: n }, direction: 0 <= k[l].y ? 1 : -1, color: p }) } b.stroke(); t && c.stroke() } } K.drawMarkers(d); b.restore(); b.beginPath(); t && c.beginPath(); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderSpline = function(a) { function b(a) { a = ia(a, 2); if (0 < a.length) { c.beginPath(); t && d.beginPath(); c.moveTo(a[0].x, a[0].y); t && d.moveTo(a[0].x, a[0].y); for (var b = 0; b < a.length - 3; b += 3) c.bezierCurveTo(a[b + 1].x, a[b + 1].y, a[b + 2].x, a[b + 2].y, a[b + 3].x, a[b + 3].y), t && d.bezierCurveTo(a[b + 1].x, a[b + 1].y, a[b + 2].x, a[b + 2].y, a[b + 3].x, a[b + 3].y), 0 < b && 0 === b % 3E3 && (c.stroke(), c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(a[b + 3].x, a[b + 3].y), t && (d.stroke(), d.beginPath(), d.moveTo(a[b + 3].x, a[b + 3].y))); c.stroke(); t && d.stroke() } } var c = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var d = this._eventManager.ghostCtx; c.save(); var e = this.plotArea; c.beginPath(); c.rect(e.x1, e.y1, e.width, e.height); c.clip(); for (var e = [], f = 0; f < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; f++) { var g = a.dataSeriesIndexes[f], k = this.data[g]; c.lineWidth = k.lineThickness; var p = k.dataPoints; c.setLineDash && c.setLineDash(M(k.lineDashType, k.lineThickness)); var h = k.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[h] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: g }; h = B(h); d.strokeStyle = h; d.lineWidth = 0 < k.lineThickness ? Math.max(k.lineThickness, 4) : 0; h = k._colorSet[0]; c.strokeStyle = h; var l = 0, m, n, q = []; c.beginPath(); if (0 < p.length) for (l = 0; l < p.length; l++) if (m = p[l].getTime ? p[l].x.getTime() : p[l].x, !(m < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || m > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) if ("number" !== typeof p[l].y) 0 < l && (b(q), q = []); else { m = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (m - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; n = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (p[l].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; var r = k.dataPointIds[l]; this._eventManager.objectMap[r] = { id: r, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: g, dataPointIndex: l, x1: m, y1: n }; q[q.length] = { x: m, y: n }; if (0 < p[l].markerSize || 0 < k.markerSize) { var s = k.getMarkerProperties(l, m, n, c); e.push(s); r = B(r); t && e.push({ x: m, y: n, ctx: d, type: s.type, size: s.size, color: r, borderColor: r, borderThickness: s.borderThickness }) }(p[l].indexLabel || k.indexLabel || p[l].indexLabelFormatter || k.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "spline", dataPoint: p[l], dataSeries: k, point: { x: m, y: n }, direction: 0 <= p[l].y ? 1 : -1, color: h }) } b(q) } K.drawMarkers(e); c.restore(); c.beginPath(); t && d.beginPath(); return { source: c, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; var I = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, p, h, l, m, n) { "undefined" === typeof n && (n = 1); g = g || 0; k = k || "black"; var q = 15 < d - b && 15 < e - c ? 8 : 0.35 * Math.min(d - b, e - c); a.beginPath(); a.moveTo(b, c); a.save(); a.fillStyle = f; a.globalAlpha = n; a.fillRect(b, c, d - b, e - c); a.globalAlpha = 1; 0 < g && (n = 0 === g % 2 ? 0 : 0.5, a.beginPath(), a.lineWidth = g, a.strokeStyle = k, a.moveTo(b, c), a.rect(b - n, c - n, d - b + 2 * n, e - c + 2 * n), a.stroke()); a.restore(); !0 === p && (a.save(), a.beginPath(), a.moveTo(b, c), a.lineTo(b + q, c + q), a.lineTo(d - q, c + q), a.lineTo(d, c), a.closePath(), g = a.createLinearGradient((d + b) / 2, c + q, (d + b) / 2, c), g.addColorStop(0, f), g.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, .4)"), a.fillStyle = g, a.fill(), a.restore()); !0 === h && (a.save(), a.beginPath(), a.moveTo(b, e), a.lineTo(b + q, e - q), a.lineTo(d - q, e - q), a.lineTo(d, e), a.closePath(), g = a.createLinearGradient((d + b) / 2, e - q, (d + b) / 2, e), g.addColorStop(0, f), g.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, .4)"), a.fillStyle = g, a.fill(), a.restore()); !0 === l && (a.save(), a.beginPath(), a.moveTo(b, c), a.lineTo(b + q, c + q), a.lineTo(b + q, e - q), a.lineTo(b, e), a.closePath(), g = a.createLinearGradient(b + q, (e + c) / 2, b, (e + c) / 2), g.addColorStop(0, f), g.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)"), a.fillStyle = g, a.fill(), a.restore()); !0 === m && (a.save(), a.beginPath(), a.moveTo(d, c), a.lineTo(d - q, c + q), a.lineTo(d - q, e - q), a.lineTo(d, e), g = a.createLinearGradient(d - q, (e + c) / 2, d, (e + c) / 2), g.addColorStop(0, f), g.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)"), a.fillStyle = g, g.addColorStop(0, f), g.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)"), a.fillStyle = g, a.fill(), a.closePath(), a.restore()) }; u.prototype.renderColumn = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = null, d = this.plotArea, e = 0, f, g, k, p = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, e = this.dataPointMinWidth ? this.dataPointMinWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 1, h = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Math.min(0.15 * this.width, 0.9 * (this.plotArea.width / a.plotType.totalDataSeries)) << 0, l = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff; isFinite(l) || (l = 0.3 * Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum)); l = this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.9 * (d.width / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(l) / a.plotType.totalDataSeries) << 0; this.dataPointMaxWidth && e > h && (e = Math.min(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Infinity, h)); !this.dataPointMaxWidth && (this.dataPointMinWidth && h < e) && (h = Math.max(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : -Infinity, e)); l < e && (l = e); l > h && (l = h); b.save(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()); for (d = 0; d < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; d++) { var h = a.dataSeriesIndexes[d], m = this.data[h], n = m.dataPoints; if (0 < n.length) for (var q = 5 < l && m.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, e = 0; e < n.length; e++) if (n[e].getTime ? k = n[e].x.getTime() : k = n[e].x, !(k < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || k > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && "number" === typeof n[e].y) { f = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (k - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; g = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (n[e].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; f = f - a.plotType.totalDataSeries * l / 2 + (a.previousDataSeriesCount + d) * l << 0; var r = f + l << 0, s; 0 <= n[e].y ? s = p : (s = g, g = p); g > s && (s = g = s); c = n[e].color ? n[e].color : m._colorSet[e % m._colorSet.length]; I(b, f, g, r, s, c, 0, null, q && 0 <= n[e].y, 0 > n[e].y && q, !1, !1, m.fillOpacity); c = m.dataPointIds[e]; this._eventManager.objectMap[c] = { id: c, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: h, dataPointIndex: e, x1: f, y1: g, x2: r, y2: s }; c = B(c); t && I(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, f, g, r, s, c, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1); (n[e].indexLabel || m.indexLabel || n[e].indexLabelFormatter || m.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "column", dataPoint: n[e], dataSeries: m, point: { x: f + (r - f) / 2, y: 0 <= n[e].y ? g : s }, direction: 0 <= n[e].y ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: f, y1: Math.min(g, s), x2: r, y2: Math.max(g, s) }, color: c }) } } b.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); a = Math.min(p, a.axisY.boundingRect.y2); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.yScaleAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: a } } }; u.prototype.renderStackedColumn = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = null, d = this.plotArea, e = [], f = [], g = 0, k, p = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, g = this.dataPointMinWidth ? this.dataPointMinWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 1, h = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.15 * this.width << 0, l = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff; isFinite(l) || (l = 0.3 * Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum)); l = this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.9 * (d.width / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(l) / a.plotType.plotUnits.length) << 0; this.dataPointMaxWidth && g > h && (g = Math.min(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Infinity, h)); !this.dataPointMaxWidth && (this.dataPointMinWidth && h < g) && (h = Math.max(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : -Infinity, g)); l < g && (l = g); l > h && (l = h); b.save(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()); for (h = 0; h < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; h++) { var m = a.dataSeriesIndexes[h], n = this.data[m], q = n.dataPoints; if (0 < q.length) { var r = 5 < l && n.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1; b.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 "; for (g = 0; g < q.length; g++) if (c = q[g].x.getTime ? q[g].x.getTime() : q[g].x, !(c < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || c > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && "number" === typeof q[g].y) { d = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (c - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; k = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (q[g].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum); var s = d - a.plotType.plotUnits.length * l / 2 + a.index * l << 0, w = s + l << 0, v; if (0 <= q[g].y) { var x = e[c] ? e[c] : 0; k -= x; v = p - x; e[c] = x + (v - k) } else x = f[c] ? f[c] : 0, v = k + x, k = p + x, f[c] = x + (v - k); c = q[g].color ? q[g].color : n._colorSet[g % n._colorSet.length]; I(b, s, k, w, v, c, 0, null, r && 0 <= q[g].y, 0 > q[g].y && r, !1, !1, n.fillOpacity); c = n.dataPointIds[g]; this._eventManager.objectMap[c] = { id: c, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: m, dataPointIndex: g, x1: s, y1: k, x2: w, y2: v }; c = B(c); t && I(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, s, k, w, v, c, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1); (q[g].indexLabel || n.indexLabel || q[g].indexLabelFormatter || n.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedColumn", dataPoint: q[g], dataSeries: n, point: { x: d, y: 0 <= q[g].y ? k : v }, direction: 0 <= q[g].y ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: s, y1: Math.min(k, v), x2: w, y2: Math.max(k, v) }, color: c }) } } } b.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); a = Math.min(p, a.axisY.boundingRect.y2); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.yScaleAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: a } } }; u.prototype.renderStackedColumn100 = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = null, d = this.plotArea, e = [], f = [], g = 0, k, p = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, g = this.dataPointMinWidth ? this.dataPointMinWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 1, h = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.15 * this.width << 0, l = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff; isFinite(l) || (l = 0.3 * Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum)); l = this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.9 * (d.width / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(l) / a.plotType.plotUnits.length) << 0; this.dataPointMaxWidth && g > h && (g = Math.min(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Infinity, h)); !this.dataPointMaxWidth && (this.dataPointMinWidth && h < g) && (h = Math.max(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : -Infinity, g)); l < g && (l = g); l > h && (l = h); b.save(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()); for (h = 0; h < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; h++) { var m = a.dataSeriesIndexes[h], n = this.data[m], q = n.dataPoints; if (0 < q.length) for (var r = 5 < l && n.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, g = 0; g < q.length; g++) if (c = q[g].x.getTime ? q[g].x.getTime() : q[g].x, !(c < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || c > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && "number" === typeof q[g].y) { d = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (c - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; k = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * ((0 !== a.dataPointYSums[c] ? 100 * (q[g].y / a.dataPointYSums[c]) : 0) - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum); var s = d - a.plotType.plotUnits.length * l / 2 + a.index * l << 0, w = s + l << 0, v; if (0 <= q[g].y) { var x = e[c] ? e[c] : 0; k -= x; v = p - x; e[c] = x + (v - k) } else x = f[c] ? f[c] : 0, v = k + x, k = p + x, f[c] = x + (v - k); c = q[g].color ? q[g].color : n._colorSet[g % n._colorSet.length]; I(b, s, k, w, v, c, 0, null, r && 0 <= q[g].y, 0 > q[g].y && r, !1, !1, n.fillOpacity); c = n.dataPointIds[g]; this._eventManager.objectMap[c] = { id: c, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: m, dataPointIndex: g, x1: s, y1: k, x2: w, y2: v }; c = B(c); t && I(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, s, k, w, v, c, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1); (q[g].indexLabel || n.indexLabel || q[g].indexLabelFormatter || n.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedColumn100", dataPoint: q[g], dataSeries: n, point: { x: d, y: 0 <= q[g].y ? k : v }, direction: 0 <= q[g].y ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: s, y1: Math.min(k, v), x2: w, y2: Math.max(k, v) }, color: c }) } } b.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); a = Math.min(p, a.axisY.boundingRect.y2); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.yScaleAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: a } } }; u.prototype.renderBar = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = null, d = this.plotArea, e = 0, f, g, k, p = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, e = this.dataPointMinWidth ? this.dataPointMinWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 1, h = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Math.min(0.15 * this.height, 0.9 * (this.plotArea.height / a.plotType.totalDataSeries)) << 0, l = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff; isFinite(l) || (l = 0.3 * Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum)); l = this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.9 * (d.height / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(l) / a.plotType.totalDataSeries) << 0; this.dataPointMaxWidth && e > h && (e = Math.min(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Infinity, h)); !this.dataPointMaxWidth && (this.dataPointMinWidth && h < e) && (h = Math.max(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : -Infinity, e)); l < e && (l = e); l > h && (l = h); b.save(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()); for (d = 0; d < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; d++) { var h = a.dataSeriesIndexes[d], m = this.data[h], n = m.dataPoints; if (0 < n.length) { var q = 5 < l && m.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1; b.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 "; for (e = 0; e < n.length; e++) if (n[e].getTime ? k = n[e].x.getTime() : k = n[e].x, !(k < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || k > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && "number" === typeof n[e].y) { g = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (k - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; f = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (n[e].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; g = g - a.plotType.totalDataSeries * l / 2 + (a.previousDataSeriesCount + d) * l << 0; var r = g + l << 0, s; 0 <= n[e].y ? s = p : (s = f, f = p); c = n[e].color ? n[e].color : m._colorSet[e % m._colorSet.length]; I(b, s, g, f, r, c, 0, null, q, !1, !1, !1, m.fillOpacity); c = m.dataPointIds[e]; this._eventManager.objectMap[c] = { id: c, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: h, dataPointIndex: e, x1: s, y1: g, x2: f, y2: r }; c = B(c); t && I(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, s, g, f, r, c, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1); (n[e].indexLabel || m.indexLabel || n[e].indexLabelFormatter || m.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "bar", dataPoint: n[e], dataSeries: m, point: { x: 0 <= n[e].y ? f : s, y: g + (r - g) / 2 }, direction: 0 <= n[e].y ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: Math.min(s, f), y1: g, x2: Math.max(s, f), y2: r }, color: c }) } } } b.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); a = Math.max(p, a.axisX.boundingRect.x2); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xScaleAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: a } } }; u.prototype.renderStackedBar = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = null, d = this.plotArea, e = [], f = [], g = 0, k, p = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, g = this.dataPointMinWidth ? this.dataPointMinWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 1, h = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.15 * this.height << 0, l = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff; isFinite(l) || (l = 0.3 * Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum)); l = this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.9 * (d.height / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(l) / a.plotType.plotUnits.length) << 0; this.dataPointMaxWidth && g > h && (g = Math.min(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Infinity, h)); !this.dataPointMaxWidth && (this.dataPointMinWidth && h < g) && (h = Math.max(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : -Infinity, g)); l < g && (l = g); l > h && (l = h); b.save(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()); for (h = 0; h < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; h++) { var m = a.dataSeriesIndexes[h], n = this.data[m], q = n.dataPoints; if (0 < q.length) { var r = 5 < l && n.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1; b.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 "; for (g = 0; g < q.length; g++) if (c = q[g].x.getTime ? q[g].x.getTime() : q[g].x, !(c < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || c > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && "number" === typeof q[g].y) { d = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (c - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; k = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (q[g].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum); var s = d - a.plotType.plotUnits.length * l / 2 + a.index * l << 0, w = s + l << 0, v; if (0 <= q[g].y) { var x = e[c] ? e[c] : 0; v = p + x; k += x; e[c] = x + (k - v) } else x = f[c] ? f[c] : 0, v = k - x, k = p - x, f[c] = x + (k - v); c = q[g].color ? q[g].color : n._colorSet[g % n._colorSet.length]; I(b, v, s, k, w, c, 0, null, r, !1, !1, !1, n.fillOpacity); c = n.dataPointIds[g]; this._eventManager.objectMap[c] = { id: c, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: m, dataPointIndex: g, x1: v, y1: s, x2: k, y2: w }; c = B(c); t && I(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, v, s, k, w, c, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1); (q[g].indexLabel || n.indexLabel || q[g].indexLabelFormatter || n.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedBar", dataPoint: q[g], dataSeries: n, point: { x: 0 <= q[g].y ? k : v, y: d }, direction: 0 <= q[g].y ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: Math.min(v, k), y1: s, x2: Math.max(v, k), y2: w }, color: c }) } } } b.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); a = Math.max(p, a.axisX.boundingRect.x2); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xScaleAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: a } } }; u.prototype.renderStackedBar100 = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = null, d = this.plotArea, e = [], f = [], g = 0, k, p = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, g = this.dataPointMinWidth ? this.dataPointMinWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 1, h = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.15 * this.height << 0, l = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff; isFinite(l) || (l = 0.3 * Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum)); l = this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.9 * (d.height / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(l) / a.plotType.plotUnits.length) << 0; this.dataPointMaxWidth && g > h && (g = Math.min(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Infinity, h)); !this.dataPointMaxWidth && (this.dataPointMinWidth && h < g) && (h = Math.max(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : -Infinity, g)); l < g && (l = g); l > h && (l = h); b.save(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()); for (h = 0; h < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; h++) { var m = a.dataSeriesIndexes[h], n = this.data[m], q = n.dataPoints; if (0 < q.length) { var r = 5 < l && n.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1; b.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 "; for (g = 0; g < q.length; g++) if (c = q[g].x.getTime ? q[g].x.getTime() : q[g].x, !(c < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || c > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && "number" === typeof q[g].y) { d = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (c - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; k = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * ((0 !== a.dataPointYSums[c] ? 100 * (q[g].y / a.dataPointYSums[c]) : 0) - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum); var s = d - a.plotType.plotUnits.length * l / 2 + a.index * l << 0, w = s + l << 0, v; if (0 <= q[g].y) { var x = e[c] ? e[c] : 0; v = p + x; k += x; e[c] = x + (k - v) } else x = f[c] ? f[c] : 0, v = k - x, k = p - x, f[c] = x + (k - v); c = q[g].color ? q[g].color : n._colorSet[g % n._colorSet.length]; I(b, v, s, k, w, c, 0, null, r, !1, !1, !1, n.fillOpacity); c = n.dataPointIds[g]; this._eventManager.objectMap[c] = { id: c, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: m, dataPointIndex: g, x1: v, y1: s, x2: k, y2: w }; c = B(c); t && I(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, v, s, k, w, c, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1); (q[g].indexLabel || n.indexLabel || q[g].indexLabelFormatter || n.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedBar100", dataPoint: q[g], dataSeries: n, point: { x: 0 <= q[g].y ? k : v, y: d }, direction: 0 <= q[g].y ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: Math.min(v, k), y1: s, x2: Math.max(v, k), y2: w }, color: c }) } } } b.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); a = Math.max(p, a.axisX.boundingRect.x2); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xScaleAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: a } } }; u.prototype.renderArea = function(a) { function b() { x && (0 < h.lineThickness && c.stroke(), 0 >= a.axisY.viewportMinimum && 0 <= a.axisY.viewportMaximum ? v = w : 0 > a.axisY.viewportMaximum ? v = f.y1 : 0 < a.axisY.viewportMinimum && (v = e.y2), c.lineTo(q, v), c.lineTo(x.x, v), c.closePath(), c.globalAlpha = h.fillOpacity, c.fill(), c.globalAlpha = 1, t && (d.lineTo(q, v), d.lineTo(x.x, v), d.closePath(), d.fill()), c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(q, r), d.beginPath(), d.moveTo(q, r), x = { x: q, y: r }) } var c = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var d = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, e = a.axisX.lineCoordinates, f = a.axisY.lineCoordinates, g = [], k = this.plotArea; c.save(); t && d.save(); c.beginPath(); c.rect(k.x1, k.y1, k.width, k.height); c.clip(); t && (d.beginPath(), d.rect(k.x1, k.y1, k.width, k.height), d.clip()); for (k = 0; k < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; k++) { var p = a.dataSeriesIndexes[k], h = this.data[p], l = h.dataPoints, g = h.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[g] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: p }; g = B(g); d.fillStyle = g; var g = [], m = !0, n = 0, q, r, s, w = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0, v, x = null; if (0 < l.length) { var E = h._colorSet[n % h._colorSet.length]; c.fillStyle = E; c.strokeStyle = E; c.lineWidth = h.lineThickness; c.setLineDash && c.setLineDash(M(h.lineDashType, h.lineThickness)); for (var y = !0; n < l.length; n++) if (s = l[n].x.getTime ? l[n].x.getTime() : l[n].x, !(s < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || s > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) if ("number" !== typeof l[n].y) b(), y = !0; else { q = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; r = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (l[n].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; m || y ? (c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(q, r), x = { x: q, y: r }, t && (d.beginPath(), d.moveTo(q, r)), y = m = !1) : (c.lineTo(q, r), t && d.lineTo(q, r), 0 == n % 250 && b()); var z = h.dataPointIds[n]; this._eventManager.objectMap[z] = { id: z, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: p, dataPointIndex: n, x1: q, y1: r }; 0 !== l[n].markerSize && (0 < l[n].markerSize || 0 < h.markerSize) && (s = h.getMarkerProperties(n, q, r, c), g.push(s), z = B(z), t && g.push({ x: q, y: r, ctx: d, type: s.type, size: s.size, color: z, borderColor: z, borderThickness: s.borderThickness })); (l[n].indexLabel || h.indexLabel || l[n].indexLabelFormatter || h.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "area", dataPoint: l[n], dataSeries: h, point: { x: q, y: r }, direction: 0 <= l[n].y ? 1 : -1, color: E }) } b(); K.drawMarkers(g) } } c.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); return { source: c, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderSplineArea = function(a) { function b() { var b = ia(v, 2); if (0 < b.length) { c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(b[0].x, b[0].y); t && (d.beginPath(), d.moveTo(b[0].x, b[0].y)); for (var g = 0; g < b.length - 3; g += 3) c.bezierCurveTo(b[g + 1].x, b[g + 1].y, b[g + 2].x, b[g + 2].y, b[g + 3].x, b[g + 3].y), t && d.bezierCurveTo(b[g + 1].x, b[g + 1].y, b[g + 2].x, b[g + 2].y, b[g + 3].x, b[g + 3].y); 0 < h.lineThickness && c.stroke(); 0 >= a.axisY.viewportMinimum && 0 <= a.axisY.viewportMaximum ? s = r : 0 > a.axisY.viewportMaximum ? s = f.y1 : 0 < a.axisY.viewportMinimum && (s = e.y2); w = { x: b[0].x, y: b[0].y }; c.lineTo(b[b.length - 1].x, s); c.lineTo(w.x, s); c.closePath(); c.globalAlpha = h.fillOpacity; c.fill(); c.globalAlpha = 1; t && (d.lineTo(b[b.length - 1].x, s), d.lineTo(w.x, s), d.closePath(), d.fill()) } } var c = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var d = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, e = a.axisX.lineCoordinates, f = a.axisY.lineCoordinates, g = [], k = this.plotArea; c.save(); t && d.save(); c.beginPath(); c.rect(k.x1, k.y1, k.width, k.height); c.clip(); t && (d.beginPath(), d.rect(k.x1, k.y1, k.width, k.height), d.clip()); for (k = 0; k < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; k++) { var p = a.dataSeriesIndexes[k], h = this.data[p], l = h.dataPoints, g = h.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[g] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: p }; g = B(g); d.fillStyle = g; var g = [], m = 0, n, q, r = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0, s, w = null, v = []; if (0 < l.length) { color = h._colorSet[m % h._colorSet.length]; c.fillStyle = color; c.strokeStyle = color; c.lineWidth = h.lineThickness; for (c.setLineDash && c.setLineDash(M(h.lineDashType, h.lineThickness)); m < l.length; m++) if (n = l[m].x.getTime ? l[m].x.getTime() : l[m].x, !(n < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || n > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) if ("number" !== typeof l[m].y) 0 < m && (b(), v = []); else { n = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (n - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; q = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (l[m].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; var x = h.dataPointIds[m]; this._eventManager.objectMap[x] = { id: x, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: p, dataPointIndex: m, x1: n, y1: q }; v[v.length] = { x: n, y: q }; if (0 !== l[m].markerSize && (0 < l[m].markerSize || 0 < h.markerSize)) { var E = h.getMarkerProperties(m, n, q, c); g.push(E); x = B(x); t && g.push({ x: n, y: q, ctx: d, type: E.type, size: E.size, color: x, borderColor: x, borderThickness: E.borderThickness }) }(l[m].indexLabel || h.indexLabel || l[m].indexLabelFormatter || h.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "splineArea", dataPoint: l[m], dataSeries: h, point: { x: n, y: q }, direction: 0 <= l[m].y ? 1 : -1, color: color }) } b(); K.drawMarkers(g) } } c.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); return { source: c, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderStepArea = function(a) { function b() { x && (0 < h.lineThickness && c.stroke(), 0 >= a.axisY.viewportMinimum && 0 <= a.axisY.viewportMaximum ? v = w : 0 > a.axisY.viewportMaximum ? v = f.y1 : 0 < a.axisY.viewportMinimum && (v = e.y2), c.lineTo(q, v), c.lineTo(x.x, v), c.closePath(), c.globalAlpha = h.fillOpacity, c.fill(), c.globalAlpha = 1, t && (d.lineTo(q, v), d.lineTo(x.x, v), d.closePath(), d.fill()), c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(q, r), d.beginPath(), d.moveTo(q, r), x = { x: q, y: r }) } var c = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var d = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, e = a.axisX.lineCoordinates, f = a.axisY.lineCoordinates, g = [], k = this.plotArea; c.save(); t && d.save(); c.beginPath(); c.rect(k.x1, k.y1, k.width, k.height); c.clip(); t && (d.beginPath(), d.rect(k.x1, k.y1, k.width, k.height), d.clip()); for (k = 0; k < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; k++) { var p = a.dataSeriesIndexes[k], h = this.data[p], l = h.dataPoints, g = h.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[g] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: p }; g = B(g); d.fillStyle = g; var g = [], m = !0, n = 0, q, r, s, w = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0, v, x = null, E = !1; if (0 < l.length) { var y = h._colorSet[n % h._colorSet.length]; c.fillStyle = y; c.strokeStyle = y; c.lineWidth = h.lineThickness; for (c.setLineDash && c.setLineDash(M(h.lineDashType, h.lineThickness)); n < l.length; n++) if (s = l[n].x.getTime ? l[n].x.getTime() : l[n].x, !(s < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || s > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) { var z = r; "number" !== typeof l[n].y ? (b(), E = !0) : (q = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0, r = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (l[n].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0, m || E ? (c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(q, r), x = { x: q, y: r }, t && (d.beginPath(), d.moveTo(q, r)), E = m = !1) : (c.lineTo(q, z), t && d.lineTo(q, z), c.lineTo(q, r), t && d.lineTo(q, r), 0 == n % 250 && b()), z = h.dataPointIds[n], this._eventManager.objectMap[z] = { id: z, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: p, dataPointIndex: n, x1: q, y1: r }, 0 !== l[n].markerSize && (0 < l[n].markerSize || 0 < h.markerSize) && (s = h.getMarkerProperties(n, q, r, c), g.push(s), z = B(z), t && g.push({ x: q, y: r, ctx: d, type: s.type, size: s.size, color: z, borderColor: z, borderThickness: s.borderThickness })), (l[n].indexLabel || h.indexLabel || l[n].indexLabelFormatter || h.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stepArea", dataPoint: l[n], dataSeries: h, point: { x: q, y: r }, direction: 0 <= l[n].y ? 1 : -1, color: y })) } b(); K.drawMarkers(g) } } c.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); return { source: c, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderStackedArea = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = null, d = [], e = this.plotArea, f = [], g = [], k = 0, p, h, l, m = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, n = this._eventManager.ghostCtx; t && n.beginPath(); b.save(); t && n.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(e.x1, e.y1, e.width, e.height); b.clip(); t && (n.beginPath(), n.rect(e.x1, e.y1, e.width, e.height), n.clip()); xValuePresent = []; for (e = 0; e < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; e++) { var q = a.dataSeriesIndexes[e], r = this.data[q], s = r.dataPoints; r.dataPointIndexes = []; for (k = 0; k < s.length; k++) q = s[k].x.getTime ? s[k].x.getTime() : s[k].x, r.dataPointIndexes[q] = k, xValuePresent[q] || (g.push(q), xValuePresent[q] = !0); g.sort(ua) } for (e = 0; e < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; e++) { var q = a.dataSeriesIndexes[e], r = this.data[q], s = r.dataPoints, w = !0, v = [], k = r.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[k] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: q }; k = B(k); n.fillStyle = k; if (0 < g.length) { c = r._colorSet[0]; b.fillStyle = c; b.strokeStyle = c; b.lineWidth = r.lineThickness; b.setLineDash && b.setLineDash(M(r.lineDashType, r.lineThickness)); for (k = 0; k < g.length; k++) { l = g[k]; var x = null, x = 0 <= r.dataPointIndexes[l] ? s[r.dataPointIndexes[l]] : { x: l, y: 0 }; if (!(l < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || l > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && "number" === typeof x.y) { p = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (l - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; h = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (x.y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum); var E = f[l] ? f[l] : 0; h -= E; v.push({ x: p, y: m - E }); f[l] = m - h; if (w) b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(p, h), t && (n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(p, h)), w = !1; else if (b.lineTo(p, h), t && n.lineTo(p, h), 0 == k % 250) { for (0 < r.lineThickness && b.stroke(); 0 < v.length;) { var y = v.pop(); b.lineTo(y.x, y.y); t && n.lineTo(y.x, y.y) } b.closePath(); b.globalAlpha = r.fillOpacity; b.fill(); b.globalAlpha = 1; b.beginPath(); b.moveTo(p, h); t && (n.closePath(), n.fill(), n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(p, h)); v.push({ x: p, y: m - E }) } if (0 <= r.dataPointIndexes[l]) { var z = r.dataPointIds[r.dataPointIndexes[l]]; this._eventManager.objectMap[z] = { id: z, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: q, dataPointIndex: r.dataPointIndexes[l], x1: p, y1: h } } 0 <= r.dataPointIndexes[l] && 0 !== x.markerSize && (0 < x.markerSize || 0 < r.markerSize) && (l = r.getMarkerProperties(k, p, h, b), d.push(l), markerColor = B(z), t && d.push({ x: p, y: h, ctx: n, type: l.type, size: l.size, color: markerColor, borderColor: markerColor, borderThickness: l.borderThickness })); (x.indexLabel || r.indexLabel || x.indexLabelFormatter || r.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedArea", dataPoint: x, dataSeries: r, point: { x: p, y: h }, direction: 0 <= s[k].y ? 1 : -1, color: c }) } } for (0 < r.lineThickness && b.stroke(); 0 < v.length;) y = v.pop(), b.lineTo(y.x, y.y), t && n.lineTo(y.x, y.y); b.closePath(); b.globalAlpha = r.fillOpacity; b.fill(); b.globalAlpha = 1; b.beginPath(); b.moveTo(p, h); t && (n.closePath(), n.fill(), n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(p, h)) } delete r.dataPointIndexes } K.drawMarkers(d); b.restore(); t && n.restore(); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderStackedArea100 = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = null, d = this.plotArea, e = [], f = [], g = [], k = 0, p, h, l, m = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, n = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : 0.15 * this.width << 0, q = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, q = 0.9 * d.width / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(q) << 0, r = this._eventManager.ghostCtx; b.save(); t && r.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (r.beginPath(), r.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), r.clip()); xValuePresent = []; for (d = 0; d < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; d++) { var s = a.dataSeriesIndexes[d], w = this.data[s], v = w.dataPoints; w.dataPointIndexes = []; for (k = 0; k < v.length; k++) s = v[k].x.getTime ? v[k].x.getTime() : v[k].x, w.dataPointIndexes[s] = k, xValuePresent[s] || (g.push(s), xValuePresent[s] = !0); g.sort(ua) } for (d = 0; d < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; d++) { var s = a.dataSeriesIndexes[d], w = this.data[s], v = w.dataPoints, x = !0, c = w.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[c] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: s }; c = B(c); r.fillStyle = c; 1 == v.length && (q = n); 1 > q ? q = 1 : q > n && (q = n); var E = []; if (0 < g.length) { c = w._colorSet[k % w._colorSet.length]; b.fillStyle = c; b.strokeStyle = c; b.lineWidth = w.lineThickness; b.setLineDash && b.setLineDash(M(w.lineDashType, w.lineThickness)); for (k = 0; k < g.length; k++) { l = g[k]; var y = null, y = 0 <= w.dataPointIndexes[l] ? v[w.dataPointIndexes[l]] : { x: l, y: 0 }; if (!(l < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || l > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && "number" === typeof y.y) { h = 0 !== a.dataPointYSums[l] ? 100 * (y.y / a.dataPointYSums[l]) : 0; p = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (l - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; h = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (h - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum); var z = f[l] ? f[l] : 0; h -= z; E.push({ x: p, y: m - z }); f[l] = m - h; if (x) b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(p, h), t && (r.beginPath(), r.moveTo(p, h)), x = !1; else if (b.lineTo(p, h), t && r.lineTo(p, h), 0 == k % 250) { for (0 < w.lineThickness && b.stroke(); 0 < E.length;) { var u = E.pop(); b.lineTo(u.x, u.y); t && r.lineTo(u.x, u.y) } b.closePath(); b.globalAlpha = w.fillOpacity; b.fill(); b.globalAlpha = 1; b.beginPath(); b.moveTo(p, h); t && (r.closePath(), r.fill(), r.beginPath(), r.moveTo(p, h)); E.push({ x: p, y: m - z }) } if (0 <= w.dataPointIndexes[l]) { var D = w.dataPointIds[w.dataPointIndexes[l]]; this._eventManager.objectMap[D] = { id: D, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: s, dataPointIndex: w.dataPointIndexes[l], x1: p, y1: h } } 0 <= w.dataPointIndexes[l] && 0 !== y.markerSize && (0 < y.markerSize || 0 < w.markerSize) && (l = w.getMarkerProperties(k, p, h, b), e.push(l), markerColor = B(D), t && e.push({ x: p, y: h, ctx: r, type: l.type, size: l.size, color: markerColor, borderColor: markerColor, borderThickness: l.borderThickness })); (y.indexLabel || w.indexLabel || y.indexLabelFormatter || w.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedArea100", dataPoint: y, dataSeries: w, point: { x: p, y: h }, direction: 0 <= v[k].y ? 1 : -1, color: c }) } } for (0 < w.lineThickness && b.stroke(); 0 < E.length;) u = E.pop(), b.lineTo(u.x, u.y), t && r.lineTo(u.x, u.y); b.closePath(); b.globalAlpha = w.fillOpacity; b.fill(); b.globalAlpha = 1; b.beginPath(); b.moveTo(p, h); t && (r.closePath(), r.fill(), r.beginPath(), r.moveTo(p, h)) } delete w.dataPointIndexes } K.drawMarkers(e); b.restore(); t && r.restore(); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderBubble = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, c = a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; if (!(0 >= c)) { var d = this.plotArea, e = 0, f, g, k = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : 0.15 * this.width << 0, e = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, c = 0.9 * (d.width / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(e) / c) << 0; b.save(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()); for (var p = -Infinity, h = Infinity, l = 0; l < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; l++) for (var m = a.dataSeriesIndexes[l], n = this.data[m], q = n.dataPoints, r = 0, e = 0; e < q.length; e++) f = q[e].getTime ? f = q[e].x.getTime() : f = q[e].x, f < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || f > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax || "undefined" === typeof q[e].z || (r = q[e].z, r > p && (p = r), r < h && (h = r)); for (var s = 25 * Math.PI, d = Math.max(Math.pow(0.25 * Math.min(d.height, d.width) / 2, 2) * Math.PI, s), l = 0; l < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; l++) if (m = a.dataSeriesIndexes[l], n = this.data[m], q = n.dataPoints, 1 == q.length && (c = k), 1 > c ? c = 1 : c > k && (c = k), 0 < q.length) for (b.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 ", e = 0; e < q.length; e++) if (f = q[e].getTime ? f = q[e].x.getTime() : f = q[e].x, !(f < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || f > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && "number" === typeof q[e].y) { f = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; g = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (q[e].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; var r = q[e].z, w = 2 * Math.max(Math.sqrt((p === h ? d / 2 : s + (d - s) / (p - h) * (r - h)) / Math.PI) << 0, 1), r = n.getMarkerProperties(e, b); r.size = w; b.globalAlpha = n.fillOpacity; K.drawMarker(f, g, b, r.type, r.size, r.color, r.borderColor, r.borderThickness); b.globalAlpha = 1; var v = n.dataPointIds[e]; this._eventManager.objectMap[v] = { id: v, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: m, dataPointIndex: e, x1: f, y1: g, size: w }; w = B(v); t && K.drawMarker(f, g, this._eventManager.ghostCtx, r.type, r.size, w, w, r.borderThickness); (q[e].indexLabel || n.indexLabel || q[e].indexLabelFormatter || n.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "bubble", dataPoint: q[e], dataSeries: n, point: { x: f, y: g }, direction: 1, bounds: { x1: f - r.size / 2, y1: g - r.size / 2, x2: f + r.size / 2, y2: g + r.size / 2 }, color: null }) } b.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderScatter = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, c = a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; if (!(0 >= c)) { var d = this.plotArea, e = 0, f, g, k = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : 0.15 * this.width << 0, e = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, c = 0.9 * (d.width / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(e) / c) << 0; b.save(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()); for (var p = 0; p < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; p++) { var h = a.dataSeriesIndexes[p], l = this.data[h], m = l.dataPoints; 1 == m.length && (c = k); 1 > c ? c = 1 : c > k && (c = k); if (0 < m.length) { b.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 "; Math.pow(0.3 * Math.min(d.height, d.width) / 2, 2); for (var n = 0, q = 0, e = 0; e < m.length; e++) if (f = m[e].getTime ? f = m[e].x.getTime() : f = m[e].x, !(f < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || f > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && "number" === typeof m[e].y) { f = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; g = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (m[e].y - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; var r = l.getMarkerProperties(e, f, g, b); b.globalAlpha = l.fillOpacity; K.drawMarker(r.x, r.y, r.ctx, r.type, r.size, r.color, r.borderColor, r.borderThickness); b.globalAlpha = 1; Math.sqrt((n - f) * (n - f) + (q - g) * (q - g)) < Math.min(r.size, 5) && m.length > Math.min(this.plotArea.width, this.plotArea.height) || (n = l.dataPointIds[e], this._eventManager.objectMap[n] = { id: n, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: h, dataPointIndex: e, x1: f, y1: g }, n = B(n), t && K.drawMarker(r.x, r.y, this._eventManager.ghostCtx, r.type, r.size, n, n, r.borderThickness), (m[e].indexLabel || l.indexLabel || m[e].indexLabelFormatter || l.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "scatter", dataPoint: m[e], dataSeries: l, point: { x: f, y: g }, direction: 1, bounds: { x1: f - r.size / 2, y1: g - r.size / 2, x2: f + r.size / 2, y2: g + r.size / 2 }, color: null }), n = f, q = g) } } } b.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderCandlestick = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, c = this._eventManager.ghostCtx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var d = null, d = this.plotArea, e = 0, f, g, k, p, h, l, e = this.dataPointMinWidth ? this.dataPointMinWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 1; f = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.015 * this.width; var m = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff; isFinite(m) || (m = 0.3 * Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum)); m = this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.7 * d.width / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(m) << 0; this.dataPointMaxWidth && e > f && (e = Math.min(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Infinity, f)); !this.dataPointMaxWidth && (this.dataPointMinWidth && f < e) && (f = Math.max(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : -Infinity, e)); m < e && (m = e); m > f && (m = f); b.save(); t && c.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (c.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), c.clip()); for (var n = 0; n < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; n++) { var q = a.dataSeriesIndexes[n], r = this.data[q], s = r.dataPoints; if (0 < s.length) for (var w = 5 < m && r.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, e = 0; e < s.length; e++) if (s[e].getTime ? l = s[e].x.getTime() : l = s[e].x, !(l < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || l > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && null !== s[e].y && s[e].y.length && "number" === typeof s[e].y[0] && "number" === typeof s[e].y[1] && "number" === typeof s[e].y[2] && "number" === typeof s[e].y[3]) { f = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (l - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; g = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[e].y[0] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; k = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[e].y[1] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; p = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[e].y[2] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; h = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[e].y[3] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; var v = f - m / 2 << 0, x = v + m << 0, d = s[e].color ? s[e].color : r._colorSet[0], E = Math.round(Math.max(1, 0.15 * m)), u = 0 === E % 2 ? 0 : 0.5, z = r.dataPointIds[e]; this._eventManager.objectMap[z] = { id: z, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: q, dataPointIndex: e, x1: v, y1: g, x2: x, y2: k, x3: f, y3: p, x4: f, y4: h, borderThickness: E, color: d }; b.strokeStyle = d; b.beginPath(); b.lineWidth = E; c.lineWidth = Math.max(E, 4); "candlestick" === r.type ? (b.moveTo(f - u, k), b.lineTo(f - u, Math.min(g, h)), b.stroke(), b.moveTo(f - u, Math.max(g, h)), b.lineTo(f - u, p), b.stroke(), I(b, v, Math.min(g, h), x, Math.max(g, h), s[e].y[0] <= s[e].y[3] ? r.risingColor : d, E, d, w, w, !1, !1, r.fillOpacity), t && (d = B(z), c.strokeStyle = d, c.moveTo(f - u, k), c.lineTo(f - u, Math.min(g, h)), c.stroke(), c.moveTo(f - u, Math.max(g, h)), c.lineTo(f - u, p), c.stroke(), I(c, v, Math.min(g, h), x, Math.max(g, h), d, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1))) : "ohlc" === r.type && (b.moveTo(f - u, k), b.lineTo(f - u, p), b.stroke(), b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(f, g), b.lineTo(v, g), b.stroke(), b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(f, h), b.lineTo(x, h), b.stroke(), t && (d = B(z), c.strokeStyle = d, c.moveTo(f - u, k), c.lineTo(f - u, p), c.stroke(), c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(f, g), c.lineTo(v, g), c.stroke(), c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(f, h), c.lineTo(x, h), c.stroke())); (s[e].indexLabel || r.indexLabel || s[e].indexLabelFormatter || r.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: r.type, dataPoint: s[e], dataSeries: r, point: { x: v + (x - v) / 2, y: k }, direction: 1, bounds: { x1: v, y1: Math.min(k, p), x2: x, y2: Math.max(k, p) }, color: d }) } } b.restore(); t && c.restore(); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderRangeColumn = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = null, d = this.plotArea, e = 0, f, g, e = this.dataPointMinWidth ? this.dataPointMinWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 1; f = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.03 * this.width; var k = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff; isFinite(k) || (k = 0.3 * Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum)); k = this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.9 * (d.width / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(k) / a.plotType.totalDataSeries) << 0; this.dataPointMaxWidth && e > f && (e = Math.min(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Infinity, f)); !this.dataPointMaxWidth && (this.dataPointMinWidth && f < e) && (f = Math.max(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : -Infinity, e)); k < e && (k = e); k > f && (k = f); b.save(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()); for (var p = 0; p < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; p++) { var h = a.dataSeriesIndexes[p], l = this.data[h], m = l.dataPoints; if (0 < m.length) for (var n = 5 < k && l.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, e = 0; e < m.length; e++) if (m[e].getTime ? g = m[e].x.getTime() : g = m[e].x, !(g < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || g > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && null !== m[e].y && m[e].y.length && "number" === typeof m[e].y[0] && "number" === typeof m[e].y[1]) { c = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (g - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; d = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (m[e].y[0] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; f = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (m[e].y[1] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; var q = c - a.plotType.totalDataSeries * k / 2 + (a.previousDataSeriesCount + p) * k << 0, r = q + k << 0, c = m[e].color ? m[e].color : l._colorSet[e % l._colorSet.length]; if (d > f) { var s = d, d = f; f = s } s = l.dataPointIds[e]; this._eventManager.objectMap[s] = { id: s, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: h, dataPointIndex: e, x1: q, y1: d, x2: r, y2: f }; I(b, q, d, r, f, c, 0, c, n, n, !1, !1, l.fillOpacity); c = B(s); t && I(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, q, d, r, f, c, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1); if (m[e].indexLabel || l.indexLabel || m[e].indexLabelFormatter || l.indexLabelFormatter) this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeColumn", dataPoint: m[e], dataSeries: l, indexKeyword: 0, point: { x: q + (r - q) / 2, y: m[e].y[1] >= m[e].y[0] ? f : d }, direction: m[e].y[1] >= m[e].y[0] ? -1 : 1, bounds: { x1: q, y1: Math.min(d, f), x2: r, y2: Math.max(d, f) }, color: c }), this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeColumn", dataPoint: m[e], dataSeries: l, indexKeyword: 1, point: { x: q + (r - q) / 2, y: m[e].y[1] >= m[e].y[0] ? d : f }, direction: m[e].y[1] >= m[e].y[0] ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: q, y1: Math.min(d, f), x2: r, y2: Math.max(d, f) }, color: c }) } } b.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderRangeBar = function(a) { var b = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var c = null, d = this.plotArea, e = 0, f, g, k, e = this.dataPointMinWidth ? this.dataPointMinWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 1; f = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Math.min(0.15 * this.height, 0.9 * (this.plotArea.height / a.plotType.totalDataSeries)) << 0; var p = a.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff; isFinite(p) || (p = 0.3 * Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum)); p = this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : 0.9 * (d.height / Math.abs(a.axisX.viewportMaximum - a.axisX.viewportMinimum) * Math.abs(p) / a.plotType.totalDataSeries) << 0; this.dataPointMaxWidth && e > f && (e = Math.min(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : Infinity, f)); !this.dataPointMaxWidth && (this.dataPointMinWidth && f < e) && (f = Math.max(this.dataPointWidth ? this.dataPointWidth : -Infinity, e)); p < e && (p = e); p > f && (p = f); b.save(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(); b.beginPath(); b.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height); b.clip(); t && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(d.x1, d.y1, d.width, d.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()); for (var h = 0; h < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; h++) { var l = a.dataSeriesIndexes[h], m = this.data[l], n = m.dataPoints; if (0 < n.length) { var q = 5 < p && m.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1; b.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 "; for (e = 0; e < n.length; e++) if (n[e].getTime ? k = n[e].x.getTime() : k = n[e].x, !(k < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || k > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) && null !== n[e].y && n[e].y.length && "number" === typeof n[e].y[0] && "number" === typeof n[e].y[1]) { d = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (n[e].y[0] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; f = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (n[e].y[1] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; g = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (k - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; g = g - a.plotType.totalDataSeries * p / 2 + (a.previousDataSeriesCount + h) * p << 0; var r = g + p << 0; d > f && (c = d, d = f, f = c); c = n[e].color ? n[e].color : m._colorSet[e % m._colorSet.length]; I(b, d, g, f, r, c, 0, null, q, !1, !1, !1, m.fillOpacity); c = m.dataPointIds[e]; this._eventManager.objectMap[c] = { id: c, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: l, dataPointIndex: e, x1: d, y1: g, x2: f, y2: r }; c = B(c); t && I(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, d, g, f, r, c, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1); if (n[e].indexLabel || m.indexLabel || n[e].indexLabelFormatter || m.indexLabelFormatter) this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeBar", dataPoint: n[e], dataSeries: m, indexKeyword: 0, point: { x: n[e].y[1] >= n[e].y[0] ? d : f, y: g + (r - g) / 2 }, direction: n[e].y[1] >= n[e].y[0] ? -1 : 1, bounds: { x1: Math.min(d, f), y1: g, x2: Math.max(d, f), y2: r }, color: c }), this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeBar", dataPoint: n[e], dataSeries: m, indexKeyword: 1, point: { x: n[e].y[1] >= n[e].y[0] ? f : d, y: g + (r - g) / 2 }, direction: n[e].y[1] >= n[e].y[0] ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: Math.min(d, f), y1: g, x2: Math.max(d, f), y2: r }, color: c }) } } } b.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); return { source: b, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderRangeArea = function(a) { function b() { if (w) { var a = null; 0 < p.lineThickness && c.stroke(); for (var b = g.length - 1; 0 <= b; b--) a = g[b], c.lineTo(a.x, a.y), d.lineTo(a.x, a.y); c.closePath(); c.globalAlpha = p.fillOpacity; c.fill(); c.globalAlpha = 1; d.fill(); if (0 < p.lineThickness) { c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(a.x, a.y); for (b = 0; b < g.length; b++) a = g[b], c.lineTo(a.x, a.y); c.stroke() } c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(n, q); d.beginPath(); d.moveTo(n, q); w = { x: n, y: q }; g = []; g.push({ x: n, y: r }) } } var c = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var d = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, e = [], f = this.plotArea; c.save(); t && d.save(); c.beginPath(); c.rect(f.x1, f.y1, f.width, f.height); c.clip(); t && (d.beginPath(), d.rect(f.x1, f.y1, f.width, f.height), d.clip()); for (f = 0; f < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; f++) { var g = [], k = a.dataSeriesIndexes[f], p = this.data[k], h = p.dataPoints, e = p.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[e] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: k }; e = B(e); d.fillStyle = e; var e = [], l = !0, m = 0, n, q, r, s, w = null; if (0 < h.length) { var v = p._colorSet[m % p._colorSet.length]; c.fillStyle = v; c.strokeStyle = v; c.lineWidth = p.lineThickness; c.setLineDash && c.setLineDash(M(p.lineDashType, p.lineThickness)); for (var x = !0; m < h.length; m++) if (s = h[m].x.getTime ? h[m].x.getTime() : h[m].x, !(s < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || s > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) if (null !== h[m].y && h[m].y.length && "number" === typeof h[m].y[0] && "number" === typeof h[m].y[1]) { n = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; q = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (h[m].y[0] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; r = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (h[m].y[1] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; l || x ? (c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(n, q), w = { x: n, y: q }, g = [], g.push({ x: n, y: r }), t && (d.beginPath(), d.moveTo(n, q)), x = l = !1) : (c.lineTo(n, q), g.push({ x: n, y: r }), t && d.lineTo(n, q), 0 == m % 250 && b()); s = p.dataPointIds[m]; this._eventManager.objectMap[s] = { id: s, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: k, dataPointIndex: m, x1: n, y1: q, y2: r }; if (0 !== h[m].markerSize && (0 < h[m].markerSize || 0 < p.markerSize)) { var u = p.getMarkerProperties(m, n, r, c); e.push(u); var y = B(s); t && e.push({ x: n, y: r, ctx: d, type: u.type, size: u.size, color: y, borderColor: y, borderThickness: u.borderThickness }); u = p.getMarkerProperties(m, n, q, c); e.push(u); y = B(s); t && e.push({ x: n, y: q, ctx: d, type: u.type, size: u.size, color: y, borderColor: y, borderThickness: u.borderThickness }) } if (h[m].indexLabel || p.indexLabel || h[m].indexLabelFormatter || p.indexLabelFormatter) this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeArea", dataPoint: h[m], dataSeries: p, indexKeyword: 0, point: { x: n, y: q }, direction: h[m].y[0] <= h[m].y[1] ? -1 : 1, color: v }), this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeArea", dataPoint: h[m], dataSeries: p, indexKeyword: 1, point: { x: n, y: r }, direction: h[m].y[0] <= h[m].y[1] ? 1 : -1, color: v }) } else b(), x = !0; b(); K.drawMarkers(e) } } c.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); return { source: c, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; u.prototype.renderRangeSplineArea = function(a) { function b() { var a = ia(q, 2); if (0 < a.length) { c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(a[0].x, a[0].y); t && (d.beginPath(), d.moveTo(a[0].x, a[0].y)); for (var b = 0; b < a.length - 3; b += 3) c.bezierCurveTo(a[b + 1].x, a[b + 1].y, a[b + 2].x, a[b + 2].y, a[b + 3].x, a[b + 3].y), t && d.bezierCurveTo(a[b + 1].x, a[b + 1].y, a[b + 2].x, a[b + 2].y, a[b + 3].x, a[b + 3].y); 0 < k.lineThickness && c.stroke(); a = ia(r, 2); c.lineTo(r[r.length - 1].x, r[r.length - 1].y); for (b = a.length - 1; 2 < b; b -= 3) c.bezierCurveTo(a[b - 1].x, a[b - 1].y, a[b - 2].x, a[b - 2].y, a[b - 3].x, a[b - 3].y), t && d.bezierCurveTo(a[b - 1].x, a[b - 1].y, a[b - 2].x, a[b - 2].y, a[b - 3].x, a[b - 3].y); c.closePath(); c.globalAlpha = k.fillOpacity; c.fill(); c.globalAlpha = 1; if (0 < k.lineThickness) { c.beginPath(); c.moveTo(r[r.length - 1].x, r[r.length - 1].y); for (b = a.length - 1; 2 < b; b -= 3) c.bezierCurveTo(a[b - 1].x, a[b - 1].y, a[b - 2].x, a[b - 2].y, a[b - 3].x, a[b - 3].y), t && d.bezierCurveTo(a[b - 1].x, a[b - 1].y, a[b - 2].x, a[b - 2].y, a[b - 3].x, a[b - 3].y); c.stroke() } c.beginPath(); t && (d.closePath(), d.fill()) } } var c = a.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var d = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, e = [], f = this.plotArea; c.save(); t && d.save(); c.beginPath(); c.rect(f.x1, f.y1, f.width, f.height); c.clip(); t && (d.beginPath(), d.rect(f.x1, f.y1, f.width, f.height), d.clip()); for (f = 0; f < a.dataSeriesIndexes.length; f++) { var g = a.dataSeriesIndexes[f], k = this.data[g], p = k.dataPoints, e = k.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[e] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: g }; e = B(e); d.fillStyle = e; var e = [], h = 0, l, m, n, q = [], r = []; if (0 < p.length) { color = k._colorSet[h % k._colorSet.length]; c.fillStyle = color; c.strokeStyle = color; c.lineWidth = k.lineThickness; for (c.setLineDash && c.setLineDash(M(k.lineDashType, k.lineThickness)); h < p.length; h++) if (l = p[h].x.getTime ? p[h].x.getTime() : p[h].x, !(l < a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || l > a.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) if (null !== p[h].y && p[h].y.length && "number" === typeof p[h].y[0] && "number" === typeof p[h].y[1]) { l = a.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (l - a.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; m = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (p[h].y[0] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; n = a.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + a.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (p[h].y[1] - a.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + 0.5 << 0; var s = k.dataPointIds[h]; this._eventManager.objectMap[s] = { id: s, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: g, dataPointIndex: h, x1: l, y1: m, y2: n }; q[q.length] = { x: l, y: m }; r[r.length] = { x: l, y: n }; if (0 !== p[h].markerSize && (0 < p[h].markerSize || 0 < k.markerSize)) { var w = k.getMarkerProperties(h, l, m, c); e.push(w); var v = B(s); t && e.push({ x: l, y: m, ctx: d, type: w.type, size: w.size, color: v, borderColor: v, borderThickness: w.borderThickness }); w = k.getMarkerProperties(h, l, n, c); e.push(w); v = B(s); t && e.push({ x: l, y: n, ctx: d, type: w.type, size: w.size, color: v, borderColor: v, borderThickness: w.borderThickness }) } if (p[h].indexLabel || k.indexLabel || p[h].indexLabelFormatter || k.indexLabelFormatter) this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "splineArea", dataPoint: p[h], dataSeries: k, indexKeyword: 0, point: { x: l, y: m }, direction: p[h].y[0] <= p[h].y[1] ? -1 : 1, color: color }), this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "splineArea", dataPoint: p[h], dataSeries: k, indexKeyword: 1, point: { x: l, y: n }, direction: p[h].y[0] <= p[h].y[1] ? 1 : -1, color: color }) } else 0 < h && (b(), q = [], r = []); b(); K.drawMarkers(e) } } c.restore(); t && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(); return { source: c, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: A.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: A.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; var sa = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, p) { "undefined" === typeof k && (k = 1); if (!t) { var h = Number((g % (2 * Math.PI)).toFixed(8)); Number((f % (2 * Math.PI)).toFixed(8)) === h && (g -= 1E-4) } a.save(); a.globalAlpha = k; "pie" === e ? (a.beginPath(), a.moveTo(b.x, b.y), a.arc(b.x, b.y, c, f, g, !1), a.fillStyle = d, a.strokeStyle = "white", a.lineWidth = 2, a.closePath(), a.fill()) : "doughnut" === e && (a.beginPath(), a.arc(b.x, b.y, c, f, g, !1), a.arc(b.x, b.y, p * c, g, f, !0), a.closePath(), a.fillStyle = d, a.strokeStyle = "white", a.lineWidth = 2, a.fill()); a.globalAlpha = 1; a.restore() }; u.prototype.renderPie = function(a) { function b() { if (h && l) { var a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0; for (y = 0; y < l.length; y++) { var e = l[y], f = h.dataPointIds[y], g = { id: f, objectType: "dataPoint", dataPointIndex: y, dataSeriesIndex: 0 }; q.push(g); var k = { percent: null, total: null }, m = null, k = p.getPercentAndTotal(h, e); if (h.indexLabelFormatter || e.indexLabelFormatter) m = { chart: p._options, dataSeries: h, dataPoint: e, total: k.total, percent: k.percent }; k = e.indexLabelFormatter ? e.indexLabelFormatter(m) : e.indexLabel ? p.replaceKeywordsWithValue(e.indexLabel, e, h, y) : h.indexLabelFormatter ? h.indexLabelFormatter(m) : h.indexLabel ? p.replaceKeywordsWithValue(h.indexLabel, e, h, y) : e.label ? e.label : ""; p._eventManager.objectMap[f] = g; g.center = { x: x.x, y: x.y }; g.y = e.y; g.radius = z; g.percentInnerRadius = D; g.indexLabelText = k; g.indexLabelPlacement = h.indexLabelPlacement; g.indexLabelLineColor = e.indexLabelLineColor ? e.indexLabelLineColor : h.indexLabelLineColor ? h.indexLabelLineColor : e.color ? e.color : h._colorSet[y % h._colorSet.length]; g.indexLabelLineThickness = P(e.indexLabelLineThickness) ? h.indexLabelLineThickness : e.indexLabelLineThickness; g.indexLabelLineDashType = e.indexLabelLineDashType ? e.indexLabelLineDashType : h.indexLabelLineDashType; g.indexLabelFontColor = e.indexLabelFontColor ? e.indexLabelFontColor : h.indexLabelFontColor; g.indexLabelFontStyle = e.indexLabelFontStyle ? e.indexLabelFontStyle : h.indexLabelFontStyle; g.indexLabelFontWeight = e.indexLabelFontWeight ? e.indexLabelFontWeight : h.indexLabelFontWeight; g.indexLabelFontSize = e.indexLabelFontSize ? e.indexLabelFontSize : h.indexLabelFontSize; g.indexLabelFontFamily = e.indexLabelFontFamily ? e.indexLabelFontFamily : h.indexLabelFontFamily; g.indexLabelBackgroundColor = e.indexLabelBackgroundColor ? e.indexLabelBackgroundColor : h.indexLabelBackgroundColor ? h.indexLabelBackgroundColor : null; g.indexLabelMaxWidth = e.indexLabelMaxWidth ? e.indexLabelMaxWidth : h.indexLabelMaxWidth ? h.indexLabelMaxWidth : 0.33 * n.width; g.indexLabelWrap = "undefined" !== typeof e.indexLabelWrap ? e.indexLabelWrap : h.indexLabelWrap; g.startAngle = 0 === y ? h.startAngle ? h.startAngle / 180 * Math.PI : 0 : q[y - 1].endAngle; g.startAngle = (g.startAngle + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI); g.endAngle = g.startAngle + 2 * Math.PI / u * Math.abs(e.y); e = (g.endAngle + g.startAngle) / 2; e = (e + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI); g.midAngle = e; if (g.midAngle > Math.PI / 2 - t && g.midAngle < Math.PI / 2 + t) { if (0 === a || q[c].midAngle > g.midAngle) c = y; a++ } else if (g.midAngle > 3 * Math.PI / 2 - t && g.midAngle < 3 * Math.PI / 2 + t) { if (0 === b || q[d].midAngle > g.midAngle) d = y; b++ } g.hemisphere = e > Math.PI / 2 && e <= 3 * Math.PI / 2 ? "left" : "right"; g.indexLabelTextBlock = new H(p.plotArea.ctx, { fontSize: g.indexLabelFontSize, fontFamily: g.indexLabelFontFamily, fontColor: g.indexLabelFontColor, fontStyle: g.indexLabelFontStyle, fontWeight: g.indexLabelFontWeight, horizontalAlign: "left", backgroundColor: g.indexLabelBackgroundColor, maxWidth: g.indexLabelMaxWidth, maxHeight: g.indexLabelWrap ? 5 * g.indexLabelFontSize : 1.5 * g.indexLabelFontSize, text: g.indexLabelText, padding: 0, textBaseline: "top" }); g.indexLabelTextBlock.measureText() } f = e = 0; k = !1; for (y = 0; y < l.length; y++) g = q[(c + y) % l.length], 1 < a && (g.midAngle > Math.PI / 2 - t && g.midAngle < Math.PI / 2 + t) && (e <= a / 2 && !k ? (g.hemisphere = "right", e++) : (g.hemisphere = "left", k = !0)); k = !1; for (y = 0; y < l.length; y++) g = q[(d + y) % l.length], 1 < b && (g.midAngle > 3 * Math.PI / 2 - t && g.midAngle < 3 * Math.PI / 2 + t) && (f <= b / 2 && !k ? (g.hemisphere = "left", f++) : (g.hemisphere = "right", k = !0)) } } function c(a) { var b = p.plotArea.ctx; b.clearRect(n.x1, n.y1, n.width, n.height); b.fillStyle = p.backgroundColor; b.fillRect(n.x1, n.y1, n.width, n.height); for (b = 0; b < l.length; b++) { var c = q[b].startAngle, d = q[b].endAngle; if (d > c) { var e = 0.07 * z * Math.cos(q[b].midAngle), f = 0.07 * z * Math.sin(q[b].midAngle), g = !1; if (l[b].exploded) { if (1E-9 < Math.abs(q[b].center.x - (x.x + e)) || 1E-9 < Math.abs(q[b].center.y - (x.y + f))) q[b].center.x = x.x + e * a, q[b].center.y = x.y + f * a, g = !0 } else if (0 < Math.abs(q[b].center.x - x.x) || 0 < Math.abs(q[b].center.y - x.y)) q[b].center.x = x.x + e * (1 - a), q[b].center.y = x.y + f * (1 - a), g = !0; g && (e = {}, e.dataSeries = h, e.dataPoint = h.dataPoints[b], e.index = b, p._toolTip.highlightObjects([e])); sa(p.plotArea.ctx, q[b].center, q[b].radius, l[b].color ? l[b].color : h._colorSet[b % h._colorSet.length], h.type, c, d, h.fillOpacity, q[b].percentInnerRadius) } } a = p.plotArea.ctx; a.save(); a.fillStyle = "black"; a.strokeStyle = "grey"; a.textBaseline = "middle"; a.lineJoin = "round"; for (b = b = 0; b < l.length; b++) c = q[b], c.indexLabelText && (c.indexLabelTextBlock.y -= c.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, d = 0, d = "left" === c.hemisphere ? "inside" !== h.indexLabelPlacement ? -(c.indexLabelTextBlock.width + m) : -c.indexLabelTextBlock.width / 2 : "inside" !== h.indexLabelPlacement ? m : -c.indexLabelTextBlock.width / 2, c.indexLabelTextBlock.x += d, c.indexLabelTextBlock.render(!0), c.indexLabelTextBlock.x -= d, c.indexLabelTextBlock.y += c.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, "inside" !== c.indexLabelPlacement && 0 < c.indexLabelLineThickness && (d = c.center.x + z * Math.cos(c.midAngle), e = c.center.y + z * Math.sin(c.midAngle), a.strokeStyle = c.indexLabelLineColor, a.lineWidth = c.indexLabelLineThickness, a.setLineDash && a.setLineDash(M(c.indexLabelLineDashType, c.indexLabelLineThickness)), a.beginPath(), a.moveTo(d, e), a.lineTo(c.indexLabelTextBlock.x, c.indexLabelTextBlock.y), a.lineTo(c.indexLabelTextBlock.x + ("left" === c.hemisphere ? -m : m), c.indexLabelTextBlock.y), a.stroke()), a.lineJoin = "miter"); a.save() } function d(a, b) { var c = 0, c = a.indexLabelTextBlock.y - a.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, d = a.indexLabelTextBlock.y + a.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, e = b.indexLabelTextBlock.y - b.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, f = b.indexLabelTextBlock.y + b.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2; return c = b.indexLabelTextBlock.y > a.indexLabelTextBlock.y ? e - d : c - f } function e(a) { for (var b = null, c = 1; c < l.length; c++) if (b = (a + c + q.length) % q.length, q[b].hemisphere !== q[a].hemisphere) { b = null; break } else if (q[b].indexLabelText && b !== a && (0 > d(q[b], q[a]) || ("right" === q[a].hemisphere ? q[b].indexLabelTextBlock.y >= q[a].indexLabelTextBlock.y : q[b].indexLabelTextBlock.y <= q[a].indexLabelTextBlock.y))) break; else b = null; return b } function f(a, b, c) { c = (c || 0) + 1; if (1E3 < c) return 0; b = b || 0; var g = 0, h = x.y - 1 * indexLabelRadius, k = x.y + 1 * indexLabelRadius; if (0 <= a && a < l.length) { var m = q[a]; if (0 > b && m.indexLabelTextBlock.y < h || 0 < b && m.indexLabelTextBlock.y > k) return 0; var n = 0, p = 0, p = n = n = 0; 0 > b ? m.indexLabelTextBlock.y - m.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 > h && m.indexLabelTextBlock.y - m.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 + b < h && (b = -(h - (m.indexLabelTextBlock.y - m.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 + b))) : m.indexLabelTextBlock.y + m.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 < h && m.indexLabelTextBlock.y + m.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 + b > k && (b = m.indexLabelTextBlock.y + m.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 + b - k); b = m.indexLabelTextBlock.y + b; h = 0; h = "right" === m.hemisphere ? x.x + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indexLabelRadius, 2) - Math.pow(b - x.y, 2)) : x.x - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indexLabelRadius, 2) - Math.pow(b - x.y, 2)); p = x.x + z * Math.cos(m.midAngle); n = x.y + z * Math.sin(m.midAngle); n = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h - p, 2) + Math.pow(b - n, 2)); p = Math.acos(z / indexLabelRadius); n = Math.acos((indexLabelRadius * indexLabelRadius + z * z - n * n) / (2 * z * indexLabelRadius)); b = n < p ? b - m.indexLabelTextBlock.y : 0; h = null; for (k = 1; k < l.length; k++) if (h = (a - k + q.length) % q.length, q[h].hemisphere !== q[a].hemisphere) { h = null; break } else if (q[h].indexLabelText && q[h].hemisphere === q[a].hemisphere && h !== a && (0 > d(q[h], q[a]) || ("right" === q[a].hemisphere ? q[h].indexLabelTextBlock.y <= q[a].indexLabelTextBlock.y : q[h].indexLabelTextBlock.y >= q[a].indexLabelTextBlock.y))) break; else h = null; p = h; n = e(a); k = h = 0; 0 > b ? (k = "right" === m.hemisphere ? p : n, g = b, null !== k && (p = -b, b = m.indexLabelTextBlock.y - m.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 - (q[k].indexLabelTextBlock.y + q[k].indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2), b - p < r && (h = -p, k = f(k, h, c + 1), +k.toFixed(v) > +h.toFixed(v) && (g = b > r ? -(b - r) : -(p - (k - h)))))) : 0 < b && (k = "right" === m.hemisphere ? n : p, g = b, null !== k && (p = b, b = q[k].indexLabelTextBlock.y - q[k].indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 - (m.indexLabelTextBlock.y + m.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2), b - p < r && (h = p, k = f(k, h, c + 1), +k.toFixed(v) < +h.toFixed(v) && (g = b > r ? b - r : p - (h - k))))); g && (c = m.indexLabelTextBlock.y + g, b = 0, b = "right" === m.hemisphere ? x.x + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indexLabelRadius, 2) - Math.pow(c - x.y, 2)) : x.x - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indexLabelRadius, 2) - Math.pow(c - x.y, 2)), m.midAngle > Math.PI / 2 - t && m.midAngle < Math.PI / 2 + t ? (h = (a - 1 + q.length) % q.length, h = q[h], a = q[(a + 1 + q.length) % q.length], "left" === m.hemisphere && "right" === h.hemisphere && b > h.indexLabelTextBlock.x ? b = h.indexLabelTextBlock.x - 15 : "right" === m.hemisphere && ("left" === a.hemisphere && b < a.indexLabelTextBlock.x) && (b = a.indexLabelTextBlock.x + 15)) : m.midAngle > 3 * Math.PI / 2 - t && m.midAngle < 3 * Math.PI / 2 + t && (h = (a - 1 + q.length) % q.length, h = q[h], a = q[(a + 1 + q.length) % q.length], "right" === m.hemisphere && "left" === h.hemisphere && b < h.indexLabelTextBlock.x ? b = h.indexLabelTextBlock.x + 15 : "left" === m.hemisphere && ("right" === a.hemisphere && b > a.indexLabelTextBlock.x) && (b = a.indexLabelTextBlock.x - 15)), m.indexLabelTextBlock.y = c, m.indexLabelTextBlock.x = b, m.indexLabelAngle = Math.atan2(m.indexLabelTextBlock.y - x.y, m.indexLabelTextBlock.x - x.x)) } return g } function g() { var a = p.plotArea.ctx; a.fillStyle = "grey"; a.strokeStyle = "grey"; a.font = "16px Arial"; a.textBaseline = "middle"; for (var b = a = 0, c = 0, g = !0, b = 0; 10 > b && (1 > b || 0 < c); b++) { if (h.radius || !h.radius && "undefined" !== typeof h.innerRadius && null !== h.innerRadius && z - c <= A) g = !1; g && (z -= c); c = 0; if ("inside" !== h.indexLabelPlacement) { indexLabelRadius = z * s; for (a = 0; a < l.length; a++) { var k = q[a]; k.indexLabelTextBlock.x = x.x + indexLabelRadius * Math.cos(k.midAngle); k.indexLabelTextBlock.y = x.y + indexLabelRadius * Math.sin(k.midAngle); k.indexLabelAngle = k.midAngle; k.radius = z; k.percentInnerRadius = D } for (var t, w, a = 0; a < l.length; a++) { var k = q[a], u = e(a); if (null !== u) { t = q[a]; w = q[u]; var y = 0, y = d(t, w) - r; if (0 > y) { for (var B = w = 0, C = 0; C < l.length; C++) C !== a && q[C].hemisphere === k.hemisphere && (q[C].indexLabelTextBlock.y < k.indexLabelTextBlock.y ? w++ : B++); w = y / (w + B || 1) * B; var B = -1 * (y - w), E = C = 0; "right" === k.hemisphere ? (C = f(a, w), B = -1 * (y - C), E = f(u, B), +E.toFixed(v) < +B.toFixed(v) && +C.toFixed(v) <= +w.toFixed(v) && f(a, -(B - E))) : (C = f(u, w), B = -1 * (y - C), E = f(a, B), +E.toFixed(v) < +B.toFixed(v) && +C.toFixed(v) <= +w.toFixed(v) && f(u, -(B - E))) } } } } else for (a = 0; a < l.length; a++) k = q[a], indexLabelRadius = "pie" === h.type ? 0.7 * z : 0.8 * z, u = x.x + indexLabelRadius * Math.cos(k.midAngle), w = x.y + indexLabelRadius * Math.sin(k.midAngle), k.indexLabelTextBlock.x = u, k.indexLabelTextBlock.y = w; for (a = 0; a < l.length; a++) if (k = q[a], u = k.indexLabelTextBlock.measureText(), 0 !== u.height && 0 !== u.width) u = u = 0, "right" === k.hemisphere ? (u = n.x2 - (k.indexLabelTextBlock.x + k.indexLabelTextBlock.width + m), u *= -1) : u = n.x1 - (k.indexLabelTextBlock.x - k.indexLabelTextBlock.width - m), 0 < u && (!g && k.indexLabelText && (w = "right" === k.hemisphere ? n.x2 - k.indexLabelTextBlock.x : k.indexLabelTextBlock.x - n.x1, 0.3 * k.indexLabelTextBlock.maxWidth > w ? k.indexLabelText = "" : k.indexLabelTextBlock.maxWidth = 0.85 * w, 0.3 * k.indexLabelTextBlock.maxWidth < w && (k.indexLabelTextBlock.x -= "right" === k.hemisphere ? 2 : -2)), Math.abs(k.indexLabelTextBlock.y - k.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 - x.y) < z || Math.abs(k.indexLabelTextBlock.y + k.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 - x.y) < z) && (u /= Math.abs(Math.cos(k.indexLabelAngle)), 9 < u && (u *= 0.3), u > c && (c = u)), u = u = 0, 0 < k.indexLabelAngle && k.indexLabelAngle < Math.PI ? (u = n.y2 - (k.indexLabelTextBlock.y + k.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 + 5), u *= -1) : u = n.y1 - (k.indexLabelTextBlock.y - k.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 - 5), 0 < u && (!g && k.indexLabelText && (w = 0 < k.indexLabelAngle && k.indexLabelAngle < Math.PI ? -1 : 1, 0 === f(a, u * w) && f(a, 2 * w)), Math.abs(k.indexLabelTextBlock.x - x.x) < z && (u /= Math.abs(Math.sin(k.indexLabelAngle)), 9 < u && (u *= 0.3), u > c && (c = u))); var F = function(a, b, c) { for (var d = [], e = 0; d.push(q[b]), b !== c; b = (b + 1 + l.length) % l.length); d.sort(function(a, b) { return a.y - b.y }); for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) if (c = d[b], e < 0.7 * a) e += c.indexLabelTextBlock.height, c.indexLabelTextBlock.text = "", c.indexLabelText = "", c.indexLabelTextBlock.measureText(); else break }; (function() { for (var a = -1, b = -1, c = 0, f = !1, g = 0; g < l.length; g++) if (f = !1, t = q[g], t.indexLabelText) { var h = e(g); if (null !== h) { var k = q[h]; y = 0; y = d(t, k); var n; if (n = 0 > y) { n = t.indexLabelTextBlock.x; var p = t.indexLabelTextBlock.y - t.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, r = t.indexLabelTextBlock.y + t.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, s = k.indexLabelTextBlock.y - k.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, w = k.indexLabelTextBlock.x + k.indexLabelTextBlock.width, v = k.indexLabelTextBlock.y + k.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2; n = t.indexLabelTextBlock.x + t.indexLabelTextBlock.width < k.indexLabelTextBlock.x - m || n > w + m || p > v + m || r < s - m ? !1 : !0 } n ? (0 > a && (a = g), h !== a && (b = h, c += -y), 0 === g % Math.max(l.length / 10, 3) && (f = !0)) : f = !0; f && (0 < c && 0 <= a && 0 <= b) && (F(c, a, b), b = a = -1, c = 0) } } 0 < c && F(c, a, b) })() } } function k() { p.plotArea.layoutManager.reset(); p._title && (p._title.dockInsidePlotArea || "center" === p._title.horizontalAlign && "center" === p._title.verticalAlign) && p._title.render(); if (p.subtitles) for (var a = 0; a < p.subtitles.length; a++) { var b = p.subtitles[a]; (b.dockInsidePlotArea || "center" === b.horizontalAlign && "center" === b.verticalAlign) && b.render() } p.legend && (p.legend.dockInsidePlotArea || "center" === p.legend.horizontalAlign && "center" === p.legend.verticalAlign) && p.legend.render() } var p = this; if (!(0 >= a.dataSeriesIndexes.length)) { var h = this.data[a.dataSeriesIndexes[0]], l = h.dataPoints, m = 10, n = this.plotArea, q = [], r = 2, s = 1.3, t = 20 / 180 * Math.PI, v = 6, x = { x: (n.x2 + n.x1) / 2, y: (n.y2 + n.y1) / 2 }, u = 0; a = !1; for (var y = 0; y < l.length; y++) u += Math.abs(l[y].y), !a && ("undefined" !== typeof l[y].indexLabel && null !== l[y].indexLabel && 0 < l[y].indexLabel.toString().length) && (a = !0), !a && ("undefined" !== typeof l[y].label && null !== l[y].label && 0 < l[y].label.toString().length) && (a = !0); if (0 !== u) { a = a || "undefined" !== typeof h.indexLabel && null !== h.indexLabel && 0 < h.indexLabel.toString().length; var z = "inside" !== h.indexLabelPlacement && a ? 0.75 * Math.min(n.width, n.height) / 2 : 0.92 * Math.min(n.width, n.height) / 2; h.radius && (z = Aa(h.radius, z)); var A = "undefined" !== typeof h.innerRadius && null !== h.innerRadius ? Aa(h.innerRadius, z) : 0.7 * z, D = Math.min(A / z, (z - 1) / z); this.pieDoughnutClickHandler = function(a) { p.isAnimating || (a = a.dataPoint, a.exploded = a.exploded ? !1 : !0, 1 < this.dataPoints.length && p._animator.animate(0, 500, function(a) { c(a); k() })) }; b(); g(); g(); g(); g(); this.disableToolTip = !0; this._animator.animate(0, this.animatedRender ? this.animationDuration : 0, function(a) { var b = p.plotArea.ctx; b.clearRect(n.x1, n.y1, n.width, n.height); b.fillStyle = p.backgroundColor; b.fillRect(n.x1, n.y1, n.width, n.height); a = q[0].startAngle + 2 * Math.PI * a; for (b = 0; b < l.length; b++) { var c = 0 === b ? q[b].startAngle : d, d = c + (q[b].endAngle - q[b].startAngle), e = !1; d > a && (d = a, e = !0); var f = l[b].color ? l[b].color : h._colorSet[b % h._colorSet.length]; d > c && sa(p.plotArea.ctx, q[b].center, q[b].radius, f, h.type, c, d, h.fillOpacity, q[b].percentInnerRadius); if (e) break } k() }, function() { p.disableToolTip = !1; p._animator.animate(0, p.animatedRender ? 500 : 0, function(a) { c(a); k() }) }) } } }; u.prototype.animationRequestId = null; u.prototype.requestAnimFrame = function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(a) { window.setTimeout(a, 1E3 / 60) } }(); u.prototype.cancelRequestAnimFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame || clearTimeout; Z.prototype.registerSpace = function(a, b) { "top" === a ? this._topOccupied += b.height : "bottom" === a ? this._bottomOccupied += b.height : "left" === a ? this._leftOccupied += b.width : "right" === a && (this._rightOccupied += b.width) }; Z.prototype.unRegisterSpace = function(a, b) { "top" === a ? this._topOccupied -= b.height : "bottom" === a ? this._bottomOccupied -= b.height : "left" === a ? this._leftOccupied -= b.width : "right" === a && (this._rightOccupied -= b.width) }; Z.prototype.getFreeSpace = function() { return { x1: this._x1 + this._leftOccupied, y1: this._y1 + this._topOccupied, x2: this._x2 - this._rightOccupied, y2: this._y2 - this._bottomOccupied, width: this._x2 - this._x1 - this._rightOccupied - this._leftOccupied, height: this._y2 - this._y1 - this._bottomOccupied - this._topOccupied } }; Z.prototype.reset = function() { this._rightOccupied = this._leftOccupied = this._bottomOccupied = this._topOccupied = this._padding }; O(H, G); H.prototype.render = function(a) { a && this.ctx.save(); var b = this.ctx.font; this.ctx.textBaseline = this.textBaseline; var c = 0; this._isDirty && this.measureText(this.ctx); this.ctx.translate(this.x, this.y + c); "middle" === this.textBaseline && (c = -this._lineHeight / 2); this.ctx.font = this._getFontString(); this.ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * this.angle); var d = 0, e = this.padding, f = null; (0 < this.borderThickness && this.borderColor || this.backgroundColor) && this.ctx.roundRect(0, c, this.width, this.height, this.cornerRadius, this.borderThickness, this.backgroundColor, this.borderColor); this.ctx.fillStyle = this.fontColor; for (c = 0; c < this._wrappedText.lines.length; c++) f = this._wrappedText.lines[c], "right" === this.horizontalAlign ? d = this.width - f.width - this.padding : "left" === this.horizontalAlign ? d = this.padding : "center" === this.horizontalAlign && (d = (this.width - 2 * this.padding) / 2 - f.width / 2 + this.padding), this.ctx.fillText(f.text, d, e), e += f.height; this.ctx.font = b; a && this.ctx.restore() }; H.prototype.setText = function(a) { this.text = a; this._isDirty = !0; this._wrappedText = null }; H.prototype.measureText = function() { if (null === this.maxWidth) throw "Please set maxWidth and height for TextBlock"; this._wrapText(this.ctx); this._isDirty = !1; return { width: this.width, height: this.height } }; H.prototype._getLineWithWidth = function(a, b, c) { a = String(a); if (!a) return { text: "", width: 0 }; var d = c = 0, e = a.length - 1, f = Infinity; for (this.ctx.font = this._getFontString(); d <= e;) { var f = Math.floor((d + e) / 2), g = a.substr(0, f + 1); c = this.ctx.measureText(g).width; if (c < b) d = f + 1; else if (c > b) e = f - 1; else break } c > b && 1 < g.length && (g = g.substr(0, g.length - 1), c = this.ctx.measureText(g).width); b = !0; if (g.length === a.length || " " === a[g.length]) b = !1; b && (a = g.split(" "), 1 < a.length && a.pop(), g = a.join(" "), c = this.ctx.measureText(g).width); return { text: g, width: c } }; H.prototype._wrapText = function() { var a = new String($(String(this.text))), b = [], c = this.ctx.font, d = 0, e = 0; for (this.ctx.font = this._getFontString(); 0 < a.length;) { var f = this.maxHeight - 2 * this.padding, g = this._getLineWithWidth(a, this.maxWidth - 2 * this.padding, !1); g.height = this._lineHeight; b.push(g); e = Math.max(e, g.width); d += g.height; a = $(a.slice(g.text.length, a.length)); f && d > f && (g = b.pop(), d -= g.height) } this._wrappedText = { lines: b, width: e, height: d }; this.width = e + 2 * this.padding; this.height = d + 2 * this.padding; this.ctx.font = c }; H.prototype._getFontString = function() { var a; a = "" + (this.fontStyle ? this.fontStyle + " " : ""); a += this.fontWeight ? this.fontWeight + " " : ""; a += this.fontSize ? this.fontSize + "px " : ""; var b = this.fontFamily ? this.fontFamily + "" : ""; !t && b && (b = b.split(",")[0], "'" !== b[0] && '"' !== b[0] && (b = "'" + b + "'")); return a += b }; O(ba, G); ba.prototype.render = function() { if (this.text) { var a = this.dockInsidePlotArea ? this.chart.plotArea : this.chart, b = a.layoutManager.getFreeSpace(), c = b.x1, d = b.y1, e = 0, f = 0, g = this.chart._menuButton && this.chart.exportEnabled && "top" === this.verticalAlign ? 22 : 0, k, p; "top" === this.verticalAlign || "bottom" === this.verticalAlign ? (null === this.maxWidth && (this.maxWidth = b.width - 4 - g * ("center" === this.horizontalAlign ? 2 : 1)), f = 0.5 * b.height - this.margin - 2, e = 0) : "center" === this.verticalAlign && ("left" === this.horizontalAlign || "right" === this.horizontalAlign ? (null === this.maxWidth && (this.maxWidth = b.height - 4), f = 0.5 * b.width - this.margin - 2) : "center" === this.horizontalAlign && (null === this.maxWidth && (this.maxWidth = b.width - 4), f = 0.5 * b.height - 4)); this.wrap || (f = Math.min(f, Math.max(1.5 * this.fontSize, this.fontSize + 2.5 * this.padding))); var f = new H(this.ctx, { fontSize: this.fontSize, fontFamily: this.fontFamily, fontColor: this.fontColor, fontStyle: this.fontStyle, fontWeight: this.fontWeight, horizontalAlign: this.horizontalAlign, verticalAlign: this.verticalAlign, borderColor: this.borderColor, borderThickness: this.borderThickness, backgroundColor: this.backgroundColor, maxWidth: this.maxWidth, maxHeight: f, cornerRadius: this.cornerRadius, text: this.text, padding: this.padding, textBaseline: "top" }), h = f.measureText(); "top" === this.verticalAlign || "bottom" === this.verticalAlign ? ("top" === this.verticalAlign ? (d = b.y1 + 2, p = "top") : "bottom" === this.verticalAlign && (d = b.y2 - 2 - h.height, p = "bottom"), "left" === this.horizontalAlign ? c = b.x1 + 2 : "center" === this.horizontalAlign ? c = b.x1 + b.width / 2 - h.width / 2 : "right" === this.horizontalAlign && (c = b.x2 - 2 - h.width - g), k = this.horizontalAlign, this.width = h.width, this.height = h.height) : "center" === this.verticalAlign && ("left" === this.horizontalAlign ? (c = b.x1 + 2, d = b.y2 - 2 - (this.maxWidth / 2 - h.width / 2), e = -90, p = "left", this.width = h.height, this.height = h.width) : "right" === this.horizontalAlign ? (c = b.x2 - 2, d = b.y1 + 2 + (this.maxWidth / 2 - h.width / 2), e = 90, p = "right", this.width = h.height, this.height = h.width) : "center" === this.horizontalAlign && (d = a.y1 + (a.height / 2 - h.height / 2), c = a.x1 + (a.width / 2 - h.width / 2), p = "center", this.width = h.width, this.height = h.height), k = "center"); f.x = c; f.y = d; f.angle = e; f.horizontalAlign = k; f.render(!0); a.layoutManager.registerSpace(p, { width: this.width + ("left" === p || "right" === p ? this.margin + 2 : 0), height: this.height + ("top" === p || "bottom" === p ? this.margin + 2 : 0) }); this.bounds = { x1: c, y1: d, x2: c + this.width, y2: d + this.height }; this.ctx.textBaseline = "top" } }; O(ja, G); ja.prototype.render = ba.prototype.render; O(ka, G); ka.prototype.render = function() { var a = this.dockInsidePlotArea ? this.chart.plotArea : this.chart, b = a.layoutManager.getFreeSpace(), c = null, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, k = [], p = []; "top" === this.verticalAlign || "bottom" === this.verticalAlign ? (this.orientation = "horizontal", c = this.verticalAlign, f = null !== this.maxWidth ? this.maxWidth : 0.7 * b.width, g = null !== this.maxHeight ? this.maxHeight : 0.5 * b.height) : "center" === this.verticalAlign && (this.orientation = "vertical", c = this.horizontalAlign, f = null !== this.maxWidth ? this.maxWidth : 0.5 * b.width, g = null !== this.maxHeight ? this.maxHeight : 0.7 * b.height); for (var h = 0; h < this.dataSeries.length; h++) { var l = this.dataSeries[h]; if ("pie" !== l.type && "doughnut" !== l.type && "funnel" !== l.type) { var m = l.legendMarkerType ? l.legendMarkerType : "line" !== l.type && "stepLine" !== l.type && "spline" !== l.type && "scatter" !== l.type && "bubble" !== l.type || !l.markerType ? T.getDefaultLegendMarker(l.type) : l.markerType, n = l.legendText ? l.legendText : this.itemTextFormatter ? this.itemTextFormatter({ chart: this.chart._publicChartReference, legend: this._options, dataSeries: l, dataPoint: null }) : l.name, q = l.legendMarkerColor ? l.legendMarkerColor : l.markerColor ? l.markerColor : l._colorSet[0], r = l.markerSize || "line" !== l.type && "stepLine" !== l.type && "spline" !== l.type ? 0.6 * this.lineHeight : 0, s = l.legendMarkerBorderColor ? l.legendMarkerBorderColor : l.markerBorderColor, t = l.legendMarkerBorderThickness ? l.legendMarkerBorderThickness : l.markerBorderThickness ? Math.max(1, Math.round(0.2 * r)) : 0, n = this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(n, l.dataPoints[0], l, h), m = { markerType: m, markerColor: q, text: n, textBlock: null, chartType: l.type, markerSize: r, lineColor: l._colorSet[0], dataSeriesIndex: l.index, dataPointIndex: null, markerBorderColor: s, markerBorderThickness: t }; k.push(m) } else for (var v = 0; v < l.dataPoints.length; v++) { var u = l.dataPoints[v], m = u.legendMarkerType ? u.legendMarkerType : l.legendMarkerType ? l.legendMarkerType : T.getDefaultLegendMarker(l.type), n = u.legendText ? u.legendText : l.legendText ? l.legendText : this.itemTextFormatter ? this.itemTextFormatter({ chart: this.chart._publicChartReference, legend: this._options, dataSeries: l, dataPoint: u }) : u.name ? u.name : "DataPoint: " + (v + 1), q = u.legendMarkerColor ? u.legendMarkerColor : l.legendMarkerColor ? l.legendMarkerColor : u.color ? u.color : l.color ? l.color : l._colorSet[v % l._colorSet.length], r = 0.6 * this.lineHeight, s = u.legendMarkerBorderColor ? u.legendMarkerBorderColor : l.legendMarkerBorderColor ? l.legendMarkerBorderColor : u.markerBorderColor ? u.markerBorderColor : l.markerBorderColor, t = u.legendMarkerBorderThickness ? u.legendMarkerBorderThickness : l.legendMarkerBorderThickness ? l.legendMarkerBorderThickness : u.markerBorderThickness || l.markerBorderThickness ? Math.max(1, Math.round(0.2 * r)) : 0, n = this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(n, u, l, v), m = { markerType: m, markerColor: q, text: n, textBlock: null, chartType: l.type, markerSize: r, dataSeriesIndex: h, dataPointIndex: v, markerBorderColor: s, markerBorderThickness: t }; (u.showInLegend || l.showInLegend && !1 !== u.showInLegend) && k.push(m) } }!0 === this.reversed && k.reverse(); if (0 < k.length) { l = null; v = n = u = 0; n = null !== this.itemWidth ? null !== this.itemMaxWidth ? Math.min(this.itemWidth, this.itemMaxWidth, f) : Math.min(this.itemWidth, f) : null !== this.itemMaxWidth ? Math.min(this.itemMaxWidth, f) : f; r = 0 === r ? 0.6 * this.lineHeight : r; n -= r + 0.1 * this.horizontalSpacing; for (h = 0; h < k.length; h++) { m = k[h]; if ("line" === m.chartType || "spline" === m.chartType || "stepLine" === m.chartType) n -= 2 * 0.1 * this.lineHeight; if (!(0 >= g || "undefined" === typeof g || 0 >= n || "undefined" === typeof n)) { if ("horizontal" === this.orientation) { m.textBlock = new H(this.ctx, { x: 0, y: 0, maxWidth: n, maxHeight: this.itemWrap ? g : this.lineHeight, angle: 0, text: m.text, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: this.fontSize, fontFamily: this.fontFamily, fontWeight: this.fontWeight, fontColor: this.fontColor, fontStyle: this.fontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }); m.textBlock.measureText(); null !== this.itemWidth && (m.textBlock.width = this.itemWidth - (r + 0.1 * this.horizontalSpacing + ("line" === m.chartType || "spline" === m.chartType || "stepLine" === m.chartType ? 2 * 0.1 * this.lineHeight : 0))); if (!l || l.width + Math.round(m.textBlock.width + 0.1 * this.horizontalSpacing + r + (0 === l.width ? 0 : this.horizontalSpacing) + ("line" === m.chartType || "spline" === m.chartType || "stepLine" === m.chartType ? 2 * 0.1 * this.lineHeight : 0)) > f) l = { items: [], width: 0 }, p.push(l), this.height += v, v = 0; v = Math.max(v, m.textBlock.height) } else m.textBlock = new H(this.ctx, { x: 0, y: 0, maxWidth: n, maxHeight: !0 === this.itemWrap ? g : 1.5 * this.fontSize, angle: 0, text: m.text, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: this.fontSize, fontFamily: this.fontFamily, fontWeight: this.fontWeight, fontColor: this.fontColor, fontStyle: this.fontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), m.textBlock.measureText(), null !== this.itemWidth && (m.textBlock.width = this.itemWidth - (r + 0.1 * this.horizontalSpacing + ("line" === m.chartType || "spline" === m.chartType || "stepLine" === m.chartType ? 2 * 0.1 * this.lineHeight : 0))), this.height <= g ? (l = { items: [], width: 0 }, p.push(l)) : (l = p[u], u = (u + 1) % p.length), this.height += m.textBlock.height; m.textBlock.x = l.width; m.textBlock.y = 0; l.width += Math.round(m.textBlock.width + 0.1 * this.horizontalSpacing + r + (0 === l.width ? 0 : this.horizontalSpacing) + ("line" === m.chartType || "spline" === m.chartType || "stepLine" === m.chartType ? 2 * 0.1 * this.lineHeight : 0)); l.items.push(m); this.width = Math.max(l.width, this.width) } } this.height = !1 === this.itemWrap ? p.length * this.lineHeight : this.height + v; this.height = Math.min(g, this.height); this.width = Math.min(f, this.width) } "top" === this.verticalAlign ? (e = "left" === this.horizontalAlign ? b.x1 : "right" === this.horizontalAlign ? b.x2 - this.width : b.x1 + b.width / 2 - this.width / 2, d = b.y1) : "center" === this.verticalAlign ? (e = "left" === this.horizontalAlign ? b.x1 : "right" === this.horizontalAlign ? b.x2 - this.width : b.x1 + b.width / 2 - this.width / 2, d = b.y1 + b.height / 2 - this.height / 2) : "bottom" === this.verticalAlign && (e = "left" === this.horizontalAlign ? b.x1 : "right" === this.horizontalAlign ? b.x2 - this.width : b.x1 + b.width / 2 - this.width / 2, d = b.y2 - this.height); this.items = k; for (h = 0; h < this.items.length; h++) m = k[h], m.id = ++this.chart._eventManager.lastObjectId, this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[m.id] = { id: m.id, objectType: "legendItem", legendItemIndex: h, dataSeriesIndex: m.dataSeriesIndex, dataPointIndex: m.dataPointIndex }; for (h = b = 0; h < p.length; h++) { l = p[h]; for (k = v = 0; k < l.items.length; k++) { m = l.items[k]; n = m.textBlock.x + e + (0 === k ? 0.2 * r : this.horizontalSpacing); q = d + b; u = n; this.chart.data[m.dataSeriesIndex].visible || (this.ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5); this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.rect(e, d, f, g); this.ctx.clip(); if ("line" === m.chartType || "stepLine" === m.chartType || "spline" === m.chartType) this.ctx.strokeStyle = m.lineColor, this.ctx.lineWidth = Math.ceil(this.lineHeight / 8), this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(n - 0.1 * this.lineHeight, q + this.lineHeight / 2), this.ctx.lineTo(n + 0.7 * this.lineHeight, q + this.lineHeight / 2), this.ctx.stroke(), u -= 0.1 * this.lineHeight; K.drawMarker(n + r / 2, q + this.lineHeight / 2, this.ctx, m.markerType, m.markerSize, m.markerColor, m.markerBorderColor, m.markerBorderThickness); m.textBlock.x = n + 0.1 * this.horizontalSpacing + r; if ("line" === m.chartType || "stepLine" === m.chartType || "spline" === m.chartType) m.textBlock.x += 0.1 * this.lineHeight; m.textBlock.y = q; m.textBlock.render(!0); this.ctx.restore(); v = 0 < k ? Math.max(v, m.textBlock.height) : m.textBlock.height; this.chart.data[m.dataSeriesIndex].visible || (this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1); n = B(m.id); this.ghostCtx.fillStyle = n; this.ghostCtx.beginPath(); this.ghostCtx.fillRect(u, m.textBlock.y, m.textBlock.x + m.textBlock.width - u, m.textBlock.height); m.x1 = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[m.id].x1 = u; m.y1 = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[m.id].y1 = m.textBlock.y; m.x2 = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[m.id].x2 = m.textBlock.x + m.textBlock.width; m.y2 = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[m.id].y2 = m.textBlock.y + m.textBlock.height } b += v } a.layoutManager.registerSpace(c, { width: this.width + 2 + 2, height: this.height + 5 + 5 }); this.bounds = { x1: e, y1: d, x2: e + this.width, y2: d + this.height } }; O(pa, G); pa.prototype.render = function() { var a = this.chart.layoutManager.getFreeSpace(); this.ctx.fillStyle = "red"; this.ctx.fillRect(a.x1, a.y1, a.x2, a.y2) }; O(T, G); T.prototype.getDefaultAxisPlacement = function() { var a = this.type; if ("column" === a || "line" === a || "stepLine" === a || "spline" === a || "area" === a || "stepArea" === a || "splineArea" === a || "stackedColumn" === a || "stackedLine" === a || "bubble" === a || "scatter" === a || "stackedArea" === a || "stackedColumn100" === a || "stackedLine100" === a || "stackedArea100" === a || "candlestick" === a || "ohlc" === a || "rangeColumn" === a || "rangeArea" === a || "rangeSplineArea" === a) return "normal"; if ("bar" === a || "stackedBar" === a || "stackedBar100" === a || "rangeBar" === a) return "xySwapped"; if ("pie" === a || "doughnut" === a || "funnel" === a) return "none"; window.console.log("Unknown Chart Type: " + a); return null }; T.getDefaultLegendMarker = function(a) { if ("column" === a || "stackedColumn" === a || "stackedLine" === a || "bar" === a || "stackedBar" === a || "stackedBar100" === a || "bubble" === a || "scatter" === a || "stackedColumn100" === a || "stackedLine100" === a || "stepArea" === a || "candlestick" === a || "ohlc" === a || "rangeColumn" === a || "rangeBar" === a || "rangeArea" === a || "rangeSplineArea" === a) return "square"; if ("line" === a || "stepLine" === a || "spline" === a || "pie" === a || "doughnut" === a || "funnel" === a) return "circle"; if ("area" === a || "splineArea" === a || "stackedArea" === a || "stackedArea100" === a) return "triangle"; window.console.log("Unknown Chart Type: " + a); return null }; T.prototype.getDataPointAtX = function(a, b) { if (!this.dataPoints || 0 === this.dataPoints.length) return null; var c = { dataPoint: null, distance: Infinity, index: NaN }, d = null, e = 0, f = 0, g = 1, k = Infinity, p = 0, h = 0, l = 0; "none" !== this.chart.plotInfo.axisPlacement && (l = this.dataPoints[this.dataPoints.length - 1].x - this.dataPoints[0].x, l = 0 < l ? Math.min(Math.max((this.dataPoints.length - 1) / l * (a - this.dataPoints[0].x) >> 0, 0), this.dataPoints.length) : 0); for (;;) { f = 0 < g ? l + e : l - e; if (0 <= f && f < this.dataPoints.length) { var d = this.dataPoints[f], m = Math.abs(d.x - a); m < c.distance && (c.dataPoint = d, c.distance = m, c.index = f); d = Math.abs(d.x - a); d <= k ? k = d : 0 < g ? p++ : h++; if (1E3 < p && 1E3 < h) break } else if (0 > l - e && l + e >= this.dataPoints.length) break; - 1 === g ? (e++, g = 1) : g = -1 } return b || c.dataPoint.x !== a ? b && null !== c.dataPoint ? c : null : c }; T.prototype.getDataPointAtXY = function(a, b, c) { if (!this.dataPoints || 0 === this.dataPoints.length || a < this.chart.plotArea.x1 || a > this.chart.plotArea.x2 || b < this.chart.plotArea.y1 || b > this.chart.plotArea.y2) return null; c = c || !1; var d = [], e = 0, f = 0, g = 1, k = !1, p = Infinity, h = 0, l = 0, m = 0; "none" !== this.chart.plotInfo.axisPlacement && (m = this.chart.axisX.getXValueAt({ x: a, y: b }), f = this.dataPoints[this.dataPoints.length - 1].x - this.dataPoints[0].x, m = 0 < f ? Math.min(Math.max((this.dataPoints.length - 1) / f * (m - this.dataPoints[0].x) >> 0, 0), this.dataPoints.length) : 0); for (;;) { f = 0 < g ? m + e : m - e; if (0 <= f && f < this.dataPoints.length) { var n = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[this.dataPointIds[f]], q = this.dataPoints[f], r = null; if (n) { switch (this.type) { case "column": case "stackedColumn": case "stackedColumn100": case "bar": case "stackedBar": case "stackedBar100": case "rangeColumn": case "rangeBar": a >= n.x1 && (a <= n.x2 && b >= n.y1 && b <= n.y2) && (d.push({ dataPoint: q, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: Math.min(Math.abs(n.x1 - a), Math.abs(n.x2 - a), Math.abs(n.y1 - b), Math.abs(n.y2 - b)) }), k = !0); break; case "line": case "stepLine": case "spline": case "area": case "stepArea": case "stackedArea": case "stackedArea100": case "splineArea": case "scatter": var s = N("markerSize", q, this) || 4, t = c ? 20 : s, r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(n.x1 - a, 2) + Math.pow(n.y1 - b, 2)); r <= t && d.push({ dataPoint: q, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: r }); f = Math.abs(n.x1 - a); f <= p ? p = f : 0 < g ? h++ : l++; r <= s / 2 && (k = !0); break; case "rangeArea": case "rangeSplineArea": s = N("markerSize", q, this) || 4; t = c ? 20 : s; r = Math.min(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(n.x1 - a, 2) + Math.pow(n.y1 - b, 2)), Math.sqrt(Math.pow(n.x1 - a, 2) + Math.pow(n.y2 - b, 2))); r <= t && d.push({ dataPoint: q, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: r }); f = Math.abs(n.x1 - a); f <= p ? p = f : 0 < g ? h++ : l++; r <= s / 2 && (k = !0); break; case "bubble": s = n.size; r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(n.x1 - a, 2) + Math.pow(n.y1 - b, 2)); r <= s / 2 && (d.push({ dataPoint: q, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: r }), k = !0); break; case "pie": case "doughnut": s = n.center; t = "doughnut" === this.type ? n.percentInnerRadius * n.radius : 0; r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(s.x - a, 2) + Math.pow(s.y - b, 2)); r < n.radius && r > t && (r = Math.atan2(b - s.y, a - s.x), 0 > r && (r += 2 * Math.PI), r = Number(((180 * (r / Math.PI) % 360 + 360) % 360).toFixed(12)), s = Number(((180 * (n.startAngle / Math.PI) % 360 + 360) % 360).toFixed(12)), t = Number(((180 * (n.endAngle / Math.PI) % 360 + 360) % 360).toFixed(12)), 0 === t && 1 < n.endAngle && (t = 360), s >= t && 0 !== q.y && (t += 360, r < s && (r += 360)), r > s && r < t && (d.push({ dataPoint: q, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: 0 }), k = !0)); break; case "candlestick": if (a >= n.x1 - n.borderThickness / 2 && a <= n.x2 + n.borderThickness / 2 && b >= n.y2 - n.borderThickness / 2 && b <= n.y3 + n.borderThickness / 2 || Math.abs(n.x2 - a + n.x1 - a) < n.borderThickness && b >= n.y1 && b <= n.y4) d.push({ dataPoint: q, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: Math.min(Math.abs(n.x1 - a), Math.abs(n.x2 - a), Math.abs(n.y2 - b), Math.abs(n.y3 - b)) }), k = !0; break; case "ohlc": if (Math.abs(n.x2 - a + n.x1 - a) < n.borderThickness && b >= n.y2 && b <= n.y3 || a >= n.x1 && a <= (n.x2 + n.x1) / 2 && b >= n.y1 - n.borderThickness / 2 && b <= n.y1 + n.borderThickness / 2 || a >= (n.x1 + n.x2) / 2 && a <= n.x2 && b >= n.y4 - n.borderThickness / 2 && b <= n.y4 + n.borderThickness / 2) d.push({ dataPoint: q, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: Math.min(Math.abs(n.x1 - a), Math.abs(n.x2 - a), Math.abs(n.y2 - b), Math.abs(n.y3 - b)) }), k = !0 } if (k || 1E3 < h && 1E3 < l) break } } else if (0 > m - e && m + e >= this.dataPoints.length) break; - 1 === g ? (e++, g = 1) : g = -1 } a = null; for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) a ? d[b].distance <= a.distance && (a = d[b]) : a = d[b]; return a }; T.prototype.getMarkerProperties = function(a, b, c, d) { var e = this.dataPoints; return { x: b, y: c, ctx: d, type: e[a].markerType ? e[a].markerType : this.markerType, size: e[a].markerSize ? e[a].markerSize : this.markerSize, color: e[a].markerColor ? e[a].markerColor : this.markerColor ? this.markerColor : e[a].color ? e[a].color : this.color ? this.color : this._colorSet[a % this._colorSet.length], borderColor: e[a].markerBorderColor ? e[a].markerBorderColor : this.markerBorderColor ? this.markerBorderColor : null, borderThickness: e[a].markerBorderThickness ? e[a].markerBorderThickness : this.markerBorderThickness ? this.markerBorderThickness : null } }; O(C, G); C.prototype.createLabels = function() { var a, b = 0, c, d = 0, e = 0, b = 0; if ("bottom" === this._position || "top" === this._position) b = this.lineCoordinates.width / Math.abs(this.viewportMaximum - this.viewportMinimum) * this.interval, d = this.labelAutoFit ? "undefined" === typeof this._options.labelMaxWidth ? 0.9 * b >> 0 : this.labelMaxWidth : "undefined" === typeof this._options.labelMaxWidth ? 0.7 * this.chart.width >> 0 : this.labelMaxWidth, e = "undefined" === typeof this._options.labelWrap || this.labelWrap ? 0.5 * this.chart.height >> 0 : 1.5 * this.labelFontSize; else if ("left" === this._position || "right" === this._position) b = this.lineCoordinates.height / Math.abs(this.viewportMaximum - this.viewportMinimum) * this.interval, d = this.labelAutoFit ? "undefined" === typeof this._options.labelMaxWidth ? 0.3 * this.chart.width >> 0 : this.labelMaxWidth : "undefined" === typeof this._options.labelMaxWidth ? 0.5 * this.chart.width >> 0 : this.labelMaxWidth, e = "undefined" === typeof this._options.labelWrap || this.labelWrap ? 2 * b >> 0 : 1.5 * this.labelFontSize; if ("axisX" === this.type && "dateTime" === this.chart.plotInfo.axisXValueType) for (c = ta(new Date(this.viewportMaximum), this.interval, this.intervalType), b = this.intervalStartPosition; b < c; ta(b, this.interval, this.intervalType)) a = b.getTime(), a = this.labelFormatter ? this.labelFormatter({ chart: this.chart._publicChartReference, axis: this._options, value: b, label: this.labels[b] ? this.labels[b] : null }) : "axisX" === this.type && this.labels[a] ? this.labels[a] : ra(b, this.valueFormatString, this.chart._cultureInfo), a = new H(this.ctx, { x: 0, y: 0, maxWidth: d, maxHeight: e, angle: this.labelAngle, text: this.prefix + a + this.suffix, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: this.labelFontSize, fontFamily: this.labelFontFamily, fontWeight: this.labelFontWeight, fontColor: this.labelFontColor, fontStyle: this.labelFontStyle, textBaseline: "middle" }), this._labels.push({ position: b.getTime(), textBlock: a, effectiveHeight: null }); else { c = this.viewportMaximum; if (this.labels && this.labels.length) { a = Math.ceil(this.interval); for (var f = Math.ceil(this.intervalStartPosition), g = !1, b = f; b < this.viewportMaximum; b += a) if (this.labels[b]) g = !0; else { g = !1; break } g && (this.interval = a, this.intervalStartPosition = f) } for (b = this.intervalStartPosition; b <= c; b = parseFloat((b + this.interval).toFixed(14))) a = this.labelFormatter ? this.labelFormatter({ chart: this.chart._publicChartReference, axis: this._options, value: b, label: this.labels[b] ? this.labels[b] : null }) : "axisX" === this.type && this.labels[b] ? this.labels[b] : X(b, this.valueFormatString, this.chart._cultureInfo), a = new H(this.ctx, { x: 0, y: 0, maxWidth: d, maxHeight: e, angle: this.labelAngle, text: this.prefix + a + this.suffix, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: this.labelFontSize, fontFamily: this.labelFontFamily, fontWeight: this.labelFontWeight, fontColor: this.labelFontColor, fontStyle: this.labelFontStyle, textBaseline: "middle", borderThickness: 0 }), this._labels.push({ position: b, textBlock: a, effectiveHeight: null }) } for (b = 0; b < this.stripLines.length; b++) c = this.stripLines[b], a = new H(this.ctx, { x: 0, y: 0, backgroundColor: c.labelBackgroundColor, maxWidth: d, maxHeight: e, angle: this.labelAngle, text: c.labelFormatter ? c.labelFormatter({ chart: this.chart._publicChartReference, axis: this, stripLine: c }) : c.label, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: c.labelFontSize, fontFamily: c.labelFontFamily, fontWeight: c.labelFontWeight, fontColor: c._options.labelFontColor || c.color, fontStyle: c.labelFontStyle, textBaseline: "middle", borderThickness: 0 }), this._labels.push({ position: c.value, textBlock: a, effectiveHeight: null, stripLine: c }) }; C.prototype.createLabelsAndCalculateWidth = function() { var a = 0; this._labels = []; if ("left" === this._position || "right" === this._position) for (this.createLabels(), i = 0; i < this._labels.length; i++) { var b = this._labels[i].textBlock.measureText(), c = 0, c = 0 === this.labelAngle ? b.width : b.width * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * Math.abs(this.labelAngle)) + b.height / 2 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * Math.abs(this.labelAngle)); a < c && (a = c); this._labels[i].effectiveWidth = c } return (this.title ? ea(this.titleFontFamily, this.titleFontSize, this.titleFontWeight) + 2 : 0) + a + this.tickLength + 5 }; C.prototype.createLabelsAndCalculateHeight = function() { var a = 0; this._labels = []; var b, c = 0; this.createLabels(); if ("bottom" === this._position || "top" === this._position) for (c = 0; c < this._labels.length; c++) { b = this._labels[c].textBlock; b = b.measureText(); var d = 0, d = 0 === this.labelAngle ? b.height : b.width * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * Math.abs(this.labelAngle)) + b.height / 2 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * Math.abs(this.labelAngle)); a < d && (a = d); this._labels[c].effectiveHeight = d } return (this.title ? ea(this.titleFontFamily, this.titleFontSize, this.titleFontWeight) + 2 : 0) + a + this.tickLength + 5 }; C.setLayoutAndRender = function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g, k, p = a.chart, h = p.ctx; a.calculateAxisParameters(); b && b.calculateAxisParameters(); c && c.calculateAxisParameters(); var l = b ? b.margin : 0; g = c ? c.margin : 0; if ("normal" === d) { a.lineCoordinates = {}; var m = Math.ceil(b ? b.createLabelsAndCalculateWidth() : 0); f = Math.round(e.x1 + m + l); a.lineCoordinates.x1 = f; l = Math.ceil(c ? c.createLabelsAndCalculateWidth() : 0); k = Math.round(e.x2 - l - g > a.chart.width - 10 ? a.chart.width - 10 : e.x2 - l - g); a.lineCoordinates.x2 = k; a.lineCoordinates.width = Math.abs(k - f); var n = Math.ceil(a.createLabelsAndCalculateHeight()); g = Math.round(e.y2 - n - a.margin); d = Math.round(e.y2 - a.margin); a.lineCoordinates.y1 = g; a.lineCoordinates.y2 = g; a.boundingRect = { x1: f, y1: g, x2: k, y2: d, width: k - f, height: d - g }; b && (f = Math.round(e.x1 + b.margin), g = Math.round(10 > e.y1 ? 10 : e.y1), k = Math.round(e.x1 + m + b.margin), d = Math.round(e.y2 - n - a.margin), b.lineCoordinates = { x1: k, y1: g, x2: k, y2: d, height: Math.abs(d - g) }, b.boundingRect = { x1: f, y1: g, x2: k, y2: d, width: k - f, height: d - g }); c && (f = Math.round(a.lineCoordinates.x2), g = Math.round(10 > e.y1 ? 10 : e.y1), k = Math.round(f + l), d = Math.round(e.y2 - n - a.margin), c.lineCoordinates = { x1: f, y1: g, x2: f, y2: d, height: Math.abs(d - g) }, c.boundingRect = { x1: f, y1: g, x2: k, y2: d, width: k - f, height: d - g }); a.calculateValueToPixelConversionParameters(); b && b.calculateValueToPixelConversionParameters(); c && c.calculateValueToPixelConversionParameters(); h.save(); h.rect(5, a.boundingRect.y1, a.chart.width - 10, a.boundingRect.height); h.clip(); a.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle(); h.restore(); b && b.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle(); c && c.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle() } else { m = Math.ceil(a.createLabelsAndCalculateWidth()); b && (b.lineCoordinates = {}, f = Math.round(e.x1 + m + a.margin), k = Math.round(e.x2 > b.chart.width - 10 ? b.chart.width - 10 : e.x2), b.lineCoordinates.x1 = f, b.lineCoordinates.x2 = k, b.lineCoordinates.width = Math.abs(k - f)); c && (c.lineCoordinates = {}, f = Math.round(e.x1 + m + a.margin), k = Math.round(e.x2 > c.chart.width - 10 ? c.chart.width - 10 : e.x2), c.lineCoordinates.x1 = f, c.lineCoordinates.x2 = k, c.lineCoordinates.width = Math.abs(k - f)); var n = Math.ceil(b ? b.createLabelsAndCalculateHeight() : 0), q = Math.ceil(c ? c.createLabelsAndCalculateHeight() : 0); b && (g = Math.round(e.y2 - n - b.margin), d = Math.round(e.y2 - l > b.chart.height - 10 ? b.chart.height - 10 : e.y2 - l), b.lineCoordinates.y1 = g, b.lineCoordinates.y2 = g, b.boundingRect = { x1: f, y1: g, x2: k, y2: d, width: k - f, height: n }); c && (g = Math.round(e.y1 + c.margin), d = e.y1 + c.margin + q, c.lineCoordinates.y1 = d, c.lineCoordinates.y2 = d, c.boundingRect = { x1: f, y1: g, x2: k, y2: d, width: k - f, height: q }); f = Math.round(e.x1 + a.margin); g = Math.round(c ? c.lineCoordinates.y2 : 10 > e.y1 ? 10 : e.y1); k = Math.round(e.x1 + m + a.margin); d = Math.round(b ? b.lineCoordinates.y1 : e.y2 - l > a.chart.height - 10 ? a.chart.height - 10 : e.y2 - l); a.lineCoordinates = { x1: k, y1: g, x2: k, y2: d, height: Math.abs(d - g) }; a.boundingRect = { x1: f, y1: g, x2: k, y2: d, width: k - f, height: d - g }; a.calculateValueToPixelConversionParameters(); b && b.calculateValueToPixelConversionParameters(); c && c.calculateValueToPixelConversionParameters(); b && b.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle(); c && c.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle(); a.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle() } p.preparePlotArea(); e = a.chart.plotArea; h.save(); h.rect(e.x1, e.y1, Math.abs(e.x2 - e.x1), Math.abs(e.y2 - e.y1)); h.clip(); a.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("value"); b && b.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("value"); c && c.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("value"); a.renderInterlacedColors(); b && b.renderInterlacedColors(); c && c.renderInterlacedColors(); h.restore(); a.renderGrid(); b && b.renderGrid(); c && c.renderGrid(); a.renderAxisLine(); b && b.renderAxisLine(); c && c.renderAxisLine(); a.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("pixel"); b && b.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("pixel"); c && c.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("pixel") }; C.prototype.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle = function() { var a = !1, b = 0, c = 1, d = 0; 0 !== this.labelAngle && 360 !== this.labelAngle && (c = 1.2); if ("undefined" === typeof this._options.interval) { if ("bottom" === this._position || "top" === this._position) { for (e = 0; e < this._labels.length; e++) f = this._labels[e], f.position < this.viewportMinimum || f.stripLine || (f = f.textBlock.width * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) + f.textBlock.height * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle), b += f); b > this.lineCoordinates.width * c && (a = !0) } if ("left" === this._position || "right" === this._position) { for (e = 0; e < this._labels.length; e++) f = this._labels[e], f.position < this.viewportMinimum || f.stripLine || (f = f.textBlock.height * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) + f.textBlock.width * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle), b += f); b > this.lineCoordinates.height * c && (a = !0) } } if ("bottom" === this._position) { for (var e = 0, f, e = 0; e < this._labels.length; e++) if (f = this._labels[e], !(f.position < this.viewportMinimum || f.position > this.viewportMaximum)) { b = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(f.position); if (this.tickThickness && !this._labels[e].stripLine || this._labels[e].stripLine && "pixel" === this._labels[e].stripLine._thicknessType) this._labels[e].stripLine ? (c = this._labels[e].stripLine, this.ctx.lineWidth = c.thickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = c.color) : (this.ctx.lineWidth = this.tickThickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.tickColor), c = 1 === this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 ? (b.x << 0) + 0.5 : b.x << 0, this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(c, b.y << 0), this.ctx.lineTo(c, b.y + this.tickLength << 0), this.ctx.stroke(); if (!a || 0 === d++ % 2 || this._labels[e].stripLine) 0 === f.textBlock.angle ? (b.x -= f.textBlock.width / 2, b.y += this.tickLength + f.textBlock.fontSize / 2) : (b.x -= 0 > this.labelAngle ? f.textBlock.width * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) : 0, b.y += this.tickLength + Math.abs(0 > this.labelAngle ? f.textBlock.width * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) - 5 : 5)), f.textBlock.x = b.x, f.textBlock.y = b.y, f.textBlock.render(!0) } this.title && (this._titleTextBlock = new H(this.ctx, { x: this.lineCoordinates.x1, y: this.boundingRect.y2 - this.titleFontSize - 5, maxWidth: this.lineCoordinates.width, maxHeight: 1.5 * this.titleFontSize, angle: 0, text: this.title, horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: this.titleFontSize, fontFamily: this.titleFontFamily, fontWeight: this.titleFontWeight, fontColor: this.titleFontColor, fontStyle: this.titleFontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), this._titleTextBlock.measureText(), this._titleTextBlock.x = this.lineCoordinates.x1 + this.lineCoordinates.width / 2 - this._titleTextBlock.width / 2, this._titleTextBlock.y = this.boundingRect.y2 - this._titleTextBlock.height - 3, this._titleTextBlock.render(!0)) } else if ("top" === this._position) { for (e = 0; e < this._labels.length; e++) if (f = this._labels[e], !(f.position < this.viewportMinimum || f.position > this.viewportMaximum)) { b = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(f.position); if (this.tickThickness && !this._labels[e].stripLine || this._labels[e].stripLine && "pixel" === this._labels[e].stripLine._thicknessType) this._labels[e].stripLine ? (c = this._labels[e].stripLine, this.ctx.lineWidth = c.thickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = c.color) : (this.ctx.lineWidth = this.tickThickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.tickColor), c = 1 === this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 ? (b.x << 0) + 0.5 : b.x << 0, this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(c, b.y << 0), this.ctx.lineTo(c, b.y - this.tickLength << 0), this.ctx.stroke(); if (!a || 0 === d++ % 2 || this._labels[e].stripLine) 0 === f.textBlock.angle ? (b.x -= f.textBlock.width / 2, b.y -= this.tickLength + f.textBlock.height / 2) : (b.x -= 0 < this.labelAngle ? f.textBlock.width * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) : 0, b.y -= this.tickLength + Math.abs(0 < this.labelAngle ? f.textBlock.width * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) + 5 : 5)), f.textBlock.x = b.x, f.textBlock.y = b.y, f.textBlock.render(!0) } this.title && (this._titleTextBlock = new H(this.ctx, { x: this.lineCoordinates.x1, y: this.boundingRect.y1 + 1, maxWidth: this.lineCoordinates.width, maxHeight: 1.5 * this.titleFontSize, angle: 0, text: this.title, horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: this.titleFontSize, fontFamily: this.titleFontFamily, fontWeight: this.titleFontWeight, fontColor: this.titleFontColor, fontStyle: this.titleFontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), this._titleTextBlock.measureText(), this._titleTextBlock.x = this.lineCoordinates.x1 + this.lineCoordinates.width / 2 - this._titleTextBlock.width / 2, this._titleTextBlock.render(!0)) } else if ("left" === this._position) { for (e = 0; e < this._labels.length; e++) if (f = this._labels[e], !(f.position < this.viewportMinimum || f.position > this.viewportMaximum)) { b = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(f.position); if (this.tickThickness && !this._labels[e].stripLine || this._labels[e].stripLine && "pixel" === this._labels[e].stripLine._thicknessType) this._labels[e].stripLine ? (c = this._labels[e].stripLine, this.ctx.lineWidth = c.thickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = c.color) : (this.ctx.lineWidth = this.tickThickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.tickColor), c = 1 === this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 ? (b.y << 0) + 0.5 : b.y << 0, this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(b.x << 0, c), this.ctx.lineTo(b.x - this.tickLength << 0, c), this.ctx.stroke(); if (!a || 0 === d++ % 2 || this._labels[e].stripLine) f.textBlock.x = b.x - f.textBlock.width * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) - this.tickLength - 5, f.textBlock.y = 0 === this.labelAngle ? b.y : b.y - f.textBlock.width * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle), f.textBlock.render(!0) } this.title && (this._titleTextBlock = new H(this.ctx, { x: this.boundingRect.x1 + 1, y: this.lineCoordinates.y2, maxWidth: this.lineCoordinates.height, maxHeight: 1.5 * this.titleFontSize, angle: -90, text: this.title, horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: this.titleFontSize, fontFamily: this.titleFontFamily, fontWeight: this.titleFontWeight, fontColor: this.titleFontColor, fontStyle: this.titleFontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), this._titleTextBlock.measureText(), this._titleTextBlock.y = this.lineCoordinates.height / 2 + this._titleTextBlock.width / 2 + this.lineCoordinates.y1, this._titleTextBlock.render(!0)) } else if ("right" === this._position) { for (e = 0; e < this._labels.length; e++) if (f = this._labels[e], !(f.position < this.viewportMinimum || f.position > this.viewportMaximum)) { b = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(f.position); if (this.tickThickness && !this._labels[e].stripLine || this._labels[e].stripLine && "pixel" === this._labels[e].stripLine._thicknessType) this._labels[e].stripLine ? (c = this._labels[e].stripLine, this.ctx.lineWidth = c.thickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = c.color) : (this.ctx.lineWidth = this.tickThickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.tickColor), c = 1 === this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 ? (b.y << 0) + 0.5 : b.y << 0, this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(b.x << 0, c), this.ctx.lineTo(b.x + this.tickLength << 0, c), this.ctx.stroke(); if (!a || 0 === d++ % 2 || this._labels[e].stripLine) f.textBlock.x = b.x + this.tickLength + 5, f.textBlock.y = b.y, f.textBlock.render(!0) } this.title && (this._titleTextBlock = new H(this.ctx, { x: this.boundingRect.x2 - 1, y: this.lineCoordinates.y2, maxWidth: this.lineCoordinates.height, maxHeight: 1.5 * this.titleFontSize, angle: 90, text: this.title, horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: this.titleFontSize, fontFamily: this.titleFontFamily, fontWeight: this.titleFontWeight, fontColor: this.titleFontColor, fontStyle: this.titleFontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), this._titleTextBlock.measureText(), this._titleTextBlock.y = this.lineCoordinates.height / 2 - this._titleTextBlock.width / 2 + this.lineCoordinates.y1, this._titleTextBlock.render(!0)) } }; C.prototype.renderInterlacedColors = function() { var a = this.chart.plotArea.ctx, b, c, d = this.chart.plotArea, e = 0; b = !0; if (("bottom" === this._position || "top" === this._position) && this.interlacedColor) for (a.fillStyle = this.interlacedColor, e = 0; e < this._labels.length; e++) this._labels[e].stripLine || (b ? (b = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[e].position), c = e + 1 >= this._labels.length - 1 ? this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this.viewportMaximum) : this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[e + 1].position), a.fillRect(b.x, d.y1, Math.abs(c.x - b.x), Math.abs(d.y1 - d.y2)), b = !1) : b = !0); else if (("left" === this._position || "right" === this._position) && this.interlacedColor) for (a.fillStyle = this.interlacedColor, e = 0; e < this._labels.length; e++) this._labels[e].stripLine || (b ? (c = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[e].position), b = e + 1 >= this._labels.length - 1 ? this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this.viewportMaximum) : this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[e + 1].position), a.fillRect(d.x1, b.y, Math.abs(d.x1 - d.x2), Math.abs(b.y - c.y)), b = !1) : b = !0); a.beginPath() }; C.prototype.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType = function(a) { if (this.stripLines && 0 < this.stripLines.length && a) for (var b = 0, b = 0; b < this.stripLines.length; b++) { var c = this.stripLines[b]; c._thicknessType === a && ("pixel" === a && (c.value < this.viewportMinimum || c.value > this.viewportMaximum) || (c.showOnTop ? this.chart.addEventListener("dataAnimationIterationEnd", c.render, c) : c.render())) } }; C.prototype.renderGrid = function() { if (this.gridThickness && 0 < this.gridThickness) { var a = this.chart.ctx; a.save(); var b, c = this.chart.plotArea; a.lineWidth = this.gridThickness; a.strokeStyle = this.gridColor; a.setLineDash && a.setLineDash(M(this.gridDashType, this.gridThickness)); if ("bottom" === this._position || "top" === this._position) for (d = 0; d < this._labels.length && !this._labels[d].stripLine; d++) this._labels[d].position < this.viewportMinimum || this._labels[d].position > this.viewportMaximum || (a.beginPath(), b = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[d].position), b = 1 === a.lineWidth % 2 ? (b.x << 0) + 0.5 : b.x << 0, a.moveTo(b, c.y1 << 0), a.lineTo(b, c.y2 << 0), a.stroke()); else if ("left" === this._position || "right" === this._position) for (var d = 0; d < this._labels.length && !this._labels[d].stripLine; d++) 0 === d && "axisY" === this.type && this.chart.axisX && this.chart.axisX.lineThickness || (this._labels[d].position < this.viewportMinimum || this._labels[d].position > this.viewportMaximum) || (a.beginPath(), b = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[d].position), b = 1 === a.lineWidth % 2 ? (b.y << 0) + 0.5 : b.y << 0, a.moveTo(c.x1 << 0, b), a.lineTo(c.x2 << 0, b), a.stroke()); a.restore() } }; C.prototype.renderAxisLine = function() { var a = this.chart.ctx; a.save(); if ("bottom" === this._position || "top" === this._position) { if (this.lineThickness) { a.lineWidth = this.lineThickness; a.strokeStyle = this.lineColor ? this.lineColor : "black"; a.setLineDash && a.setLineDash(M(this.lineDashType, this.lineThickness)); var b = 1 === this.lineThickness % 2 ? (this.lineCoordinates.y1 << 0) + 0.5 : this.lineCoordinates.y1 << 0; a.beginPath(); a.moveTo(this.lineCoordinates.x1, b); a.lineTo(this.lineCoordinates.x2, b); a.stroke() } } else "left" !== this._position && "right" !== this._position || !this.lineThickness || (a.lineWidth = this.lineThickness, a.strokeStyle = this.lineColor, a.setLineDash && a.setLineDash(M(this.lineDashType, this.lineThickness)), b = 1 === this.lineThickness % 2 ? (this.lineCoordinates.x1 << 0) + 0.5 : this.lineCoordinates.x1 << 0, a.beginPath(), a.moveTo(b, this.lineCoordinates.y1), a.lineTo(b, this.lineCoordinates.y2), a.stroke()); a.restore() }; C.prototype.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis = function(a) { var b = {}; if ("bottom" === this._position || "top" === this._position) { var c = this.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit; b.x = this.conversionParameters.reference + c * (a - this.viewportMinimum); b.y = this.lineCoordinates.y1 } if ("left" === this._position || "right" === this._position) c = -this.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit, b.y = this.conversionParameters.reference - c * (a - this.viewportMinimum), b.x = this.lineCoordinates.x2; return b }; C.prototype.convertPixelToValue = function(a) { if (!a) return null; var b = 0; return b = this.conversionParameters.minimum + (("left" === this._position || "right" === this._position ? a.y : a.x) - this.conversionParameters.reference) / this.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit }; C.prototype.setViewPortRange = function(a, b) { this.sessionVariables.newViewportMinimum = this.viewportMinimum = Math.min(a, b); this.sessionVariables.newViewportMaximum = this.viewportMaximum = Math.max(a, b) }; C.prototype.getXValueAt = function(a) { if (!a) return null; var b = null; "left" === this._position ? b = (this.chart.axisX.viewportMaximum - this.chart.axisX.viewportMinimum) / this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.height * (this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.y2 - a.y) + this.chart.axisX.viewportMinimum : "bottom" === this._position && (b = (this.chart.axisX.viewportMaximum - this.chart.axisX.viewportMinimum) / this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.width * (a.x - this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.x1) + this.chart.axisX.viewportMinimum); return b }; C.prototype.calculateValueToPixelConversionParameters = function(a) { this.reversed = !1; a = { pixelPerUnit: null, minimum: null, reference: null }; var b = this.lineCoordinates.width, c = this.lineCoordinates.height; a.minimum = this.viewportMinimum; if ("bottom" === this._position || "top" === this._position) a.pixelPerUnit = (this.reversed ? -1 : 1) * b / Math.abs(this.viewportMaximum - this.viewportMinimum), a.reference = this.reversed ? this.lineCoordinates.x2 : this.lineCoordinates.x1; if ("left" === this._position || "right" === this._position) a.pixelPerUnit = (this.reversed ? 1 : -1) * c / Math.abs(this.viewportMaximum - this.viewportMinimum), a.reference = this.reversed ? this.lineCoordinates.y1 : this.lineCoordinates.y2; this.conversionParameters = a }; C.prototype.calculateAxisParameters = function() { var a = this.chart.layoutManager.getFreeSpace(), b = !1; "bottom" === this._position || "top" === this._position ? (this.maxWidth = a.width, this.maxHeight = a.height) : (this.maxWidth = a.height, this.maxHeight = a.width); var a = "axisX" === this.type ? 500 > this.maxWidth ? 8 : Math.max(6, Math.floor(this.maxWidth / 62)) : Math.max(Math.floor(this.maxWidth / 40), 2), c, d, e, f; f = 0; if (null === this.viewportMinimum || isNaN(this.viewportMinimum)) this.viewportMinimum = this.minimum; if (null === this.viewportMaximum || isNaN(this.viewportMaximum)) this.viewportMaximum = this.maximum; "axisX" === this.type ? (c = null !== this.viewportMinimum ? this.viewportMinimum : this.dataInfo.viewPortMin, d = null !== this.viewportMaximum ? this.viewportMaximum : this.dataInfo.viewPortMax, 0 === d - c && (f = "undefined" === typeof this._options.interval ? 0.4 : this._options.interval, d += f, c -= f), Infinity !== this.dataInfo.minDiff ? e = this.dataInfo.minDiff : 1 < d - c ? e = 0.5 * Math.abs(d - c) : (e = 1, "dateTime" === this.chart.plotInfo.axisXValueType && (b = !0))) : "axisY" === this.type && (c = null !== this.viewportMinimum ? this.viewportMinimum : this.dataInfo.viewPortMin, d = null !== this.viewportMaximum ? this.viewportMaximum : this.dataInfo.viewPortMax, isFinite(c) || isFinite(d) ? isFinite(c) ? isFinite(d) || (d = c) : c = d : (d = "undefined" === typeof this._options.interval ? -Infinity : this._options.interval, c = 0), 0 === c && 0 === d ? (d += 9, c = 0) : 0 === d - c ? (f = Math.min(Math.abs(0.01 * Math.abs(d)), 5), d += f, c -= f) : c > d ? (f = Math.min(Math.abs(0.01 * Math.abs(d - c)), 5), 0 <= d ? c = d - f : d = c + f) : (f = Math.min(Math.abs(0.01 * Math.abs(d - c)), 0.05), 0 !== d && (d += f), 0 !== c && (c -= f)), e = Infinity !== this.dataInfo.minDiff ? this.dataInfo.minDiff : 1 < d - c ? 0.5 * Math.abs(d - c) : 1, this.includeZero && (null === this.viewportMinimum || isNaN(this.viewportMinimum)) && 0 < c && (c = 0), this.includeZero && (null === this.viewportMaximum || isNaN(this.viewportMaximum)) && 0 > d && (d = 0)); f = (isNaN(this.viewportMaximum) || null === this.viewportMaximum ? d : this.viewportMaximum) - (isNaN(this.viewportMinimum) || null === this.viewportMinimum ? c : this.viewportMinimum); if ("axisX" === this.type && "dateTime" === this.chart.plotInfo.axisXValueType) { this.intervalType || (f / 1 <= a ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 2 <= a ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 5 <= a ? (this.interval = 5, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 10 <= a ? (this.interval = 10, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 20 <= a ? (this.interval = 20, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 50 <= a ? (this.interval = 50, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 100 <= a ? (this.interval = 100, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 200 <= a ? (this.interval = 200, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 250 <= a ? (this.interval = 250, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 300 <= a ? (this.interval = 300, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 400 <= a ? (this.interval = 400, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / 500 <= a ? (this.interval = 500, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : f / (1 * D.secondDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "second") : f / (2 * D.secondDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "second") : f / (5 * D.secondDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 5, this.intervalType = "second") : f / (10 * D.secondDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 10, this.intervalType = "second") : f / (15 * D.secondDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 15, this.intervalType = "second") : f / (20 * D.secondDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 20, this.intervalType = "second") : f / (30 * D.secondDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 30, this.intervalType = "second") : f / (1 * D.minuteDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "minute") : f / (2 * D.minuteDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "minute") : f / (5 * D.minuteDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 5, this.intervalType = "minute") : f / (10 * D.minuteDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 10, this.intervalType = "minute") : f / (15 * D.minuteDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 15, this.intervalType = "minute") : f / (20 * D.minuteDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 20, this.intervalType = "minute") : f / (30 * D.minuteDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 30, this.intervalType = "minute") : f / (1 * D.hourDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "hour") : f / (2 * D.hourDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "hour") : f / (3 * D.hourDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 3, this.intervalType = "hour") : f / (6 * D.hourDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 6, this.intervalType = "hour") : f / (1 * D.dayDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "day") : f / (2 * D.dayDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "day") : f / (4 * D.dayDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 4, this.intervalType = "day") : f / (1 * D.weekDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "week") : f / (2 * D.weekDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "week") : f / (3 * D.weekDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 3, this.intervalType = "week") : f / (1 * D.monthDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "month") : f / (2 * D.monthDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "month") : f / (3 * D.monthDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 3, this.intervalType = "month") : f / (6 * D.monthDuration) <= a ? (this.interval = 6, this.intervalType = "month") : (this.interval = f / (1 * D.yearDuration) <= a ? 1 : f / (2 * D.yearDuration) <= a ? 2 : f / (4 * D.yearDuration) <= a ? 4 : Math.floor(C.getNiceNumber(f / (a - 1), !0) / D.yearDuration), this.intervalType = "year")); if (null === this.viewportMinimum || isNaN(this.viewportMinimum)) this.viewportMinimum = c - e / 2; if (null === this.viewportMaximum || isNaN(this.viewportMaximum)) this.viewportMaximum = d + e / 2; b ? this.autoValueFormatString = "MMM DD YYYY HH:mm" : "year" === this.intervalType ? this.autoValueFormatString = "YYYY" : "month" === this.intervalType ? this.autoValueFormatString = "MMM YYYY" : "week" === this.intervalType ? this.autoValueFormatString = "MMM DD YYYY" : "day" === this.intervalType ? this.autoValueFormatString = "MMM DD YYYY" : "hour" === this.intervalType ? this.autoValueFormatString = "hh:mm TT" : "minute" === this.intervalType ? this.autoValueFormatString = "hh:mm TT" : "second" === this.intervalType ? this.autoValueFormatString = "hh:mm:ss TT" : "millisecond" === this.intervalType && (this.autoValueFormatString = "fff'ms'"); this.valueFormatString || (this.valueFormatString = this.autoValueFormatString) } else { this.intervalType = "number"; f = C.getNiceNumber(f, !1); this.interval = this._options && 0 < this._options.interval ? this._options.interval : C.getNiceNumber(f / (a - 1), !0); if (null === this.viewportMinimum || isNaN(this.viewportMinimum)) this.viewportMinimum = "axisX" === this.type ? c - e / 2 : Math.floor(c / this.interval) * this.interval; if (null === this.viewportMaximum || isNaN(this.viewportMaximum)) this.viewportMaximum = "axisX" === this.type ? d + e / 2 : Math.ceil(d / this.interval) * this.interval; 0 === this.viewportMaximum && 0 === this.viewportMinimum && (0 === this._options.viewportMinimum ? this.viewportMaximum += 10 : 0 === this._options.viewportMaximum && (this.viewportMinimum -= 10), this._options && "undefined" === typeof this._options.interval && (this.interval = C.getNiceNumber((this.viewportMaximum - this.viewportMinimum) / (a - 1), !0))) } if (null === this.minimum || null === this.maximum) if ("axisX" === this.type ? (c = null !== this.minimum ? this.minimum : this.dataInfo.min, d = null !== this.maximum ? this.maximum : this.dataInfo.max, 0 === d - c && (f = "undefined" === typeof this._options.interval ? 0.4 : this._options.interval, d += f, c -= f), e = Infinity !== this.dataInfo.minDiff ? this.dataInfo.minDiff : 1 < d - c ? 0.5 * Math.abs(d - c) : 1) : "axisY" === this.type && (c = null !== this.minimum ? this.minimum : this.dataInfo.min, d = null !== this.maximum ? this.maximum : this.dataInfo.max, isFinite(c) || isFinite(d) ? 0 === c && 0 === d ? (d += 9, c = 0) : 0 === d - c ? (f = Math.min(Math.abs(0.01 * Math.abs(d)), 5), d += f, c -= f) : c > d ? (f = Math.min(Math.abs(0.01 * Math.abs(d - c)), 5), 0 <= d ? c = d - f : d = c + f) : (f = Math.min(Math.abs(0.01 * Math.abs(d - c)), 0.05), 0 !== d && (d += f), 0 !== c && (c -= f)) : (d = "undefined" === typeof this._options.interval ? -Infinity : this._options.interval, c = 0), e = Infinity !== this.dataInfo.minDiff ? this.dataInfo.minDiff : 1 < d - c ? 0.5 * Math.abs(d - c) : 1, this.includeZero && (null === this.minimum || isNaN(this.minimum)) && 0 < c && (c = 0), this.includeZero && (null === this.maximum || isNaN(this.maximum)) && 0 > d && (d = 0)), "axisX" === this.type && "dateTime" === this.chart.plotInfo.axisXValueType) { if (null === this.minimum || isNaN(this.minimum)) this.minimum = c - e / 2; if (null === this.maximum || isNaN(this.maximum)) this.maximum = d + e / 2 } else this.intervalType = "number", null === this.minimum && (this.minimum = "axisX" === this.type ? c - e / 2 : Math.floor(c / this.interval) * this.interval, this.minimum = Math.min(this.minimum, null === this.sessionVariables.viewportMinimum || isNaN(this.sessionVariables.viewportMinimum) ? Infinity : this.sessionVariables.viewportMinimum)), null === this.maximum && (this.maximum = "axisX" === this.type ? d + e / 2 : Math.ceil(d / this.interval) * this.interval, this.maximum = Math.max(this.maximum, null === this.sessionVariables.viewportMaximum || isNaN(this.sessionVariables.viewportMaximum) ? -Infinity : this.sessionVariables.viewportMaximum)), 0 === this.maximum && 0 === this.minimum && (0 === this._options.minimum ? this.maximum += 10 : 0 === this._options.maximum && (this.minimum -= 10)); this.viewportMinimum = Math.max(this.viewportMinimum, this.minimum); this.viewportMaximum = Math.min(this.viewportMaximum, this.maximum); this.intervalStartPosition = "axisX" === this.type && "dateTime" === this.chart.plotInfo.axisXValueType ? this.getLabelStartPoint(new Date(this.viewportMinimum), this.intervalType, this.interval) : Math.floor((this.viewportMinimum + 0.2 * this.interval) / this.interval) * this.interval; if (!this.valueFormatString && (this.valueFormatString = "#,##0.##", f = Math.abs(this.viewportMaximum - this.viewportMinimum), 1 > f)) { b = Math.floor(Math.abs(Math.log(f) / Math.LN10)) + 2; if (isNaN(b) || !isFinite(b)) b = 2; if (2 < b) for (c = 0; c < b - 2; c++) this.valueFormatString += "#" } }; C.getNiceNumber = function(a, b) { var c = Math.floor(Math.log(a) / Math.LN10), d = a / Math.pow(10, c); return Number(((b ? 1.5 > d ? 1 : 3 > d ? 2 : 7 > d ? 5 : 10 : 1 >= d ? 1 : 2 >= d ? 2 : 5 >= d ? 5 : 10) * Math.pow(10, c)).toFixed(20)) }; C.prototype.getLabelStartPoint = function() { var a = D[this.intervalType + "Duration"] * this.interval, a = new Date(Math.floor(this.viewportMinimum / a) * a); if ("millisecond" !== this.intervalType) if ("second" === this.intervalType) 0 < a.getMilliseconds() && (a.setSeconds(a.getSeconds() + 1), a.setMilliseconds(0)); else if ("minute" === this.intervalType) { if (0 < a.getSeconds() || 0 < a.getMilliseconds()) a.setMinutes(a.getMinutes() + 1), a.setSeconds(0), a.setMilliseconds(0) } else if ("hour" === this.intervalType) { if (0 < a.getMinutes() || 0 < a.getSeconds() || 0 < a.getMilliseconds()) a.setHours(a.getHours() + 1), a.setMinutes(0), a.setSeconds(0), a.setMilliseconds(0) } else if ("day" === this.intervalType) { if (0 < a.getHours() || 0 < a.getMinutes() || 0 < a.getSeconds() || 0 < a.getMilliseconds()) a.setDate(a.getDate() + 1), a.setHours(0), a.setMinutes(0), a.setSeconds(0), a.setMilliseconds(0) } else if ("week" === this.intervalType) { if (0 < a.getDay() || 0 < a.getHours() || 0 < a.getMinutes() || 0 < a.getSeconds() || 0 < a.getMilliseconds()) a.setDate(a.getDate() + (7 - a.getDay())), a.setHours(0), a.setMinutes(0), a.setSeconds(0), a.setMilliseconds(0) } else if ("month" === this.intervalType) { if (1 < a.getDate() || 0 < a.getHours() || 0 < a.getMinutes() || 0 < a.getSeconds() || 0 < a.getMilliseconds()) a.setMonth(a.getMonth() + 1), a.setDate(1), a.setHours(0), a.setMinutes(0), a.setSeconds(0), a.setMilliseconds(0) } else "year" === this.intervalType && (0 < a.getMonth() || 1 < a.getDate() || 0 < a.getHours() || 0 < a.getMinutes() || 0 < a.getSeconds() || 0 < a.getMilliseconds()) && (a.setFullYear(a.getFullYear() + 1), a.setMonth(0), a.setDate(1), a.setHours(0), a.setMinutes(0), a.setSeconds(0), a.setMilliseconds(0)); return a }; O(la, G); la.prototype.render = function() { this.ctx.save(); var a = this.parent.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this.value), b = Math.abs("pixel" === this._thicknessType ? this.thickness : this.parent.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * this.thickness); if (0 < b) { var c = null === this.opacity ? 1 : this.opacity; this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.color; this.ctx.beginPath(); var d = this.ctx.globalAlpha; this.ctx.globalAlpha = c; B(this.id); var e, f, g, k; this.ctx.lineWidth = b; this.ctx.setLineDash && this.ctx.setLineDash(M(this.lineDashType, b)); if ("bottom" === this.parent._position || "top" === this.parent._position) e = f = 1 === this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 ? (a.x << 0) + 0.5 : a.x << 0, g = this.chart.plotArea.y1, k = this.chart.plotArea.y2; else if ("left" === this.parent._position || "right" === this.parent._position) g = k = 1 === this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 ? (a.y << 0) + 0.5 : a.y << 0, e = this.chart.plotArea.x1, f = this.chart.plotArea.x2; this.ctx.moveTo(e, g); this.ctx.lineTo(f, k); this.ctx.stroke(); this.ctx.globalAlpha = d } this.ctx.restore() }; O(R, G); R.prototype._initialize = function() { if (this.enabled) { this.container = document.createElement("div"); this.container.setAttribute("class", "canvasjs-tooltip"); this.container.style.position = "absolute"; this.container.style.height = "auto"; this.container.style.boxShadow = "1px 1px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"; this.container.style.zIndex = "1000"; this.container.style.display = "none"; var a; a = '
(new Date).getTime() - this._lastUpdated || (this._lastUpdated = (new Date).getTime(), this._updateToolTip(a, b)) }; R.prototype._updateToolTip = function(a, b) { if (!this.chart.disableToolTip) { if ("undefined" === typeof a || "undefined" === typeof b) { if (isNaN(this._prevX) || isNaN(this._prevY)) return; a = this._prevX; b = this._prevY } else this._prevX = a, this._prevY = b; var c = null, d = null, e = [], f = 0; if (this.shared && this.enabled && "none" !== this.chart.plotInfo.axisPlacement) { f = "xySwapped" === this.chart.plotInfo.axisPlacement ? (this.chart.axisX.viewportMaximum - this.chart.axisX.viewportMinimum) / this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.height * (this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.y2 - b) + this.chart.axisX.viewportMinimum : (this.chart.axisX.viewportMaximum - this.chart.axisX.viewportMinimum) / this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.width * (a - this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.x1) + this.chart.axisX.viewportMinimum; d = []; for (c = 0; c < this.chart.data.length; c++) { var g = this.chart.data[c].getDataPointAtX(f, !0); g && 0 <= g.index && (g.dataSeries = this.chart.data[c], null !== g.dataPoint.y && d.push(g)) } if (0 === d.length) return; d.sort(function(a, b) { return a.distance - b.distance }); f = d[0]; for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) d[c].dataPoint.x.valueOf() === f.dataPoint.x.valueOf() && e.push(d[c]); d = null } else { if (g = this.chart.getDataPointAtXY(a, b, !0)) this.currentDataPointIndex = g.dataPointIndex, this.currentSeriesIndex = g.dataSeries.index; else if (t) if (g = xa(a, b, this.chart._eventManager.ghostCtx), 0 < g && "undefined" !== typeof this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[g]) { eventObject = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[g]; if ("legendItem" === eventObject.objectType) return; this.currentSeriesIndex = eventObject.dataSeriesIndex; this.currentDataPointIndex = 0 <= eventObject.dataPointIndex ? eventObject.dataPointIndex : -1 } else this.currentDataPointIndex = -1; else this.currentDataPointIndex = -1; if (0 <= this.currentSeriesIndex) { d = this.chart.data[this.currentSeriesIndex]; g = {}; if (0 <= this.currentDataPointIndex) c = d.dataPoints[this.currentDataPointIndex], g.dataSeries = d, g.dataPoint = c, g.index = this.currentDataPointIndex, g.distance = Math.abs(c.x - f); else { if (!this.enabled || "line" !== d.type && "stepLine" !== d.type && "spline" !== d.type && "area" !== d.type && "stepArea" !== d.type && "splineArea" !== d.type && "stackedArea" !== d.type && "stackedArea100" !== d.type && "rangeArea" !== d.type && "rangeSplineArea" !== d.type && "candlestick" !== d.type && "ohlc" !== d.type) return; f = d.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum + (a - d.axisX.conversionParameters.reference) / d.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit; g = d.getDataPointAtX(f, !0); g.dataSeries = d; this.currentDataPointIndex = g.index; c = g.dataPoint } if (!P(g.dataPoint.y)) if (g.dataSeries.axisY) if (0 < g.dataPoint.y.length) { for (c = f = 0; c < g.dataPoint.y.length; c++) g.dataPoint.y[c] < g.dataSeries.axisY.viewportMinimum ? f-- : g.dataPoint.y[c] > g.dataSeries.axisY.viewportMaximum && f++; f < g.dataPoint.y.length && f > -g.dataPoint.y.length && e.push(g) } else "column" === d.type || "bar" === d.type ? 0 > g.dataPoint.y ? 0 > g.dataSeries.axisY.viewportMinimum && g.dataSeries.axisY.viewportMaximum >= g.dataPoint.y && e.push(g) : g.dataSeries.axisY.viewportMinimum <= g.dataPoint.y && 0 <= g.dataSeries.axisY.viewportMaximum && e.push(g) : "bubble" === d.type ? (f = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[d.dataPointIds[g.index]].size / 2, g.dataPoint.y >= g.dataSeries.axisY.viewportMinimum - f && g.dataPoint.y <= g.dataSeries.axisY.viewportMaximum + f && e.push(g)) : (0 <= g.dataSeries.type.indexOf("100") || "stackedColumn" === d.type || "stackedBar" === d.type || g.dataPoint.y >= g.dataSeries.axisY.viewportMinimum && g.dataPoint.y <= g.dataSeries.axisY.viewportMaximum) && e.push(g); else e.push(g) } } if (0 < e.length && (this.highlightObjects(e), this.enabled)) if (f = "", f = this.getToolTipInnerHTML({ entries: e }), null !== f) { this.contentDiv.innerHTML = f; this.contentDiv.innerHTML = f; f = !1; "none" === this.container.style.display && (f = !0, this.container.style.display = "block"); try { this.contentDiv.style.background = this.backgroundColor ? this.backgroundColor : t ? "rgba(255,255,255,.9)" : "rgb(255,255,255)", this.contentDiv.style.borderRightColor = this.contentDiv.style.borderLeftColor = this.contentDiv.style.borderColor = this.borderColor ? this.borderColor : e[0].dataPoint.color ? e[0].dataPoint.color : e[0].dataSeries.color ? e[0].dataSeries.color : e[0].dataSeries._colorSet[e[0].index % e[0].dataSeries._colorSet.length], this.contentDiv.style.borderWidth = this.borderThickness || 0 === this.borderThickness ? this.borderThickness + "px" : "2px", this.contentDiv.style.borderRadius = this.cornerRadius || 0 === this.cornerRadius ? this.cornerRadius + "px" : "5px", this.container.style.borderRadius = this.contentDiv.style.borderRadius, this.contentDiv.style.fontSize = this.fontSize || 0 === this.fontSize ? this.fontSize + "px" : "14px", this.contentDiv.style.color = this.fontColor ? this.fontColor : "#000000", this.contentDiv.style.fontFamily = this.fontFamily ? this.fontFamily : "Calibri, Arial, Georgia, serif;", this.contentDiv.style.fontWeight = this.fontWeight ? this.fontWeight : "normal", this.contentDiv.style.fontStyle = this.fontStyle ? this.fontStyle : t ? "italic" : "normal" } catch (k) {} "pie" === e[0].dataSeries.type || "doughnut" === e[0].dataSeries.type || "funnel" === e[0].dataSeries.type || "bar" === e[0].dataSeries.type || "rangeBar" === e[0].dataSeries.type || "stackedBar" === e[0].dataSeries.type || "stackedBar100" === e[0].dataSeries.type ? toolTipLeft = a - 10 - this.container.clientWidth : (toolTipLeft = e[0].dataSeries.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + e[0].dataSeries.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e[0].dataPoint.x - e[0].dataSeries.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) - this.container.clientWidth << 0, toolTipLeft -= 10); 0 > toolTipLeft && (toolTipLeft += this.container.clientWidth + 20); toolTipLeft + this.container.clientWidth > Math.max(this.chart._container.clientWidth, this.chart.width) && (toolTipLeft = Math.max(0, Math.max(this.chart._container.clientWidth, this.chart.width) - this.container.clientWidth)); toolTipLeft += "px"; e = 1 !== e.length || this.shared || "line" !== e[0].dataSeries.type && "stepLine" !== e[0].dataSeries.type && "spline" !== e[0].dataSeries.type && "area" !== e[0].dataSeries.type && "stepArea" !== e[0].dataSeries.type && "splineArea" !== e[0].dataSeries.type && "stackedArea" !== e[0].dataSeries.type && "stackedArea100" !== e[0].dataSeries.type ? "bar" === e[0].dataSeries.type || "rangeBar" === e[0].dataSeries.type || "stackedBar" === e[0].dataSeries.type || "stackedBar100" === e[0].dataSeries.type ? e[0].dataSeries.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + e[0].dataSeries.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e[0].dataPoint.x - e[0].dataSeries.axisX.viewportMinimum) + 0.5 << 0 : b : e[0].dataSeries.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + e[0].dataSeries.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e[0].dataPoint.y - e[0].dataSeries.axisY.viewportMinimum) + 0.5 << 0; e = -e + 10; 0 < e + this.container.clientHeight + 5 && (e -= e + this.container.clientHeight + 5 - 0); this.container.style.left = toolTipLeft; this.container.style.bottom = e + "px"; !this.animationEnabled || f ? this.disableAnimation() : this.enableAnimation() } else this.hide(!1) } }; R.prototype.highlightObjects = function(a) { var b = this.chart.overlaidCanvasCtx; this.chart.resetOverlayedCanvas(); b.clearRect(0, 0, this.chart.width, this.chart.height); b.save(); var c = this.chart.plotArea, d = 0; b.rect(c.x1, c.y1, c.x2 - c.x1, c.y2 - c.y1); b.clip(); for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { var e = a[c]; if ((e = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[e.dataSeries.dataPointIds[e.index]]) && e.objectType && "dataPoint" === e.objectType) { var d = this.chart.data[e.dataSeriesIndex], f = d.dataPoints[e.dataPointIndex], g = e.dataPointIndex; !1 === f.highlightEnabled || !0 !== d.highlightEnabled && !0 !== f.highlightEnabled || ("line" === d.type || "stepLine" === d.type || "spline" === d.type || "scatter" === d.type || "area" === d.type || "stepArea" === d.type || "splineArea" === d.type || "stackedArea" === d.type || "stackedArea100" === d.type || "rangeArea" === d.type || "rangeSplineArea" === d.type ? (f = d.getMarkerProperties(g, e.x1, e.y1, this.chart.overlaidCanvasCtx), f.size = Math.max(1.5 * f.size << 0, 10), f.borderColor = f.borderColor || "#FFFFFF", f.borderThickness = f.borderThickness || Math.ceil(0.1 * f.size), K.drawMarkers([f]), "undefined" !== typeof e.y2 && (f = d.getMarkerProperties(g, e.x1, e.y2, this.chart.overlaidCanvasCtx), f.size = Math.max(1.5 * f.size << 0, 10), f.borderColor = f.borderColor || "#FFFFFF", f.borderThickness = f.borderThickness || Math.ceil(0.1 * f.size), K.drawMarkers([f]))) : "bubble" === d.type ? (f = d.getMarkerProperties(g, e.x1, e.y1, this.chart.overlaidCanvasCtx), f.size = e.size, f.color = "white", f.borderColor = "white", b.globalAlpha = 0.3, K.drawMarkers([f]), b.globalAlpha = 1) : "column" === d.type || "stackedColumn" === d.type || "stackedColumn100" === d.type || "bar" === d.type || "rangeBar" === d.type || "stackedBar" === d.type || "stackedBar100" === d.type || "rangeColumn" === d.type ? I(b, e.x1, e.y1, e.x2, e.y2, "white", 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0.3) : "pie" === d.type || "doughnut" === d.type ? sa(b, e.center, e.radius, "white", d.type, e.startAngle, e.endAngle, 0.3, e.percentInnerRadius) : "candlestick" === d.type ? (b.globalAlpha = 1, b.strokeStyle = e.color, b.lineWidth = 2 * e.borderThickness, d = 0 === b.lineWidth % 2 ? 0 : 0.5, b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(e.x3 - d, e.y2), b.lineTo(e.x3 - d, Math.min(e.y1, e.y4)), b.stroke(), b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(e.x3 - d, Math.max(e.y1, e.y4)), b.lineTo(e.x3 - d, e.y3), b.stroke(), I(b, e.x1, Math.min(e.y1, e.y4), e.x2, Math.max(e.y1, e.y4), "transparent", 2 * e.borderThickness, e.color, !1, !1, !1, !1), b.globalAlpha = 1) : "ohlc" === d.type && (b.globalAlpha = 1, b.strokeStyle = e.color, b.lineWidth = 2 * e.borderThickness, d = 0 === b.lineWidth % 2 ? 0 : 0.5, b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(e.x3 - d, e.y2), b.lineTo(e.x3 - d, e.y3), b.stroke(), b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(e.x3, e.y1), b.lineTo(e.x1, e.y1), b.stroke(), b.beginPath(), b.moveTo(e.x3, e.y4), b.lineTo(e.x2, e.y4), b.stroke(), b.globalAlpha = 1)) } } b.restore(); b.globalAlpha = 1; b.beginPath() }; R.prototype.getToolTipInnerHTML = function(a) { a = a.entries; for (var b = null, c = null, d = null, e = 0, f = "", g = !0, k = 0; k < a.length; k++) if (a[k].dataSeries.toolTipContent || a[k].dataPoint.toolTipContent) { g = !1; break } if (g && (this.content && "function" === typeof this.content || this.contentFormatter)) a = { chart: this.chart._publicChartReference, toolTip: this._options, entries: a }, b = this.contentFormatter ? this.contentFormatter(a) : this.content(a); else if (this.shared && "none" !== this.chart.plotInfo.axisPlacement) { for (var p = "", k = 0; k < a.length; k++) if (c = a[k].dataSeries, d = a[k].dataPoint, e = a[k].index, f = "", 0 === k && (g && !this.content) && (p += "undefined" !== typeof this.chart.axisX.labels[d.x] ? this.chart.axisX.labels[d.x] : "{x}", p += "
", p = this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(p, d, c, e)), null !== d.toolTipContent && ("undefined" !== typeof d.toolTipContent || null !== c._options.toolTipContent)) { if ("line" === c.type || "stepLine" === c.type || "spline" === c.type || "area" === c.type || "stepArea" === c.type || "splineArea" === c.type || "column" === c.type || "bar" === c.type || "scatter" === c.type || "stackedColumn" === c.type || "stackedColumn100" === c.type || "stackedBar" === c.type || "stackedBar100" === c.type || "stackedArea" === c.type || "stackedArea100" === c.type) f += d.toolTipContent ? d.toolTipContent : c.toolTipContent ? c.toolTipContent : this.content && "function" !== typeof this.content ? this.content : "{name}:  {y}"; else if ("bubble" === c.type) f += d.toolTipContent ? d.toolTipContent : c.toolTipContent ? c.toolTipContent : this.content && "function" !== typeof this.content ? this.content : "{name}:  {y},   {z}"; else if ("rangeColumn" === c.type || "rangeBar" === c.type || "rangeArea" === c.type || "rangeSplineArea" === c.type) f += d.toolTipContent ? d.toolTipContent : c.toolTipContent ? c.toolTipContent : this.content && "function" !== typeof this.content ? this.content : "{name}:  {y[0]}, {y[1]}"; else if ("candlestick" === c.type || "ohlc" === c.type) f += d.toolTipContent ? d.toolTipContent : c.toolTipContent ? c.toolTipContent : this.content && "function" !== typeof this.content ? this.content : "{name}:
Open:   {y[0]}
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Close:   {y[3]}"; null === b && (b = ""); !0 === this.reversed ? (b = this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(f, d, c, e) + b, k < a.length - 1 && (b = "
" + b)) : (b += this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(f, d, c, e), k < a.length - 1 && (b += "
")) } null !== b && (b = p + b) } else { c = a[0].dataSeries; d = a[0].dataPoint; e = a[0].index; if (null === d.toolTipContent || "undefined" === typeof d.toolTipContent && null === c._options.toolTipContent) return null; if ("line" === c.type || "stepLine" === c.type || "spline" === c.type || "area" === c.type || "stepArea" === c.type || "splineArea" === c.type || "column" === c.type || "bar" === c.type || "scatter" === c.type || "stackedColumn" === c.type || "stackedColumn100" === c.type || "stackedBar" === c.type || "stackedBar100" === c.type || "stackedArea" === c.type || "stackedArea100" === c.type) f = d.toolTipContent ? d.toolTipContent : c.toolTipContent ? c.toolTipContent : this.content && "function" !== typeof this.content ? this.content : "" + (d.label ? "{label}" : "{x}") + ":  {y}"; else if ("bubble" === c.type) f = d.toolTipContent ? d.toolTipContent : c.toolTipContent ? c.toolTipContent : this.content && "function" !== typeof this.content ? this.content : "" + (d.label ? "{label}" : "{x}") + ":  {y},   {z}"; else if ("pie" === c.type || "doughnut" === c.type || "funnel" === c.type) f = d.toolTipContent ? d.toolTipContent : c.toolTipContent ? c.toolTipContent : this.content && "function" !== typeof this.content ? this.content : "" + (d.name ? "{name}:  " : d.label ? "{label}:  " : "") + "{y}"; else if ("rangeColumn" === c.type || "rangeBar" === c.type || "rangeArea" === c.type || "rangeSplineArea" === c.type) f = d.toolTipContent ? d.toolTipContent : c.toolTipContent ? c.toolTipContent : this.content && "function" !== typeof this.content ? this.content : "" + (d.label ? "{label}" : "{x}") + " :  {y[0]},  {y[1]}"; else if ("candlestick" === c.type || "ohlc" === c.type) f = d.toolTipContent ? d.toolTipContent : c.toolTipContent ? c.toolTipContent : this.content && "function" !== typeof this.content ? this.content : "" + (d.label ? "{label}" : "{x}") + "
Open:   {y[0]}
High:    {y[1]}
Low:     {y[2]}
Close:   {y[3]}"; null === b && (b = ""); b += this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(f, d, c, e) } return b }; R.prototype.enableAnimation = function() { this.container.style.WebkitTransition || (this.container.style.WebkitTransition = "left .2s ease-out, bottom .2s ease-out", this.container.style.MozTransition = "left .2s ease-out, bottom .2s ease-out", this.container.style.MsTransition = "left .2s ease-out, bottom .2s ease-out", this.container.style.transition = "left .2s ease-out, bottom .2s ease-out") }; R.prototype.disableAnimation = function() { this.container.style.WebkitTransition && (this.container.style.WebkitTransition = "", this.container.style.MozTransition = "", this.container.style.MsTransition = "", this.container.style.transition = "") }; R.prototype.hide = function(a) { this.enabled && (this.container.style.display = "none", this.currentSeriesIndex = -1, this._prevY = this._prevX = NaN, ("undefined" === typeof a || a) && this.chart.resetOverlayedCanvas()) }; u.prototype.getPercentAndTotal = function(a, b) { var c = null, d = null, e = null; if (0 <= a.type.indexOf("stacked")) d = 0, c = b.x.getTime ? b.x.getTime() : b.x, c in a.plotUnit.yTotals && (d = a.plotUnit.yTotals[c], e = isNaN(b.y) ? 0 : 0 === d ? 0 : 100 * (b.y / d)); else if ("pie" === a.type || "doughnut" === a.type) { for (i = d = 0; i < a.dataPoints.length; i++) isNaN(a.dataPoints[i].y) || (d += a.dataPoints[i].y); e = isNaN(b.y) ? 0 : 100 * (b.y / d) } return { percent: e, total: d } }; u.prototype.replaceKeywordsWithValue = function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this; e = "undefined" === typeof e ? 0 : e; if ((0 <= c.type.indexOf("stacked") || "pie" === c.type || "doughnut" === c.type) && (0 <= a.indexOf("#percent") || 0 <= a.indexOf("#total"))) { var g = "#percent", k = "#total", p = this.getPercentAndTotal(c, b), k = isNaN(p.total) ? k : p.total, g = isNaN(p.percent) ? g : p.percent; do { p = ""; if (c.percentFormatString) p = c.percentFormatString; else { var p = "#,##0.", h = Math.max(Math.ceil(Math.log(1 / Math.abs(g)) / Math.LN10), 2); if (isNaN(h) || !isFinite(h)) h = 2; for (var l = 0; l < h; l++) p += "#" } a = a.replace("#percent", X(g, p, f._cultureInfo)); a = a.replace("#total", X(k, c.yValueFormatString ? c.yValueFormatString : "#,##0.########")) } while (0 <= a.indexOf("#percent") || 0 <= a.indexOf("#total")) } return a.replace(/\{.*?\}|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, function(a) { if ('"' === a[0] && '"' === a[a.length - 1] || "'" === a[0] && "'" === a[a.length - 1]) return a.slice(1, a.length - 1); a = $(a.slice(1, a.length - 1)); a = a.replace("#index", e); var g = null; try { var h = a.match(/(.*?)\s*\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]/); h && 0 < h.length && (g = $(h[2]), a = $(h[1])) } catch (k) {} h = null; if ("color" === a) return b.color ? b.color : c.color ? c.color : c._colorSet[d % c._colorSet.length]; if (b.hasOwnProperty(a)) h = b; else if (c.hasOwnProperty(a)) h = c; else return ""; h = h[a]; null !== g && (h = h[g]); return "x" === a ? "dateTime" === f.plotInfo.axisXValueType || "dateTime" === c.xValueType || b.x && b.x.getTime ? ra(h, b.xValueFormatString ? b.xValueFormatString : c.xValueFormatString ? c.xValueFormatString : f.axisX && f.axisX.autoValueFormatString ? f.axisX.autoValueFormatString : "DD MMM YY", f._cultureInfo) : X(h, b.xValueFormatString ? b.xValueFormatString : c.xValueFormatString ? c.xValueFormatString : "#,##0.########", f._cultureInfo) : "y" === a ? X(h, b.yValueFormatString ? b.yValueFormatString : c.yValueFormatString ? c.yValueFormatString : "#,##0.########", f._cultureInfo) : "z" === a ? X(h, b.zValueFormatString ? b.zValueFormatString : c.zValueFormatString ? c.zValueFormatString : "#,##0.########", f._cultureInfo) : h }) }; aa.prototype.reset = function() { this.lastObjectId = 0; this.objectMap = []; this.rectangularRegionEventSubscriptions = []; this.previousDataPointEventObject = null; this.eventObjects = []; t && (this.ghostCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.chart.width, this.chart.height), this.ghostCtx.beginPath()) }; aa.prototype.getNewObjectTrackingId = function() { return ++this.lastObjectId }; aa.prototype.mouseEventHandler = function(a) { if ("mousemove" === a.type || "click" === a.type) { var b = [], c = na(a), d = null; if ((d = this.chart.getObjectAtXY(c.x, c.y, !1)) && "undefined" !== typeof this.objectMap[d]) if (d = this.objectMap[d], "dataPoint" === d.objectType) { var e = this.chart.data[d.dataSeriesIndex], f = e.dataPoints[d.dataPointIndex], g = d.dataPointIndex; d.eventParameter = { x: c.x, y: c.y, dataPoint: f, dataSeries: e._options, dataPointIndex: g, dataSeriesIndex: e.index, chart: this.chart._publicChartReference }; d.eventContext = { context: f, userContext: f, mouseover: "mouseover", mousemove: "mousemove", mouseout: "mouseout", click: "click" }; b.push(d); d = this.objectMap[e.id]; d.eventParameter = { x: c.x, y: c.y, dataPoint: f, dataSeries: e._options, dataPointIndex: g, dataSeriesIndex: e.index, chart: this.chart._publicChartReference }; d.eventContext = { context: e, userContext: e._options, mouseover: "mouseover", mousemove: "mousemove", mouseout: "mouseout", click: "click" }; b.push(this.objectMap[e.id]) } else "legendItem" === d.objectType && (e = this.chart.data[d.dataSeriesIndex], f = null !== d.dataPointIndex ? e.dataPoints[d.dataPointIndex] : null, d.eventParameter = { x: c.x, y: c.y, dataSeries: e._options, dataPoint: f, dataPointIndex: d.dataPointIndex, dataSeriesIndex: d.dataSeriesIndex, chart: this.chart._publicChartReference }, d.eventContext = { context: this.chart.legend, userContext: this.chart.legend._options, mouseover: "itemmouseover", mousemove: "itemmousemove", mouseout: "itemmouseout", click: "itemclick" }, b.push(d)); e = []; for (c = 0; c < this.mouseoveredObjectMaps.length; c++) { f = !0; for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) if (b[d].id === this.mouseoveredObjectMaps[c].id) { f = !1; break } f ? this.fireEvent(this.mouseoveredObjectMaps[c], "mouseout", a) : e.push(this.mouseoveredObjectMaps[c]) } this.mouseoveredObjectMaps = e; for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { e = !1; for (d = 0; d < this.mouseoveredObjectMaps.length; d++) if (b[c].id === this.mouseoveredObjectMaps[d].id) { e = !0; break } e || (this.fireEvent(b[c], "mouseover", a), this.mouseoveredObjectMaps.push(b[c])); "click" === a.type ? this.fireEvent(b[c], "click", a) : "mousemove" === a.type && this.fireEvent(b[c], "mousemove", a) } } }; aa.prototype.fireEvent = function(a, b, c) { if (a && b) { var d = a.eventParameter, e = a.eventContext, f = a.eventContext.userContext; f && (e && f[e[b]]) && f[e[b]].call(f, d); "mouseout" !== b ? f.cursor && f.cursor !== c.target.style.cursor && (c.target.style.cursor = f.cursor) : (c.target.style.cursor = this.chart._defaultCursor, delete a.eventParameter, delete a.eventContext); "click" === b && ("dataPoint" === a.objectType && this.chart.pieDoughnutClickHandler) && this.chart.pieDoughnutClickHandler.call(this.chart.data[a.dataSeriesIndex], d) } }; O(ca, G); qa.prototype.animate = function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this; this.chart.isAnimating = !0; e = e || A.easing.linear; c && this.animations.push({ startTime: (new Date).getTime() + (a ? a : 0), duration: b, animationCallback: c, onComplete: d }); for (a = []; 0 < this.animations.length;) if (b = this.animations.shift(), c = (new Date).getTime(), d = 0, b.startTime <= c && (d = e(Math.min(c - b.startTime, b.duration), 0, 1, b.duration), d = Math.min(d, 1), isNaN(d) || !isFinite(d)) && (d = 1), 1 > d && a.push(b), b.animationCallback(d), 1 <= d && b.onComplete) b.onComplete(); this.animations = a; 0 < this.animations.length ? this.animationRequestId = this.chart.requestAnimFrame.call(window, function() { f.animate.call(f) }) : this.chart.isAnimating = !1 }; qa.prototype.cancelAllAnimations = function() { this.animations = []; this.animationRequestId && this.chart.cancelRequestAnimFrame.call(window, this.animationRequestId); this.animationRequestId = null; this.chart.isAnimating = !1 }; var A = { yScaleAnimation: function(a, b) { if (0 !== a) { var c = b.dest, d = b.source.canvas, e = b.animationBase; c.drawImage(d, 0, 0, d.width, d.height, 0, e - e * a, c.canvas.width / J, a * c.canvas.height / J) } }, xScaleAnimation: function(a, b) { if (0 !== a) { var c = b.dest, d = b.source.canvas, e = b.animationBase; c.drawImage(d, 0, 0, d.width, d.height, e - e * a, 0, a * c.canvas.width / J, c.canvas.height / J) } }, xClipAnimation: function(a, b) { if (0 !== a) { var c = b.dest, d = b.source.canvas; c.save(); 0 < a && c.drawImage(d, 0, 0, d.width * a, d.height, 0, 0, d.width * a / J, d.height / J); c.restore() } }, fadeInAnimation: function(a, b) { if (0 !== a) { var c = b.dest, d = b.source.canvas; c.save(); c.globalAlpha = a; c.drawImage(d, 0, 0, d.width, d.height, 0, 0, c.canvas.width / J, c.canvas.height / J); c.restore() } }, easing: { linear: function(a, b, c, d) { return c * a / d + b }, easeOutQuad: function(a, b, c, d) { return -c * (a /= d) * (a - 2) + b }, easeOutQuart: function(a, b, c, d) { return -c * ((a = a / d - 1) * a * a * a - 1) + b }, easeInQuad: function(a, b, c, d) { return c * (a /= d) * a + b }, easeInQuart: function(a, b, c, d) { return c * (a /= d) * a * a * a + b } } }, K = { drawMarker: function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) { if (c) { var p = 1; c.fillStyle = f ? f : "#000000"; c.strokeStyle = g ? g : "#000000"; c.lineWidth = k ? k : 0; "circle" === d ? (c.moveTo(a, b), c.beginPath(), c.arc(a, b, e / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), f && c.fill(), k && (g ? c.stroke() : (p = c.globalAlpha, c.globalAlpha = 0.15, c.strokeStyle = "black", c.stroke(), c.globalAlpha = p))) : "square" === d ? (c.beginPath(), c.rect(a - e / 2, b - e / 2, e, e), f && c.fill(), k && (g ? c.stroke() : (p = c.globalAlpha, c.globalAlpha = 0.15, c.strokeStyle = "black", c.stroke(), c.globalAlpha = p))) : "triangle" === d ? (c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(a - e / 2, b + e / 2), c.lineTo(a + e / 2, b + e / 2), c.lineTo(a, b - e / 2), c.closePath(), f && c.fill(), k && (g ? c.stroke() : (p = c.globalAlpha, c.globalAlpha = 0.15, c.strokeStyle = "black", c.stroke(), c.globalAlpha = p)), c.beginPath()) : "cross" === d && (c.strokeStyle = f, c.lineWidth = e / 4, c.beginPath(), c.moveTo(a - e / 2, b - e / 2), c.lineTo(a + e / 2, b + e / 2), c.stroke(), c.moveTo(a + e / 2, b - e / 2), c.lineTo(a - e / 2, b + e / 2), c.stroke()) } }, drawMarkers: function(a) { for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { var c = a[b]; K.drawMarker(c.x, c.y, c.ctx, c.type, c.size, c.color, c.borderColor, c.borderThickness) } } }, Ba = { Chart: function(a, b) { var c = new u(a, b, this); this.render = function() { c.render(this.options) }; this.options = c._options }, addColorSet: function(a, b) { W[a] = b }, addCultureInfo: function(a, b) { da[a] = b }, formatNumber: function(a, b, c) { c = c || "en"; if (da[c]) return X(a, b || "#,##0.##", new ca(c)); throw "Unknown Culture Name"; }, formatDate: function(a, b, c) { c = c || "en"; if (da[c]) return ra(a, b || "DD MMM YYYY", new ca(c)); throw "Unknown Culture Name"; } }; Ba.Chart.version = "v1.8.0 GA"; window.CanvasJS = Ba })(); /* excanvas is used to support IE678 which do not implement HTML5 Canvas Element. You can safely remove the following excanvas code if you don't need to support older browsers. Copyright 2006 Google Inc. https://code.google.com/p/explorercanvas/ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 */ document.createElement("canvas").getContext || function() { function V() { return this.context_ || (this.context_ = new C(this)) } function W(a, b, c) { var g = M.call(arguments, 2); return function() { return a.apply(b, g.concat(M.call(arguments))) } } function N(a) { return String(a).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, """) } function O(a) { a.namespaces.g_vml_ || a.namespaces.add("g_vml_", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml", "#default#VML"); a.namespaces.g_o_ || a.namespaces.add("g_o_", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office", "#default#VML"); a.styleSheets.ex_canvas_ || (a = a.createStyleSheet(), a.owningElement.id = "ex_canvas_", a.cssText = "canvas{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;text-align:left;width:300px;height:150px}") } function X(a) { var b = a.srcElement; switch (a.propertyName) { case "width": b.getContext().clearRect(); b.style.width = b.attributes.width.nodeValue + "px"; b.firstChild.style.width = b.clientWidth + "px"; break; case "height": b.getContext().clearRect(), b.style.height = b.attributes.height.nodeValue + "px", b.firstChild.style.height = b.clientHeight + "px" } } function Y(a) { a = a.srcElement; a.firstChild && (a.firstChild.style.width = a.clientWidth + "px", a.firstChild.style.height = a.clientHeight + "px") } function D() { return [ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1] ] } function t(a, b) { for (var c = D(), g = 0; 3 > g; g++) for (var e = 0; 3 > e; e++) { for (var f = 0, d = 0; 3 > d; d++) f += a[g][d] * b[d][e]; c[g][e] = f } return c } function P(a, b) { b.fillStyle = a.fillStyle; b.lineCap = a.lineCap; b.lineJoin = a.lineJoin; b.lineWidth = a.lineWidth; b.miterLimit = a.miterLimit; b.shadowBlur = a.shadowBlur; b.shadowColor = a.shadowColor; b.shadowOffsetX = a.shadowOffsetX; b.shadowOffsetY = a.shadowOffsetY; b.strokeStyle = a.strokeStyle; b.globalAlpha = a.globalAlpha; b.font = a.font; b.textAlign = a.textAlign; b.textBaseline = a.textBaseline; b.arcScaleX_ = a.arcScaleX_; b.arcScaleY_ = a.arcScaleY_; b.lineScale_ = a.lineScale_ } function Q(a) { var b = a.indexOf("(", 3), c = a.indexOf(")", b + 1), b = a.substring(b + 1, c).split(","); if (4 != b.length || "a" != a.charAt(3)) b[3] = 1; return b } function E(a, b, c) { return Math.min(c, Math.max(b, a)) } function F(a, b, c) { 0 > c && c++; 1 < c && c--; return 1 > 6 * c ? a + 6 * (b - a) * c : 1 > 2 * c ? b : 2 > 3 * c ? a + 6 * (b - a) * (2 / 3 - c) : a } function G(a) { if (a in H) return H[a]; var b, c = 1; a = String(a); if ("#" == a.charAt(0)) b = a; else if (/^rgb/.test(a)) { c = Q(a); b = "#"; for (var g, e = 0; 3 > e; e++) g = -1 != c[e].indexOf("%") ? Math.floor(255 * (parseFloat(c[e]) / 100)) : +c[e], b += v[E(g, 0, 255)]; c = +c[3] } else if (/^hsl/.test(a)) { e = c = Q(a); b = parseFloat(e[0]) / 360 % 360; 0 > b && b++; g = E(parseFloat(e[1]) / 100, 0, 1); e = E(parseFloat(e[2]) / 100, 0, 1); if (0 == g) g = e = b = e; else { var f = 0.5 > e ? e * (1 + g) : e + g - e * g, d = 2 * e - f; g = F(d, f, b + 1 / 3); e = F(d, f, b); b = F(d, f, b - 1 / 3) } b = "#" + v[Math.floor(255 * g)] + v[Math.floor(255 * e)] + v[Math.floor(255 * b)]; c = c[3] } else b = Z[a] || a; return H[a] = { color: b, alpha: c } } function C(a) { this.m_ = D(); this.mStack_ = []; this.aStack_ = []; this.currentPath_ = []; this.fillStyle = this.strokeStyle = "#000"; this.lineWidth = 1; this.lineJoin = "miter"; this.lineCap = "butt"; this.miterLimit = 1 * q; this.globalAlpha = 1; this.font = "10px sans-serif"; this.textAlign = "left"; this.textBaseline = "alphabetic"; this.canvas = a; var b = "width:" + a.clientWidth + "px;height:" + a.clientHeight + "px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute", c = a.ownerDocument.createElement("div"); c.style.cssText = b; a.appendChild(c); b = c.cloneNode(!1); b.style.backgroundColor = "red"; b.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)"; a.appendChild(b); this.element_ = c; this.lineScale_ = this.arcScaleY_ = this.arcScaleX_ = 1 } function R(a, b, c, g) { a.currentPath_.push({ type: "bezierCurveTo", cp1x: b.x, cp1y: b.y, cp2x: c.x, cp2y: c.y, x: g.x, y: g.y }); a.currentX_ = g.x; a.currentY_ = g.y } function S(a, b) { var c = G(a.strokeStyle), g = c.color, c = c.alpha * a.globalAlpha, e = a.lineScale_ * a.lineWidth; 1 > e && (c *= e); b.push("') } function T(a, b, c, g) { var e = a.fillStyle, f = a.arcScaleX_, d = a.arcScaleY_, k = g.x - c.x, n = g.y - c.y; if (e instanceof w) { var h = 0, l = g = 0, u = 0, m = 1; if ("gradient" == e.type_) { h = e.x1_ / f; c = e.y1_ / d; var p = s(a, e.x0_ / f, e.y0_ / d), h = s(a, h, c), h = 180 * Math.atan2(h.x - p.x, h.y - p.y) / Math.PI; 0 > h && (h += 360); 1E-6 > h && (h = 0) } else p = s(a, e.x0_, e.y0_), g = (p.x - c.x) / k, l = (p.y - c.y) / n, k /= f * q, n /= d * q, m = x.max(k, n), u = 2 * e.r0_ / m, m = 2 * e.r1_ / m - u; f = e.colors_; f.sort(function(a, b) { return a.offset - b.offset }); d = f.length; p = f[0].color; c = f[d - 1].color; k = f[0].alpha * a.globalAlpha; a = f[d - 1].alpha * a.globalAlpha; for (var n = [], r = 0; r < d; r++) { var t = f[r]; n.push(t.offset * m + u + " " + t.color) } b.push('') } else e instanceof I ? k && n && b.push("') : (e = G(a.fillStyle), b.push('')) } function s(a, b, c) { a = a.m_; return { x: q * (b * a[0][0] + c * a[1][0] + a[2][0]) - r, y: q * (b * a[0][1] + c * a[1][1] + a[2][1]) - r } } function z(a, b, c) { isFinite(b[0][0]) && (isFinite(b[0][1]) && isFinite(b[1][0]) && isFinite(b[1][1]) && isFinite(b[2][0]) && isFinite(b[2][1])) && (a.m_ = b, c && (a.lineScale_ = aa(ba(b[0][0] * b[1][1] - b[0][1] * b[1][0])))) } function w(a) { this.type_ = a; this.r1_ = this.y1_ = this.x1_ = this.r0_ = this.y0_ = this.x0_ = 0; this.colors_ = [] } function I(a, b) { if (!a || 1 != a.nodeType || "IMG" != a.tagName) throw new A("TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR"); if ("complete" != a.readyState) throw new A("INVALID_STATE_ERR"); switch (b) { case "repeat": case null: case "": this.repetition_ = "repeat"; break; case "repeat-x": case "repeat-y": case "no-repeat": this.repetition_ = b; break; default: throw new A("SYNTAX_ERR"); } this.src_ = a.src; this.width_ = a.width; this.height_ = a.height } function A(a) { this.code = this[a]; this.message = a + ": DOM Exception " + this.code } var x = Math, k = x.round, J = x.sin, K = x.cos, ba = x.abs, aa = x.sqrt, q = 10, r = q / 2; navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+)?/); var M = Array.prototype.slice; O(document); var U = { init: function(a) { a = a || document; a.createElement("canvas"); a.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", W(this.init_, this, a)) }, init_: function(a) { a = a.getElementsByTagName("canvas"); for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this.initElement(a[b]) }, initElement: function(a) { if (!a.getContext) { a.getContext = V; O(a.ownerDocument); a.innerHTML = ""; a.attachEvent("onpropertychange", X); a.attachEvent("onresize", Y); var b = a.attributes; b.width && b.width.specified ? 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"at" : "wa", k = a + K(g) * c - r, n = b + J(g) * c - r; g = a + K(e) * c - r; e = b + J(e) * c - r; k != g || f || (k += 0.125); a = s(this, a, b); k = s(this, k, n); g = s(this, g, e); this.currentPath_.push({ type: d, x: a.x, y: a.y, radius: c, xStart: k.x, yStart: k.y, xEnd: g.x, yEnd: g.y }) }; d.rect = function(a, b, c, g) { this.moveTo(a, b); this.lineTo(a + c, b); this.lineTo(a + c, b + g); this.lineTo(a, b + g); this.closePath() }; d.strokeRect = function(a, b, c, g) { var e = this.currentPath_; this.beginPath(); this.moveTo(a, b); this.lineTo(a + c, b); this.lineTo(a + c, b + g); this.lineTo(a, b + g); this.closePath(); this.stroke(); this.currentPath_ = e }; d.fillRect = function(a, b, c, g) { var e = this.currentPath_; this.beginPath(); this.moveTo(a, b); this.lineTo(a + c, b); this.lineTo(a + c, b + g); this.lineTo(a, b + g); this.closePath(); this.fill(); this.currentPath_ = e }; d.createLinearGradient = function(a, b, c, g) { var e = new w("gradient"); e.x0_ = a; e.y0_ = b; e.x1_ = c; e.y1_ = g; return e }; d.createRadialGradient = function(a, b, c, g, e, f) { var d = new w("gradientradial"); d.x0_ = a; d.y0_ = b; d.r0_ = c; d.x1_ = g; d.y1_ = e; d.r1_ = f; return d }; d.drawImage = function(a, b) { var c, g, e, d, r, y, n, h; e = a.runtimeStyle.width; d = a.runtimeStyle.height; a.runtimeStyle.width = "auto"; a.runtimeStyle.height = "auto"; var l = a.width, u = a.height; a.runtimeStyle.width = e; a.runtimeStyle.height = d; if (3 == arguments.length) c = arguments[1], g = arguments[2], r = y = 0, n = e = l, h = d = u; else if (5 == arguments.length) c = arguments[1], g = arguments[2], e = arguments[3], d = arguments[4], r = y = 0, n = l, h = u; else if (9 == arguments.length) r = arguments[1], y = arguments[2], n = arguments[3], h = arguments[4], c = arguments[5], g = arguments[6], e = arguments[7], d = arguments[8]; else throw Error("Invalid number of arguments"); var m = s(this, c, g), p = []; p.push(" ', '", ""); this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", p.join("")) }; d.stroke = function(a) { var b = []; b.push(" d.x) d.x = f.x; if (null == c.y || f.y < c.y) c.y = f.y; if (null == d.y || f.y > d.y) d.y = f.y } } b.push(' ">'); a ? T(this, b, c, d) : S(this, b); b.push(""); this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", b.join("")) }; d.fill = function() { this.stroke(!0) }; d.closePath = function() { this.currentPath_.push({ type: "close" }) }; d.save = function() { var a = {}; P(this, a); this.aStack_.push(a); this.mStack_.push(this.m_); this.m_ = t(D(), this.m_) }; d.restore = function() { this.aStack_.length && (P(this.aStack_.pop(), this), this.m_ = this.mStack_.pop()) }; d.translate = function(a, b) { z(this, t([ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [a, b, 1] ], this.m_), !1) }; d.rotate = function(a) { var b = K(a); a = J(a); z(this, t([ [b, a, 0], [-a, b, 0], [0, 0, 1] ], this.m_), !1) }; d.scale = function(a, b) { this.arcScaleX_ *= a; this.arcScaleY_ *= b; z(this, t([ [a, 0, 0], [0, b, 0], [0, 0, 1] ], this.m_), !0) }; d.transform = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { z(this, t([ [a, b, 0 ], [c, d, 0], [e, f, 1] ], this.m_), !0) }; d.setTransform = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { z(this, [ [a, b, 0], [c, d, 0], [e, f, 1] ], !0) }; d.drawText_ = function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this.m_; d = 0; var r = 1E3, t = 0, n = [], h; h = this.font; if (L[h]) h = L[h]; else { var l = document.createElement("div").style; try { l.font = h } catch (u) {} h = L[h] = { style: l.fontStyle || "normal", variant: l.fontVariant || "normal", weight: l.fontWeight || "normal", size: l.fontSize || 10, family: l.fontFamily || "sans-serif" } } var l = h, m = this.element_; h = {}; for (var p in l) h[p] = l[p]; p = parseFloat(m.currentStyle.fontSize); m = parseFloat(l.size); "number" == typeof l.size ? h.size = l.size : -1 != l.size.indexOf("px") ? h.size = m : -1 != l.size.indexOf("em") ? h.size = p * m : -1 != l.size.indexOf("%") ? h.size = p / 100 * m : -1 != l.size.indexOf("pt") ? h.size = m / 0.75 : h.size = p; h.size *= 0.981; p = h.style + " " + h.variant + " " + h.weight + " " + h.size + "px " + h.family; m = this.element_.currentStyle; l = this.textAlign.toLowerCase(); switch (l) { case "left": case "center": case "right": break; case "end": l = "ltr" == m.direction ? "right" : "left"; break; case "start": l = "rtl" == m.direction ? "right" : "left"; break; default: l = "left" } switch (this.textBaseline) { case "hanging": case "top": t = h.size / 1.75; break; case "middle": break; default: case null: case "alphabetic": case "ideographic": case "bottom": t = -h.size / 2.25 } switch (l) { case "right": d = 1E3; r = 0.05; break; case "center": d = r = 500 } b = s(this, b + 0, c + t); n.push(''); e ? S(this, n) : T(this, n, { x: -d, y: 0 }, { x: r, y: h.size }); e = f[0][0].toFixed(3) + "," + f[1][0].toFixed(3) + "," + f[0][1].toFixed(3) + "," + f[1][1].toFixed(3) + ",0,0"; b = k(b.x / q) + "," + k(b.y / q); n.push('', '', ''); this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", n.join("")) }; d.fillText = function(a, b, c, d) { this.drawText_(a, b, c, d, !1) }; d.strokeText = function(a, b, c, d) { this.drawText_(a, b, c, d, !0) }; d.measureText = function(a) { this.textMeasureEl_ || (this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", ''), this.textMeasureEl_ = this.element_.lastChild); var b = this.element_.ownerDocument; this.textMeasureEl_.innerHTML = ""; this.textMeasureEl_.style.font = this.font; this.textMeasureEl_.appendChild(b.createTextNode(a)); return { width: this.textMeasureEl_.offsetWidth } }; d.clip = function() {}; d.arcTo = function() {}; d.createPattern = function(a, b) { return new I(a, b) }; w.prototype.addColorStop = function(a, b) { b = G(b); this.colors_.push({ offset: a, color: b.color, alpha: b.alpha }) }; d = A.prototype = Error(); d.INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1; d.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = 2; d.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = 3; d.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = 4; d.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = 5; d.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = 6; d.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 7; d.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8; d.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = 9; d.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = 10; d.INVALID_STATE_ERR = 11; d.SYNTAX_ERR = 12; d.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 13; d.NAMESPACE_ERR = 14; d.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = 15; d.VALIDATION_ERR = 16; d.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 17; G_vmlCanvasManager = U; CanvasRenderingContext2D = C; CanvasGradient = w; CanvasPattern = I; DOMException = A }(); // source --> https://www.instagramda.com/wp-content/plugins/google-analyticator/external-tracking.min.js?ver=6.5.5 jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery("a").each(function(){var e=jQuery(this);var t=e.attr("href");if(t==undefined||t=="")return;var n=t.replace("http://","").replace("https://","");var r=t.split(".").reverse();var i=r[0].toLowerCase();var r=t.split("/").reverse();var s=r[2];var o=false;if(typeof analyticsFileTypes!="undefined"){if(jQuery.inArray(i,analyticsFileTypes)!=-1){o=true;e.click(function(){if(analyticsEventTracking=="enabled"){if(analyticsSnippet=="enabled"){_gaq.push(["_trackEvent","Downloads",i.toUpperCase(),t])}else{ga("send","event","Downloads",i.toUpperCase(),t)}}else{if(analyticsSnippet=="enabled"){_gaq.push(["_trackPageview",analyticsDownloadsPrefix+n])}else{ga("send","pageview",analyticsDownloadsPrefix+n)}}})}}if(t.match(/^http/)&&!t.match(document.domain)&&o==false){e.click(function(){if(analyticsEventTracking=="enabled"){if(analyticsSnippet=="enabled"){_gaq.push(["_trackEvent","Outbound Traffic",t.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1],t])}else{ga("send","event","Outbound Traffic",t.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1],t)}}else if(analyticsSnippet=="enabled"){_gaq.push(["_trackPageview",analyticsOutboundPrefix+n])}else{ga("send","pageview",analyticsOutboundPrefix+n)}})}})});